Focusing on your attractive looks to attract women is a passive thing to do......


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2009
Reaction score
If you are an attractive male (a 6.5 or higher) try not to base your value to women based on what you look like.

I know it is hard not to do, since we do THE SAME to women.

If you are a physically attractive male, try to focus more on your personality, your goals, your accomplishments and being aggressive.

Focusing how physically attractive you are for your sense of self-worth makes you think like a woman.

It will make you passive in your thinking and make you think too much.

In example......

Well, I don't need to have an aggressive personality or I don't need to be outgoing since I am good looking. Woman will come to me! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!

We all know this is true since we all know (or are one) good-looking men who struggle to attract women and men who are very mediocre looking have success with attractive women ALL THE TIME.

For example, I was at the gym today lifting. I saw a guy who was about 5'9", very average looking face (big nose) and a very average body talking to two hotties.

My point, mediocre and ugly looking men DON'T let their lack of physical looks affect their confidence. They focus on their personalities, achievements, etc.

If you are good looking, you DO have an advantage but try to FORGET you are good looking and don't get your source of confidence from your looks.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
I tried!

thats what i tried...I tried hard on getting my source of confidence from something other than my looks..but since a early age I have started crediting my success in anything at all to my looks and getting complimented by women sometimes for my looks doesnt help matters much..i realised a long time back that its a huge weakness just like you pointed out but i seem to be conditioned now to attributing all success to trying hard to get over it..but damn its hard!!