Flirty Girlfriend


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
I've been dating this chinese chick for the last 6 weeks .
Anyways , if you've read my previous threads , you know she loves to play games. 2 nights back we had an argument about me being not 'tolerative' enough for her mistakes . At one point of the argument , she was mocking me , after which I immediately walked away .Okay , so yesterday we didn't talk all day until like 9 PM when she called me 5 times .
Yesterday she told me that she spent the whole day with some other guy.But after her math class, she was with him, he apparently walked her to the next class, waited for her outside to get her class over, then she had lunch with him and he invited her to 'study' to with him at the library in the night with some of his friends . She said yes to him and she called me before coming to the library , I was on another floor of the library and we talked for the first time after the fight and she said she was leaving to study with some 'friends'(I didn't know anything about what happened then). We met again after the library closed at 11 and she told me everything . I value honesty but what's the point of such honesty .And the guy she spent the whole day with , at some boat trip last week , she joked about 'spending the night on his bed' , last night when I saw that guy and asked her if it was the same guy , she said no , like just lied to me .I knew it was him . So 2 hours later , she told me it was him.

My reaction to the whole situation was probably unexpected by her . I just smiled and I said , I hope you had a good time with him . And she said she actually didn't because she was feeling bad . And she said she's sorry for what she did and that this wont happen again and stuff about how she wants to be with me .I didn't ask for an apology or anything , it was all her . I said its cool and didn't get too emotional about this , something I have read is important . I said her lying wasn't impressive at all .Now that the dust has settled , what should my reaction be ?


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2013
Reaction score
asid12345678 said:
I've been dating this chinese chick for the last 6 weeks

what should my reaction be?
Im assuming you're dating "non exclusively" ? If thats the case she doesnt even warrant an acknowledgement from you that youve lost interest.....just delete her number and be done with her. Wouldnt even waste my time telling her its not going to workout.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I'd just keep hitting it while I was dating other women.

No more dates, or spending money on her.

Just late night booty calls after you go out with real girls that are more decent.

Plain and simple, she want's to fark so fark her.

Find a girl that wants a relationship and have one with her.

Give your deak to the one that want's that, and give your hand to the one that wants that...

Harry Wilmington

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
I don't like to make assumptions about things - after all, for all you know she could be telling you the truth about not having slept with this guy and feeling bad about being around him. But the reality is this: one, she paraded another guy in front of your face; and two, you guys are already having major arguments and it's only been a month and a half??

Dude, real talk: you shouldn't be having arguments with a woman so early on, at least not for the first 3 months - that's the honeymoon phase! You guys are already arguing about petty stuff this early on, it does not bode well for the future of the relationship. More importantly: even if you two aren't "official" yet, she shouldn't be telling you about other guys she's seeing. Even if she was, she shouldn't be bragging about it to you.

As far as I'm concerned, this girl is argumentative and shows no loyalty. Drop her and find someone else. Oh, and check out some of my podcast to get a better grasp of this whole dating thing so you can learn what NOT to do. Best of luck!


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Wham bam thankya ma'am


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Not one of the things you've put in your post should happen in the first six months of a relationship, let alone the first six weeks.



Don Juan
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Okay , she's sitting right in front of me as i type this . I decided to let it slip and ignore what she did . I mean the WORST thing that could happen is she would cheat on me and I would dump her ass . So until she does that which she hasn't , I'm gonna enjoy her . Last night I invited her to my room , we were playing around and she gave me a handjob and ******* , her second ******* to me .Choked that ***** and almost made her puke ;) And then she said she wanted to watch me *** , and I did it . We're good now , going out in a lil bit . But yes , I am alot more laid back . I think letting what she did affect me would only give her a message that I have too much feelings for her . Oh and btw , saw her ***** for the first time yesterday and when I was walking her to her building , she was like , "I dont know if my rule of not having sex before marriage is going to hold up " ;)

Have a good weekend players .