Fighting with my mother a lot. I completely exploded. I feel like I'm gonna kill someone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I know this isn't the usual type of help that is asked for on here and I would post this on the Anything Else category, but she still is a woman so I guess I'm putting it here.

My 'mother' has recently been very angry and annoying lately. She keeps on trying to start stuff with my dad and my siblings. And today, I blew up. A lot of stuff from when I was a little toddler has been building up. Yeah she was abusive to us but now that I am older she doesn't try to physically harm me, she is afraid to. She doesn't do the normal motherly things, hasn't ever really except maybe when me and my siblings were too young to know how to do anything. But today, I completely blew up and I still haven't gotten all of it out of my system. I probably never will unfortunately.

So I was trying to make myself some food because I was hungry. She comes in and asks me how I was doing, I say that I'm hungry. She doesn't like the response and says to just say 'fine' next time (I always ask her if she made any food, been doing that since I was 13 because she never really cooked much so this bothered her because she knows right away that she is in the wrong for not feeding her family). If she doesn't like the response, then why ask? The whole morning she was mad and nitpicking at every little thing, I tried blowing it off. My dad asked my mother if she kind help find a wife for my uncle (my dad's brother) because his wife died of breast cancer and he is extremely distraught. She rages and says "you know what, your brother is sick, he's just a fvcking PIG!!" and says that like 8 or 9 times. My dad asks her why she is so mad for and she gives some bullsh!t response; my dad leaves the house. She is giving attitude and being mean but I just want to eat so whatever. Our dog starts to bark and she yells at him to stop and I say it's because he just wants attention and to go outside. She somehow converts that into me beating our dog and starts to insult. I tell her "Stop. Why are you so mad for?" She says "I'm just mad just because. I don't know". Banter back and forth and I feel an evil vibe from her, she keeps on finding things to criticize and condescendingly insult. I start to get mad because of the crap this morning. "Stop! What the fvck is your problem?" to which she looks at me with an angry expression and says "I don't want to have to cook for you fvcking kids" and then i start to lose it and absolutely FREAK out. Honestly, it wasn't a lot stuff she said or did that bothered me, but the evil feeling she gave off reminded me of that feeling when I was a kid scrambling up the fvcking stairs to try and lock the door in our room or hiding underneath sofas or tables to get away from her. I wasn't able to defend myself back then, none of us were. But now we are so she doesn't try to do that anymore.

I freaked out bad. I told her "shut up you cvnt" probably 10 or so times, I spat on her, screamed at her, I told her that the only reason I didn't kill her was because she was my mother (this is true. With all the stuff she has done to me, my brother, my sisters, and my dad when we were little, there is no way you would let a person like that live. She just so happens to be our mother though so we won't), I kept screaming at her to shut up. She kept on patronizing me and mocking me the whole time, she didn't start to get really mad until I took her coffee cup (she loves coffee more than us, I cut her wire for the coffee maker a few weeks ago because I didn't want to hit her, I can't because she is my mother. She wished for me "to just die" and hoped that I "get shagged up the ass"). There is a lot of other stuff buried deep inside of me that I have trouble explaining. I just have lots of flashbacks and memories that I don't like and they almost all revolve around her, though some are from my dad. I'm wondering what is wrong with me, I think I am too emotional. My brother is stoic and rarely flips like I just did, my sisters don't freak out because they are still somewhat afraid of my mother since they are girls. My dad won't do anything to her because his parents got divorced when he was in 7th grade and it destroyed his life after so he does not want that to happen to us. Now my dad is going to come home and give me a lot of hell for everything that just happened. She was crying and trying to blame the victim. I think she wanted me to freak out like I did so that she would no longer be in the wrong. That way she can rationalize that what she did was justified and her ego wouldn't have to comprehend how badly she fvcked us up.

About a year ago it was with my dad that I had issues with and was fighting with a lot. He finally backed down though because he saw that me and my siblings were really angry with him and hated him so he looked at himself one of the few times in his life and admit that he did something wrong and fixed it. These past several weeks have been a storm with me and my mother though. This was the biggest argument I have ever had with her. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to cry right now and I hate it. My parents always make me cry but I know that men don't cry. **** me, I hate this. I wish I loved my mom and I wish she loved me too. But like you guys always say, that's just Disney fairytale ****.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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Grown men cry, it happens. Your mom sounds pretty messed up, but lashing back with the little things you do isn't helping the situation at all. I would suggest trying to move out when you can, not sure where you are at in school. Or just never be home when she is there. If you can't keep yourself in check, it is probably better to minimize all encounters with her.

Some mom believe by bringing you into this world, and raising you (no matter how), they have done their part. Nothing you can do about it, but accept it for what it is. Maybe take her out to dinner or something after things have cooled and try to talk to her like an adult.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 15, 2016
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You know what I did when I had it with my mom? I moved out.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Firstly, you have to try and calm down. You don't want to make a mistake you will regret because it sounds like everyday, you are getting closer to the brink of one.

Having arguments and feeling resentment for your mom is one thing.

Thinking of killing her or how you didn't kill her is a whole other thing.

I think the best thing is to start planning and executing your way towards independence so you are away from her toxicity.


Feb 5, 2016
Reaction score
I think the best thing is to start planning and executing your way towards independence so you are away from her toxicity.

OP.. You can't change your mom, accept that. But you can change your reaction to her behaviour, and that is the key. You have no control over anything outside of yourself. And everything is impermanent and subject to change... Everything changes... Everything ends (including situations, feelings, thoughts, emotions, perspectives, and life itself).

I respect you for sharing your emotions and situation honestly without putting on a "tough guy" mask. You're not a "beta". You're a man who wants to better himself. And you're not even 20 yet. Thats rare. That's a mark of maturity.

You've shared your problem now. I don't discuss problems. I discuss solutions. PM me if you're interested.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
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He's 17.

Nothing is wrong with you. You have been having a less than stellar childhood and you are old enough to really understand that and are mad about it.
We do what we know, unless we evolve. Unfortunately it takes an evolved human being to know that they must be better than what they were taught.

What was your mothers upbringing like? Are there any clues there?

Ryan Adams

Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2016
Reaction score
Your mom is a rotten woman get a job find friends rent somewhere live with a friend etc. you will be much happier.... trust me i know people who had phyically abusive parents and once they left they became much happier. They now have a nice big ass house just got engaged and are living the american dream. You can do it bro


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
How old are you? Do you have a plan for being able to move out at some point?
I'm 17 and yeah I do, but not in the near future. About 3 and a half years from now I will be able to.
Hit the boxing gym.
We used to have a punching bag, but my dad threw it out after we moved even though I told him not to multiple times. He thought I said TO throw it out though somehow...
What was your mothers upbringing like? Are there any clues there?
I know about it, it was a bit rough because her mother was from Korea (back before they split into the North and South) and her sister and older brother were always getting into mischief so they got beat a lot. Those two ran away a lot and my uncle from her side is absolutely fvcked in the head now because he was a HUGE drug addict. My mom was the most well-behaved though and got good grades until she moved away to college. That's what she told me. She didn't really get hit. It wasn't the best upbringing for her to be completely honest. But I will not cut her any slack though because my father had the worst life you could possibly live on planet Earth and still is a better parent than her.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
Get out. She is a trainwreck. Your dad made his choices. You can make a different one.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
I'm 17 and yeah I do, but not in the near future. About 3 and a half years from now I will be able to.

We used to have a punching bag, but my dad threw it out after we moved even though I told him not to multiple times. He thought I said TO throw it out though somehow...

I know about it, it was a bit rough because her mother was from Korea (back before they split into the North and South) and her sister and older brother were always getting into mischief so they got beat a lot. Those two ran away a lot and my uncle from her side is absolutely fvcked in the head now because he was a HUGE drug addict. My mom was the most well-behaved though and got good grades until she moved away to college. That's what she told me. She didn't really get hit. It wasn't the best upbringing for her to be completely honest. But I will not cut her any slack though because my father had the worst life you could possibly live on planet Earth and still is a better parent than her.
Don't buy into the idea that her upbringing is an excuse for the way she treats you. That just breeds a captain save a ho, white knight mentality into you.

Realize your self worth and internalize in your head that you shouldn't be treated the way she treats you.

If you do the opposite, it will spill over into your dating life as you grow up. Whenever a woman treats you bad, instead of realizing you should be treated better, you will be looking for excuses as to why she's being a b!tch to you, rationalizing her behavior and before you know it, you're stuck in a relationship or marriage with someone just like your mom.

They usually say that a girl's relationship with her father dictates the kind of man she will end up with. The same can also apply to young men.

Don't excuse her behavior towards you. Don't try to appease her because she "may" have had a "rough" upbringing.

Yes, you're 17 but you can start planning and working your way towards independence. Pick up a job, no matter how little. Save and save. Have a certain age by which you want to move out from underneath her clutches and save towards it.

In an ironic way, this friction with your mom will actually teach you how to deal with women too. You never want to let her taunting words or actions get to you so much that they push you to even think about physically assaulting them.

Ignore, ignore, ignore. Anytime she acts up towards you, just look at her like a big baby in an adult body that never grew up.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 28, 2000
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Elk Grove, CA
Quickest way to become independent is to join the military once you are 18. There are plenty of career fields that don't involve walking around with a weapon. Plus, you could get some training and certification in technical skills that directly translate to a civilian job.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Don't buy into the idea that her upbringing is an excuse for the way she treats you. That just breeds a captain save a ho, white knight mentality into you.

Realize your self worth and internalize in your head that you shouldn't be treated the way she treats you.

If you do the opposite, it will spill over into your dating life as you grow up. Whenever a woman treats you bad, instead of realizing you should be treated better, you will be looking for excuses as to why she's being a b!tch to you, rationalizing her behavior and before you know it, you're stuck in a relationship or marriage with someone just like your mom.

They usually say that a girl's relationship with her father dictates the kind of man she will end up with. The same can also apply to young men.

Don't excuse her behavior towards you. Don't try to appease her because she "may" have had a "rough" upbringing.

Yes, you're 17 but you can start planning and working your way towards independence. Pick up a job, no matter how little. Save and save. Have a certain age by which you want to move out from underneath her clutches and save towards it.

In an ironic way, this friction with your mom will actually teach you how to deal with women too. You never want to let her taunting words or actions get to you so much that they push you to even think about physically assaulting them.

Ignore, ignore, ignore. Anytime she acts up towards you, just look at her like a big baby in an adult body that never grew up.
Yeah I see what you mean. Once she saw me get mad like that she stopped spitting her hateful and angry vitriol and tried to subconsciously defuse the situation but I wasn't having it. I will try to ignore her from now on. She isn't my mom. I don't have a mom. My mom is dead. I need to remember that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
Reaction score
Quickest way to become independent is to join the military once you are 18. There are plenty of career fields that don't involve walking around with a weapon. Plus, you could get some training and certification in technical skills that directly translate to a civilian job.
This ^


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Yeah I see what you mean. Once she saw me get mad like that she stopped spitting her hateful and angry vitriol and tried to subconsciously defuse the situation but I wasn't having it. I will try to ignore her from now on. She isn't my mom. I don't have a mom. My mom is dead. I need to remember that.
Quit that underlined crap! that is just downright disgraceful!

Treat her like a plate. ignore and don't give her the time of day. and don't slip frame


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
My mom just got back from the hospital today after 6 days there having major surgery. Appreciate you mom while she is still here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Quit that underlined crap! that is just downright disgraceful!

Treat her like a plate. ignore and don't give her the time of day. and don't slip frame
And how do you keep a strong frame with a plate? You need to have leverage over them. I do not have leverage over my mom, she does over me. And she seeks to abuse that power. THAT is disgraceful. Saying that she isn't my mom is for my own sanity, not because I hate her. It will help me deal with that issue.
My mom just got back from the hospital today after 6 days there having major surgery. Appreciate you mom while she is still here.
I cannot appreciate someone who cannot appreciate me and instead will seek to harm me in different ways.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
I'm so sad to read all of this. Know that there is love out here for you. Believe. Please.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
My mom just got back from the hospital today after 6 days there having major surgery. Appreciate you mom while she is still here.
I'm glad your mom is doing better, Neil, my best wishes for her. I try to always disagree with you, just as a general policy, but even you occasionally says things which do not bear argument. Honor thy mother and father is a commandment for a reason - it's fvcking hard to do. If it was easy, it wouldn't be a commandment.

To the OP, your mother was abused; that's why she abuses you. That doesn't make it ok. The reason that this point is relevant is that, in probably just a few years, you are very likely to be a parent yourself. Or maybe you won't, and just be in a relationship. Either way, your mother's abuse has the chance to manifest itself again in your life by making you abusive to others. If she beat you as a kid, it's going to be hard for you to not beat your own wife or kid. That's the cycle.

On the bright side, abuse makes you tough. I know that from experience. You're not the only one who has these things happen with their family. A lot of us lived through similar hell growing up. Then you go out on your own and get away from it. And on thanksgiving and Christmas, everyone pretends none of it ever happened, and then you go back to ignoring each other for the rest of the year.