Fitch's Inner Revolution.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
"How can you inspire, when you yourself are not inspired? I don't know. I don't care. It's never happened.

When was the last time, I ask you, that you went to bed with a smile of complete satisfaction? When was the last time you woke up and took a deep refreshing breath thinking of the day ahead? When I ask you, was the last time you performed a selfless act?

Boring questions. He's the real one: When was the last time you did what you had to do?

Do you come home bored out of your farking mind as you waste the night away chatting about issues that you could almost care less about? Is the most exciting part of your life going to sleep? And in fact, is your life dedicated to another person? What is it you daydream of? What is it you dream of? What is it you get up for in the morning?

Your happiness is tied to the questions above and to the answers below.

We all fall into bad habbits and sometimes, even the most experience DJs become sexually inactive for awhile. The difference is that the experienced DJs see what is happening and take a step out of that crap. I do not enjoy going to school and boring away the precious hours of my life. I enjoy going to school and doing what I want to do. Saying what I want to say. Looking however I want to look. Today, I held hands with my bestfriend. Following that, I took another friend's arm in my left arm and we all 3 skipped around like 5 year old girls. Does that make me gay, unattractive or retarded?


I can not tolerate being like everyone else. It makes me feel weak and pathetic. It disgusts me to see other people with no identity. Luckily for the people reading this, you have an identity because you are a DJ or becoming one. Let me explain to you what exactly that is:

If you have ever read DonJuan, watched a James Bond or seen a real DJ, you noticed how absolutly remarkable these people are. Just seeing these people was motivation enough for me to aspire to become like them. These people walked as if they were purpose itself. They talked to you with so much passion that you could feel what they were saying. They were the life of the party and not once did something pop up that they looked away from. What bothered me the most about them was that while talking to you, they made you feel good. They made you feel like you were really alive. They talked to you as if you were equal to them. And best of all, they motivated you to join their little circle of elites.

I like living a life worth living. I like feeling a rush every single day of my life. And every single day of my life, I am surprised by what I am doing and by what I have become. I look into the mirror and do not look for zits, flakes or something between my teeth. All I see is something I could only have dreamt of becoming. And that was the greatest moment of the journey ever. That one moment when you looked into the mirror and didn't admire your beauty or your nice clothes. That one moment where you looked and felt an utmost feeling of pride. That the people who taught you and helped you as you climbed your mountain now greet you at the top with admiration in their eyes.

Is this not your idea of glory?

The most attractive quality in children that we for some reason think is incorrect is that they seemingly have unlimited energy. You look at children and they are not asking themselves all the retarded questions you are. And you know what else? They are happier than you are. You're obviously doing something wrong. That energy is the most attractive attribute you will ever acquire. Everything spreads. Tomorrow, I want you to do what you do every day. Be it sitting down in a corner like a loser wondering why life sucks or fingering your girlfriend. The only difference is that I want you to do it with a passion. With such energy that doing it any other way would make you spontaneously combust.

Walk around tomorrow like the entire world was made for you and it is your first day visiting. Just like a 5 year old stepping into disney land. Your eyes will be wide open as they desperatly try to grasp everything and day after day, you will relive this same fantasy. You will forget about being popular. You will forget about Olivia or whatever her name is. You will forget your past. You will be a clean slate tomorrow. And tomorrow, my friends, tomorrow you will be the walking incarnation of inspiration. You will be so great that even those that hate you can not help but admire you.

In the time of chivalry, two armies went head to head and one army lost. The two are naturaly enemies but that does not stop the victorious to admire the elegance in battle of their foes. What do I mean?

You have the tools to become succesful with women, but that alone is no achievement. I want you to become so great that even the guys you beat when getting a chick can't help but admire you. Only once did I compete with a competent seducter for a girl. After I had won, he told me that I was the better man and congratulated me.

You complain that people are idiots and every girl you meet is a slut. That the popular kids are retarded and your friends are losers. Birds of a feather flock together.

Take my challenge, I dare you. Dare to change your lifestyle for that is the greatest achievement of all. When was the last time someone took a second look at you?

Stop doing what you want to do. Start doing what needs to be done." - By LikRetsam.

Clang-Clang. Swords flay froth and fro in the air striking the cold steel of the footmens armour. The Revolution has begun. Kyle's GREAT revolution. Knights rush into the battle screaming, REVOLUTION with such passion even the ground winces in fright.

Blood is everywhere. Chaos is everywhere. The banner waves proudly in the air. As if by magic, a yellow brightness fills the void night sky. A red, yellow resurgances fueled the soldiers. It was the SUN. The new day. Screaming can be heard as a sword is lodged into a man's skull.

Silence... *Crickets Chirping...* The sun is at its pique. Here lays the brave soldiers who tried and thought they could reform.

Just over the horizon, a wounded soldiers, crawls toward the fallen flag. He picks it up.... and suddenly a searing pain scorches his ribs. It felt like a thousand lashes until pain began leaving his body... the black abyss was consuming the last of kyle's soldiers... all seems lost... all is quiet of the western front. The sun gleams down upon the havoc -- crying. Its rays futily attempt to revive the fallen comrades. But, alas, it was all in vain.... but wait...

*WAIL* The pain is back, blood is rushing throughout the body -- flooding into the outside world as an open door on a train during rush hour. The light is consuming the blackness. The world is repainted right before his eyes. He is alive. He screams, for Kyle - VIVA LA REVOLUTION. The banner lays on the floor firmly in place by a metal boot. Clad in a decorum of the current governments decorum. He is laughing. He knows he has won... a blade pierces his armour under his ribs. The fallen soldier, ____, gets up and rams him into the tree with the sword supporting the conserative in place. Raising the banner proudly in the air he screams, "its finished mother fvcker," and with a slow thrust inserts our banner at a 35 degree angle right through the defenseless soldier.

The new sun rises with its gleaming raise bathing the two remaining combatents. The banner waves proudly, at a slight angle, proclaiming victory! ___ lets out a victory cry and with that -- he was the only man standing. He was the only soul breathing in that forshaken place. The revolution has been won, with the new day bestowing a new begining.

I owe the this resurgance all to you, LikRetsam. Without you my soldiers would have never gathered arms and fought for the just cause -- you see, the darkness was blinding them.

You gave me the flames of passion to take on the challenge. I will forever hold this torch -- for it shall lead me in those darkest times we all must face.

When the sun rises, when the new day begins... (Feb. 11, 2005):

I am now the NEW FITCH. The NEW KYLE. I am reborn.

I will follow my schedule which I created -- putting down the insergency (bad habits). I shall take control! I take your challenge!

My schedule is practically perfect:

I shall do my Homework -- FIRST THING for it is a must, a priority. I NEED TO DO IT -- for the sake of my career.

I shall READ and WRITE MORE OFTEN (This forum shall also contribute to my writing skills) -- As a future lawyer/politician I NEED THIS PRACTICE

I will study my A.s.s. OFF! SATs, and beyond!

I shall follow your principles. I will be confident, I will be MYSELF, for I can be none other... :)

I shall do what NEEDS to be down. "Do not mistake temptations for oppurtunity!"


I will begin TOMORROW and end.... NEVER.


11 February 2005

The sun has rose with that the workers rebuilt the damages. The battleground in now a memorial to serve as a painful reminder of BEFORE and to gleam with joy at the mere thought of AFTER.

The Banner still waves, flapping to and fro at the winds mercy. Only the putrid corpse of the "boy" that once was.... remained.

The Man is born. The New Kyle. The NEW LIFE.
"Forget failures. Forget past mistakes. Forget everything except what you are going to do now, and DO it."

And so... it has just begun..... (my new life) *War Drum Beats in the Background, as the royal eagle soars proudly in the sky over those which perished for a just cause*
P.S. As part of my writing practice I desire to write a story. Of at least 200 pages. I am confounded on what to write ABOUT.

Can you, include in your feedback, on some ideas you would like implimented in this story. I am all ears.
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Don Juan
Nov 10, 2004
Reaction score
I was reading liktenstiens post right before i stumbled upon this one, and i agree it was a good post.

You've got some talent at writing, and i like how you used the analogy of the battle hardened warriors fighting for revolution. It was actually pretty inspirational.

Good job, keep it up.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Than you very much. :) I will!

Do you have any ideas on some story ideas? (Re-Read the Post Script)

P.S. Vote for me guys, will ya? :D During my speech I will cough the word Fitch so stay sharp so you know who to vote for. ;) :cool:

hot but a lil quiet

New Member
Feb 9, 2005
Reaction score
in the chair by my comp
thank you, for the inspiration me. tomorrow i will make my list on what i have to do, and i will start on friday. I wil live in MY world. I wont give a fvck about others.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score

Send an ambassitor to my lands. I can give you a layout of what needs to be rebuilt. My domestic and forgein advisors are willing to aid in your quest.
I am still stumpted.... what should I write about... I need a muse! :D
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Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
God, today didn't work out as I planned. But hey -- a new government doesn't form in one day. There is a short period of anarchy. :D

Tomorrow, my new government should be established!

As a matter of fact.... I will begin NOW and go to sleep when I'm done. A sacrifice must be made, for a good cause.

View Thread: Leaving on Vacation.... for an update on my progress.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
My country is established! View "Aftermath" for updates on my progress.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2004
Reaction score
sounds good dude

remember, chilling is a big part of your life too so don't go overboard with this

good luck


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
True. I need a balance. Fun comes after responsiblity. First I do hw and study then have fun!


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
It has been over two months. Did Fitch change -- for the better or for the worse?

The Scoop

I'm back from months without the forum, and my life improved. The changes are mediocre, however the obstacle course which I had to pass is also way behind me. I overcame the "impossible." I overcame bad habits!

It's all up hill from here, folks!

The upward journey up the hill, or rather the mountain, is never a smooth one. Nonetheless, I am well prepared for the exhilarating climb with the prospect of yielding great fortune, and success on the top.

A one way ticket to the top, and not by Ski-Lift.

Today, I just broke through. Today marks the change, aforementioned.

ONWARD with the CLIMB.

*By POPULAR consensus -- I am willing to consistantly update YOU on my progress (i.e.: Journal, short-storys like the first post, etc.)

*Note: I cannot read minds, especially over the computer. So if you are interested mention it in your "Reply."
This only serves to help members, such as yourself, as serving as an outline for what can be done, and a source of motivation.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Good luck to everyone pursuing self-improvement. :woo:


Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
Davie, FL
Sure, why not. I'd love to read it. I haven't read your first post, but from the feedback and reading long posts usually are good posts, I'd like to see it.

Pure Drive +

Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Yeah I want yout to post your journal and stuff. That would be awesome.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Alright, I'll start on April 30th. On a new thread titled: The Fitch Times.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Hot off the press!


As of 09 May 2005, I have published my very own Blog (an online journal). It will entail two sub-sections. The original blog will cover a broad range across the spectrum.

The First Sub-section:

It will directly correlate with this section. I will post about how I mentally struggled to change. It is offically successful. I am no longer addicted to games, and my academic grades have drastically improved -- and I am just getting STARTED. It will include the things I did that day (a check-list if you will), and its style will be mixed. On one day I may just list, the other day it will a hilarious fictional stories relating to my daily accomplishments; and to things we all hate and fear -- SATs and college applications.

Let this serve as guidance to young teenages of our planet, for fellow High School Juniors, etc.

You asked for it, now you have it!

The Second Sub-section:

A spin-off to my thread located in the Health and Fitness. Here I will include my transition from 125 lbs -- 132 lbs (last month) to 140 lbs (now) -- 160 lb (one day). Note: BF is less than 10%

<<<<<<<< The Main Blog: >>>>>>>>>

Number 1 = Spin-off to Fitch's Inner Revolution
Number 2 = Health and Fitness


Number 1:
Number 2:

PLEASE NOTE: THE URL IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE AFTER THE GRANDOPENING AT 10. To get find the accuate URL for "Number 1 and 2," follow these instructions:

Visit the MAIN BLOG ( and click on "View My Complete Profile," located on the upper right hand side your screen. Then, scroll to the bottom of the page. It will list the number of blogs I possess, the names of the blogs, and the URL.


Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2004
Reaction score
Read my first post. How would one introduce that for an essay?

Note: It begins with clang-clang.
I edited it recently, so it has a scentic introduction before the acual battle.