First Date Sex


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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How do YOU go about having sex on the first date? After she's in your place, how long do you generally wait before making some type of move?

How do YOU suggest to a girl that she comes back to your place without actually saying, "let's go back to my place"? I know the obvious stuff like "let's have a drink upstairs" or "let's watch a movie".

I'm meeting this girl I met online tonite. We talked on the phone 3 times in the past week. Twice she called me, and once I called her. Last night we talked for an hour (totally opposite of what I normally do). She called me and wanted us to chat more before meeting. Her interest level appears to be very high. She also agreed to park in front of my place since the downtown area is bad for parking.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Here's how I'd play it:

She'll have to come to your place to pick up the car. When she does, just say something like "yeah, I guess we could hang out for a bit." Basically, you say it like it was her idea. The important thing is to say it as though you're 100% certain she wants to come. You make it seem you'd be shocked if she didn't want to hang out. You're implying that it'd be weird if she didn't want to come in.

Once you get her inside, get her a drink and sit down on the couch. Maybe put something on to watch. She might not have time for a movie, but maybe an episode of a funny show will do. From there, it's just gradual kino escalation.

First thing to do is to outstretch your arm and rest it behind her head. At this point it's not actually touching her, it's resting on the top of the couch. Basically, the point is to first establish proximity. Gauge her reaction. This shouldn't be too weird because you should have already kino'd her up a little bit on the date.

The next step is to move the arm down so it's touching her neck. It's not quite resting on her neck, but it's touching it. Again, gauge the reaction. From there, you can bring it down so that the weight of the arm is actually resting on her. Now, some firm kino has been established.

At this point, it's reasonable to expect that she's liking the escalation. It's very important to be horny at this point (you should be from the beginning). Don't express it verbally, but show it through the tone of your voice and the way you look her. Make lots of eye contact.

The initiating part of the kino is over. Now it's just time to keep escalating. Maybe pull her in closer. Stroke her triceps area. Drop the arm down to her waist area. Start to feel her hair. If you can do all these things, it's almost certainly a green light for the kiss.

I like to wait til after a joke for a kiss. Right after you both laugh, you're probably looking each other in the eyes. Then just let her know with your eyes that you're going for the kiss. From there, you commence making out and from there you escalate it to the bed.

Just a few things to keep in mind:
-Don't look at where you're touching her. That just makes it weird. So when you put your arm around her, don't look in that direction. When you stroke her arm etc., don't look at it.

-Eye contact is huge. It communicates many things far better than words can. If you're horny, it will come through in your eyes. If you're horny, her state of mind will start to match yours.

-Do the transitions gradually. Don't robotically go from step to step. If you're feeling horny, most of these things will just happen automatically.

-When you go in for the kiss, don't hesitate at all. Once you make up your mind to do it, just go for it. If you hesitate, it will make her feel uncomfortable.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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I had sex with her but couldn't get it super hard. Stupid alcohol. We had dinner, ice cream, then went dancing. Got back to my block around 3am.

I said "it's 3am, do you wanna come up?
"Sure," was her reply.

We go up and I put some music on. I do the arm test but I already knew she was into me because of her proximity to me on the couch and she laid her head on me and held my hand. Plus we touched and made out on the dance floor so kino was already there. Anyway, earlier in the night while at a bar, we were playing truth or dare and I chose dare which she said "I dare you to kiss my left boob". So, at my place, to get things rolling I said "your right boob is feeling left out". Haha. Lame, but it worked.

There was some first date sex resistance, especially when I went for her top. I had an easier time getting her pants off than her shirt. She text me when she got home letting me know she was home.

But with the alcohol, 2-3 hours of dancing, and giving her a piggyback ride up the stairs (3 flights) to my apartment made my performance in bed suck. And not only that, I was up early that morning.


1. Females do know when a guy is tired and had alcohol, he's the not the best in bed, right?

2. When should I contact her? I'd like to continue dating her for a while.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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1) I'm guessing she was pretty drunk herself, so she probably wouldn't have noticed. Most chicks understand that guys sometimes have off nights. Either way, there's nothing you can do about it now. Just drill her good the next time you do her!

2) As for calling her, call her whenever the fvck you want. But do NOT call her simply to chat. That reeks of AFCdom. Keep the conversation short and do it in order to set something up. You should only ever call with a purpose! Call a reasonable amount of time before the intended activity.

So if you want to take her out on Friday, don't call on Monday...that's a sure sign of desperation. Maybe wait until Wednesday. If you call by Thursday evening though, her weekend slate might already be booked.

Always remember to be unpredictable in your calling patterns. Don't always call her at a certain time. That way, you'll keep her wondering. If she knows exactly when you're going to call, it takes the suspense out of waiting.

You want to let her know that you're a busy guy and you have a lot going on in your life (and you should!). If you call a lot and never seem to want to get off the phone with her, you'll seem like a desperate chump and she'll think she's the best thing that ever happened to you. That is the kiss of death when you first start dating a girl.

The fact that she texted you when she got home is a good sign. It looks to me like you're in a good place. Now you just have to play it cool and not lapse into AFC ways.


Don Juan
Mar 8, 2010
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From a girl's point of view, when she has sex with a guy on the first date, what does it mean? I know girls don't have sex on the first date with every guy.


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
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It's really nice to hear that most of the people that responded that after having sex on the first date have either married or are in a long term relationship with that person. I wish my experiences had been the same. I too have met a couple of men on line that when I met him and everything was going great and we had a physical attraction as well as being comfortable with each other, we ended up having sex.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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johnwarner said:
I wish my experiences had been the same. I too have met a couple of men on line that when I met him and everything was going great and we had a physical attraction as well as being comfortable with each other, we ended up having sex.
Uh...what's your deal, man? Are you gay or straight or bi or what? On another thread you were talking about being with a woman, and now you're talking about banging dudes that you met online.