Finally got back my ex g/f


New Member
Feb 23, 2005
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Sydney Australia
Hey i wanna thank everyone for thier opions and im so happy that i found this site. It helped me get alot of ideas and helped me through this time.It was my dream to get my girl back.Anyone thats wants to read my old post its . Well this is how i tryed to get her back...after i told her i loved her i just tryed to show her when we were friends how much of a nice guy i was and took her out to dinner and bought her flowers i know alot of people on here might think thats being a wussy method and treat her man keep her keen is the way to go well...ive never used to use this on her and when i did,it did not go down well at all,i suppose if u are going to use this method u would have to use it from the start of knowing a new person.I just kept doing really nice sweet things for her,we were sleeping with eachother and she went through a stage when i wasn't allowed to touch her as she didn't want me to think i had her cause we were doing things...So a few weeks of no touching showed her i was not just after one thing and then she said she loved me and would i be her b/f again.This was my dream come true im so lucky.Look what i am turned off about is the fact now i know in the 5 all most 6 months we were broken up she sleped with other guys and i wanna know how many,which might not be my business but neverless i wanna know.She wouldn't tell me she said u have me now thats not important,so i asked her did she use any protection and she said no.Now im worried as i haven't used anything with her and its such a turn off.She said she was pretty much anyone's and she needed this time to find her self as a person and now she knows what we have is real and is right and wants to be with me forever,She said her getting around days are over>i found some photo's of a guy she was seing (sex buddy) in her album and he has tats on his body and its just a big turnoff to see these things.I kinda feel like im degrading myself now when i sleep with her.Wonder if these feelings i have will go away of keep bugging me ,seams now she wants me ,i like her but she seams more worthless to me now.i believe she had probably sleped with about 8 guys in the 5 months and used no protection at all.She also lied to me about a guy she sleped with ,saying she didn't before and when i questioned her again she said she did.Maybe it just is better to start Fresh ,I think its a bit hard to go back when there have been alot of guys in between you.What does everyone think about this,would these things bother most of you people.I thing for sure im making her and myself go to the doctors to get tested for stds.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2004
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By reading your prior post as well as this one, it appears that she is playing you like a fiddle.

You fit the role as the proverbial sensitive nice guy who she goes back to to sooth her ego every time things do not work out with the men she is banging.

Let's face it. This chick is using you big time and your thoughts of love and fairy tale romance is just an illusion that she is using with great effect to keep you around while she is spreading herself like a cheap ho. THIS CHICK DOES NOT LOVE YOU. You are nothing but a prop in her world of horedom.

Get it in to your freaking head that she is a ho. Once a ho, always a ho. Drop her like a bad habit before she causes more damage to your psyche.

And go read the Bible ten times before you post something as pathetic as what I just read.


Don Juan
Jan 26, 2005
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I'm only a newbie myself, but even I would get what's going on here.

I'm not going to go on and on. I'll put it simply: move on.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
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Down South. Between the Y junction.
Congratulations.... you are now so firmly under her control.... Do you have any respect for yourself left???

Don't thank us yet. I know what a relief it is for you to get her back coz losing her was so painful and your only mission in life was to get her back... You were willing to forgive her of ANYTHING... thats why you stuck with her and watched as these guys came by and fcuked your little darling one by one.... I'm sure this relief finally gave you a moment of pause to think about whether this relationship is really what you want.... This is why you feel some shame and humiliation for what you have done in order to get what you have..."ie. a $lut." No biggie if this is something you can accept and handle.. I know I could, but I'm not you!!!

"We always desire what we can't have"

However, her actions (ie. her $luttiness) could be just a result of the dynamics of your relationship with her... the environment and conditioning that lead her to do what she did. Her dynamics with the tatoo dude could be completely different. She might adore this guy and be really submissive because of his aloof attitude(hypothetically) and because he can.
You are weak and she by rights has the power...



Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Davo
i found some photo's of a guy she was seing (sex buddy) in her album and he has tats on his body and its just a big turnoff to see these things.I
ummm how man tats and where... you dont live in or near DC do you???


Don Juan
Jan 9, 2003
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Wow Davo, you need some serious advice.

You are on the way to being the biggest sucker ever born.
As others have said, she doesn't love you. You are going to be her convient "nice guy". I can guarantee that you will not keep her long.

You're already acting like a class A wuss. Telling her you love her, asking about the number of guys she's slept with...jesus, grab your balls and be a man.

Go read and re-read the bible my friend.



Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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This is the prize you handed your nuts to? OMFG! Doode, take your life back and run.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
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Clearly Davo is not taking his SoSuave medication properly. I'm going to let you be Davo and let you learn your lesson the hard way because apparently you are using your smaller head to do the thinking than the one that's most important. If anyone wants to know what it takes to be a man, do the opposite of what Davo has done.


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
Man, you're a pusssy.

When you first start to change you always get resistance. Three years ago, I wieghed over 220lbs and was a fat ****ing dumpling. BUt I still had a high opinion of myself and said to everyone who would listen "i'm going to lose weight and be a rock star." I lost about 50lbs and did it in a healthy, perminant way, but my mum would still offer me second helpings and try and force feed me like a pusssy. But I just had to say no.

When I first started acting in a way that got me girls, people would call me a **** or give me the hard shoulder, but after they realised the change was genuine and I wasn't acting up, they began to accept me for who I really was all along. It's harder to change somones perception of you once you know them, but if you really want to do it you can.

If you really want this woman, then it has to be on your terms. She slept with 8 different men in five months? You do the same. At first she will try to destroy you for even looking at another girl but if you ever got to a position where you'd slept with even more than she had, she'd look up to you in a perverse way.

But in all honesty, you'd be far better off not getting involved in a petty squabble and just live your own life and find someone worth caring about.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Ugh I almost got sick reading this. Why did you get back together with this girl again? This girl doesn't sound like she's worth your time. You have zero power in this relatinoship and you're also an emotinal punching bag.

I've made my stance on not getting back together with a girl after you've broken up before, and ordinarily I'd say that this is a prime example as to why. But this situation isn't even worthy of that train of thought. Instead I'll go the other route and tell it to you specifically how it is.

You sir need to have your head examined. You've broken your back in order to get back into a failing/failed relationship for another round of hurt. Not only does this girl have no feelings for you but she also knows she can do pretty much whatever she wants and you'll still be her saftey net/ lap dog to clean her feet when she ask.

You need to find whatever strength you have left in your mind, get your misleading emotions back undercontrol, break up with this girl and do some serious self discovery. Othewise you'll end up doing yourself a great diservice.

How can you be with someone if you don't have a solid grip on who you are.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
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David told his newest of two cats listen in order to stay here you must 1. Use the litter box 2. not rip any of my slippers 3. stay off of the furniture because I am alergic to cat fur, if you disobey this rules then you will be kicked out. David then left on a two day vacation.

Now whiskers the older cat told hormany, now listen this is a pretty good gig, david is a nice owner and if you follow his few simple rules then all will be good but if not you will be out in the cold. Hormany said nothing. An hour later as whiskers strolled through the kitchen he gasp! "Hormany what have you done?" He asked her. "I couldnt make it too the litter box so I had an accident on the floor, do you think David will be mad?" "David will be extremely mad" Whiskers said.

Harmony was saddened because she like the new place she was living so she sat in the corner for the two days it took David to get back, only moving to go eat and use the litter box. Two days later David returned to a gasp "What is this? Hormony, Whiskers which one of you did this?" Whiskers looked at harmony who put her head down in shame. "It was you harmony wasn't it? I am so mad at you, I told you the rules why did you do this?"

As Dave vented Harmony begin to purr and walk around his legs rubbing his leg. David looked down at the cute eyes of Harmony, and picked her up and felt soft inside. "Ok Ill forgive you this once, since you are new here silly cat, but dont' let this happen again." David put her down then proceeded to clean up the cat poo under the watchful eye of whiskers and hormony.

A day later David yelled "whiskers, Hormany!" As they came running to their loving master they halted as they seen his angry face. "Okay which one of you scratched up my new slippers?" Once again whiskers looked at hormany. "It was you wasn't it hormany?" Hormany purred and rubbed on David's leg. David looked down and shook his head, "what am I going to do with you you naughty cat? Alright you guys go play now." Whiskers casted a suspicious gaze at hormany who purred and walked away.

Later that evening whiskers walked into the living room to see Hormany on the couch next to David as he watched TV. Whisker was shocked. Hormany look at him then laid back down and watched TV with David. This went on for about 2 weeks until whiskers couldn't take it anymore. Later that night whiskers approached Hormany. "Hormany how did you get David to put you on the couch, he has never put me on the couch and I have been his pet for 5 years?"
"Who said David put me on the couch?" Hormany asked.
"Well if he didn't put you on there how did you get up there?"
"Eazy I jumped on there."
"YOu jumped on there, but wasn't you scared you would get in trouble hormany?"
"Of course not whiskers."
"Why not?"
"Because I knew he wouldnt do anything, that's why?"
"How did you know this?"
"It's ez I pooped on the floor when he told me he "would" kick me out if I did and he did nothing. I did that when i actually thought he might kick me out. Now if he didnt do anything to me when I actually thought he would why would I listen to him after I knew he would forgive me." On that note Hormany jumped off of the couch and proceed to head to the bed room. "where are you going?" whiskers asked.
"David just got some new shoes I would really like to play with, would you like to join me?"
After thinking for a second whiskers followed behing him "Sure, I've always wanted to know how it would feel to tear some of his shoes apart, and besides what is he going to do anyway?" They both laughed as they headed towards David's bedroom.
Davo say hi to your girlfriend hor-many, and the ninth guy she cheats on your with.


Don Juan
Jan 7, 2005
Reaction score
New York
This has to be a joke. I have to believe he's being sarcastic here. Because if he's being serious, he'll be back here within a month pissin & moanin how she dumped him with the LJBF. Oh well.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by car501
This has to be a joke. I have to believe he's being sarcastic here. Because if he's being serious, he'll be back here within a month pissin & moanin how she dumped him with the LJBF. Oh well.
I'm thinking so because he hasnt come back and replied.


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by omyomar
Listen if a girl is dating u for a while then leaves u THEN after a couple of weeks decides to come back u know there's something wrong man. It's obvious that she dumped u for some guy and it didn't work out with him so she came back to-her 'back up'. You shoulda never let her back, what u need to do is dump her like a sack of potatoes and get a new girl.

Trust me man this happen to me except i was the other guy. She dumped her bf, came to me, i declined and 2 weeks later she was back with her old wake up and dump her NOW!
The post from Royal Elite's cats story is fantastic to describe how women are and Omymar's post validates it. Women don't want to be alone, they will either make it up by trying to make as many guy friends as possible to validate their sexuality as their friends think they can get in her panties OR they only come to you (like a cat) when you are being favored but can easily ignore you and go back to another person just because they can.

You want someone that talks about you, wants to be around you... not to offend the women minority here but a "b-i-t-c-h" or like a dog. Where she seeks your approval rather than you being her "b-i-t-c-h" in which you come to her. Women know deep inside that they are the weaker gender, they just don't want to admit it.

The only time women truly get social power is when they have children or when they are very attractive.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
yo davo! please wash my ballz off while you're worshipping your h0bag.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Davo wake up bud!

Your girl has been sl*tting around for 6 months and all the while you have been sucking up to her trying to get her back! That has to be the saddest thing ever. No shyt you don't like the way it feels to hear that she's been getting rocked by all these other guys. Just remember YOU allowed it all to happen. YOU allowed her to get away with it. YOU allowed her to have this power over you.

Your girl is a user. She may say she loves you now but after your whining about her screwing all these other guys that won't last long either. I guarantee her respect for you has gone down. It won't be long before she's looking for another guy she can respect. Trust me being a nice guy and buying her flowers etc. isn't going to change a damn thing. Its all going to come back and bite you in the arse.