For the more experienced DJ's (advice)


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
Right, recently i've been flirting and talking to this '9' shall we say and recently, asked her to go out for a date,

anyway the date was last night and it was absolutely the perfect date, lots of KINO by both myself and her, no silences and all interesting talk for 4 hours, lots of eye contact and at one point we held hands,

anyway as the date finished before she got into her car she came up close to me which then i proceeded to kiss her, she kissed me quickly but as i went in for another (weh hey!), she told me to behave myself, pleased with myself with the kiss close i then drove home last night but early this morning i had a SMS text from her saying 'i hope i havn't been leading you on but i don't want anything serious',

this girl has only recently (like 1 1/2 weeks ago) split up with her b/f and i think still had feelings seen as she had pictures of him still in her purse (he's the biggest, fattest ugliest thing i've seen) so the question is...

is this game still playable and what would my fellow DJ's handle this situation?

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
Originally posted by stevey_2000
I had a SMS text from her saying 'i hope i havn't been leading you on but i don't want anything serious',

what would my fellow DJ's handle this situation?
I'd say something like "Yeah, you're right. I don't want anything serious either!"


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Right, recently i've been flirting and talking to this '9' shall we say and recently, asked her to go out for a date,

anyway the date was last night and it was absolutely the perfect date, lots of KINO by both myself and her, no silences and all interesting talk for 4 hours, lots of eye contact and at one point we held hands,

ok the first thing do you know what PRIZING means? that your first mistake throught this date it sound like you made her the prize when YOU ARE THE PRIZE

anyway as the date finished before she got into her car she came up close to me which then i proceeded to kiss her, she kissed me quickly but as i went in for another (weh hey!), she told me to behave myself, pleased with myself with the kiss close i then drove home last night but early this morning i had a SMS text from her saying 'i hope i havn't been leading you on but i don't want anything serious',

you should have kiss her, SO FAST, tease her a bit stroke her hair a little, go in as if you where trying to kiss her and when your lips touch hers PULL back, remember push and pull??

this girl has only recently (like 1 1/2 weeks ago) split up with her b/f and i think still had feelings seen as she had pictures of him still in her purse (he's the biggest, fattest ugliest thing i've seen) so the question is...

ok first of all any woman with picture of her ex in her purse and they are not dating, should bring up a red flag it sounds like this girl may be unstable, im not sure why you would even want ANYTHING with her.

is this game still playable and what would my fellow DJ's handle this situation?

like i said, i think this chick may be unstable, but you can turn this around by NOT kissing her ass, i can just hear in this post that YOU want her to like you, when your thinking is what is wrong until you think and make her think that SHE needs to do what it takes for you to like her, remember YOU ARE THE PRIZE!!!

WOW that orange really SUCKS...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
first of all mate, thanx for your input...

yes of course i know what prizing means, i am a DJ and have done v.well to get into the position i am now and without DJ skills, would have had no chance!,

this chic really isn't unstable, she's at uni later this year so it looks like she's not necessarily unstable!

i am the prize actually, it's her that is continuously SMS's and e-mails me, i just reply, i am not and have never kissed her @ss so i don't know where you get that from and i don't want her to like me, i'm off to work abroad next month and it is her that has asked me not to go!




Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by stevey_2000
first of all mate, thanx for your input...

yes of course i know what prizing means, i am a DJ and have done v.well to get into the position i am now and without DJ skills, would have had no chance!,

this chic really isn't unstable, she's at uni later this year so it looks like she's not necessarily unstable!

i am the prize actually, it's her that is continuously SMS's and e-mails me, i just reply, i am not and have never kissed her @ss so i don't know where you get that from and i don't want her to like me, i'm off to work abroad next month and it is her that has asked me not to go!


ok lets try another color, now first what is uni-later?? ok second the question really is WHAT exactly do you want from her...a shag (wow i actually used shag) a relationship what do you want.

ok since you knwo what prizeing is then you knwo one step of the whole prizing thing is (as David D. says) GIVE HER THE GIFT OF MISSING you dont reply so much, dont take het calls. Go ONE WEEK (seven days not five) of you not talking to her no calls, no emails, NOTHING and please DO NOT tell before hand why or that your going somewhere just ignore her for a WHOLE week. Even when the week is over dont tell her anything, when she ask be ****y and funny but never give a direct answer


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2004
Reaction score
Reading the first post I would say you did great. Simply because a kiss close on the first date means she's interested. The question is what is she interested in, and what does she think you're interested in.

Although talking to a girl for 4 hours and having fun is great. This is really giving her the LTR vibe. And as you said yourself she just came out of a relationship (with a hobbit) and isn't looking for that. That sms really showes it. Anything serious = LTR, casual hot sex = fun. I'm somewhat in the same situation as yourself, love hot girls :D , I however have no BF/ex BF stuff to deal with, but other competition. How do I handle it, less talk on the phone/msn/sms as possible and having a blast when we meet up. If I were you I would have a lot of fun with this girl, you can't lose. And before you know it somehow you end up naked together. Play it cool and calibrate on the situations, sometimes it's better to be a bit pushy, other times just be layed back.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by stevey_2000
Right, recently i've been flirting and talking to this '9' shall we say and recently, asked her to go out for a date,

anyway the date was last night and it was absolutely the perfect date, lots of KINO by both myself and her, no silences and all interesting talk for 4 hours, lots of eye contact and at one point we held hands,

anyway as the date finished before she got into her car she came up close to me which then i proceeded to kiss her, she kissed me quickly but as i went in for another (weh hey!), she told me to behave myself, pleased with myself with the kiss close i then drove home last night but early this morning i had a SMS text from her saying 'i hope i havn't been leading you on but i don't want anything serious',

this girl has only recently (like 1 1/2 weeks ago) split up with her b/f and i think still had feelings seen as she had pictures of him still in her purse (he's the biggest, fattest ugliest thing i've seen) so the question is...

is this game still playable and what would my fellow DJ's handle this situation?
First off I just like to say congratulations on living in the moment, and leaving the stress behind and focusing on having a good time.

The ony thing she is trying to tell you, is too not turn to some clingy overprotective insecure guy please. She is fresh out of a relationship and emotionally she is not stable yet, and is just looking to do things to have a good time, and get her mind off of things. Basically treat this as a girl who just wants someone wonderful in her life, whose energy can help her not think of the drama she is going through.

So just have a good time, and if you have any remove all thoughts about chasing her. You initiated, showed you were interested, now relax and let her chase some. Have normal conversation, and don't push with all the love you for life talk.

Good job.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Well first of all she only just broke up with her ex. Her emotions are not ready for anything serious. She is looking at this point things to do to pass the time.

You fit the bill. You spent money on her and kept her mind of her ex for 4 hours. And it only cost her a small peck.

It doesn't matter if that guy is fat. It also doesn't matter that she is a 9. I hate when you guys resort to such shallowness.

But this shallowness is also a symptom of why your wondering what to do. Your not plugged in my friend. No offense.

Let her have her grieving period and when she is ready for sex go get it.

She has been mulling this thing all night obviously by her very early morning sms. So think. Put yourself in her shoes for a moment and off your little brain.

Your game isn't strong enough to sweep her off her feet. If it was you woulda been in there. Nice guy approaches do not work.

I will bet the ex is a jerk and still has her mind all tied up.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
If you get involved with her you will be "the rebound guy". If you want to casually date her while she dates other people, fine...but let some other guy be her "rebound guy".


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Advice is right on here.

you've got to let her do all the work in this one. Let her set the pace and just roll with it.

As someone else said, if your not pushy your going to do well here....

As a caution, make sure your not to friendly... don't want to fall into the friend zone...

Good luck


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
Another classic case of S.O.B. syndrome.
<<doesn't have SOB syndrome... or anything else that u made up

i know things like this from experience...usually what happens, is she finds somebody else to rebound w/...f**ks them, realizes that she's still in love w/ the other guy, and gets back w/ him

real talk


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
Sheffield, UK
wow, didn't think i'd get this much info from you all, cheers!,

well i'm just at the moment chillin and keeping myself busy away from her,

just sex would be fantastic as i am leaving the country soon anyway and am not looking for anything LTR, but the worst thing is falling into the friend zone but to stay out of that i'm basically neg-hitting her and pay-arguing with her, anyway

cheers lads and may you all DJ well!


Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by pimpin_since_85
<<doesn't have SOB syndrome... or anything else that u made up

i know things like this from experience...usually what happens, is she finds somebody else to rebound w/...f**ks them, realizes that she's still in love w/ the other guy, and gets back w/ him

real talk
There are 6 billion ppl in this world, therefore to think that every one who does this wants sex says nothing of the ppl in the world it says something about your peception of the world and that what S.O.B. Syndrome is. It's sex on the brain syndrome or basically viewing and seeing everything through sexual eyes. Im not condamning your or anything because I know this is the state most of us pass through as we start to mature.

I dont expect you to agree with me now, but in time when you mature a little you'll understand this, as most older more mature men on here will understand this now.

As you get older you realize that "sex" isn't the beginning and end of everybody's thought process, just young horny males, or older males who haven't quite matured yet.