First time Back to gaming at the clubs


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
So I was mad at the live in gf, who I just ended everything with, set a time frame of 2 weeks for her to GTFO.

So Saturday night I was furious needed to vent.
She went out with her girls to some club..

I call my busy Jake, he's a UFC fighter and plays pro rugby.

We hit the clubs and go to this bumping as hip hop club.
There are all kinds of females in the line.

Because J and me train at a MMA center we knew the bouncers who let us thru in VIP. I guess this got the attention of some of the ladies in the line.

I see this one chic.oozing heat, I'm talkin 9 minimum! Most guys would say 10.

I dunno what got into me, I didn't wanna grab her and pull her in VIP incase thy causes trouble with the bouncers and the rest standing in line.

So I act like she's a long lost friend and go" Hoolly shiz!! Look at you! How have you been??!!!"

This catches not just her but everyone else in surprise, but she responds in kind like "oh wow! Look at you! I've been good, been too long since I saw you".

I hugged and asked the bouncer if I can take her in thru VIP entrance to the club he was happy and the people in the line ahead of her didn't mind.

Instant in. We laughed and I said it was raining and you looked cold.

Enjoy your night. I thought I'd push her away.
She however did not want to leave I guess. She just kept asking me questions like "you come here often?" etc.

Anyway I told her I'll come back and speak to her coz my buddy is waiting to buy drinks at the bar..I put the iPhone in her hand and say put it in, I'll ring you in 20 mins and come get you. So she does. Nikki.

I'm at the bar, drinking patron shots and the girls next to us are looking at us down 3 patron shots and like WOW!..
these chic were mix of black/white and one was from an island in the pacific.

Amazing dancers, we watch em break it down, and I mean really moving hips and everything..we start dancing, too doing the dougie and all that.

It becomes a competition, half way thru the DJ puts on that C Brown song, hands up in the air..and the mixed hottie calls me over with her finger and turns around and drops to the floor.
Honestly,probably the most sexiest sights I've ever ever seen..
I was purely amazed at how well she mixed this into the lyrics of the track I had to step.

I start dancing real close and she's welcoming..anyway It started onget a bit boring because we weren't break the ice I pull some funny stupid moves like the ATL finger snap n walkin it out, she laughs..
I hold her hand and gesture her to join me in bieng silly she does while laughing and I laugh back..I ask her to the bar and while getting a drink I ask her dancer and studying.drove here

By this time, Jake had taken her friend to the clubs bathroom and fvkd her good.I'm in this girls car, hooking up with my finger on her coochie and Jake and her gf walk up to car, her gf looks flushed and J smilin, they banged in the toilets..WTf!

Anyway this morning I realize I didn't ring that girl Nikki.

I called her ten minutes ago, she's at the gym and said this
" oh hey you! Thanks for getting me into the club, I didn't hear from you last night..."
I said yuh I got busy drinking
"oh yuh? I saw you leave with that other girl"


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
damn its good to see one of my mentors posting FR's again good to see you slick, can't wait 6 months from now when Im on my pretty boy shyt training in the gym brah.

Good to see you not tripping over your chick though


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
Haha ma man!...the one thing I didn't give up thru that Rltnshp was the gym dude..4 times atleast, if not 6..
It's not so I look huge as heck, but to feel comfy rockin nice clothes and to be healthy.
gym really motivates me for life, the routine and the discipline keeps you steady in life and it's are constantly making healthy choices and bucking the trend. So when the time comes to play, you call your own shots.

Whereas unhealthy people, sort of slide, and have the "anything goes" mind set. That's just failure all over it.

I basically have to reinvent my game though, I lost so much of it being in a relationship. What I wrote down there was just the success story that night.
What I didn't mention was the 6 or so other hotties that I should've approached but my mind wasn't quick enough to come up with a good in.
I missed atleast 4 opportunities because I was caught out.

But now that I've bagged two, im starting to feel it again.

Went for a drive in the New BMW X6 I bought a couple of days ago. Hit up Bondi beach in Sydney and it's jumping! out to get a protein drink l..and boom two honeys walking past looked at me..I smiled and said hi, they smiled back and giggled and started talking to me.

I didn't get any numbers, stupid I know they looked slightly underage, I wasn't sure(16-19, girls nowadays,ya can't tell) but damn it felt good..

You've been here long enough, yours is Bawss game man!


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
I love success stories from the club, because club game is my favorite game.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Slick: This is awesome bro, congrats. It reminded me of the good old days when I ways 18-19 and I pulled girls left and right at the club.

After getting into an LTR, I lost it and I'm having trouble figuring out what to do to get my magnetism back. Getting in better shape is a must; I know. I used to have flat abs & my pecs showed in my fit t-shirt. Now, I have kinda let myself go (getting over the LTR & focusing on my classes) and gained 10lbs (I still have my build, just gotta burn that ugly @ss fat!)

I want to bring that reality back to my life and this post gave me the last little push I needed, so thanks man! I'm starting today by eating well. Besides the physique, though, there are other things to begin successful at night game that I can't recall.

Any tips or comments?