Fighting 101 (feeling less alpha?)

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
And you get up here and claim to be able to knock the experienced drunk bar fighter out with a straight punch, YET..having no fvckin real street fighting experience?
Stop putting words in my mouth.

Remember when I said :

yeah I am. And i'm not going to tackle some guy who looks like a hard-core street fighter ffs, let's be sensible.
Remember when I said the exactly OPPOSITE of what you've just put in my mouth? remember when I said I wouldn't take on somebody I didn't think I could beat?

If you think you're losing the argument, then I understand why you need to cheat.

But in the end it juts makes you look like a fool.

p.s YOU started it actually, by calling me "an idiot". either your memory is awful, or you're one pathological liar.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
you are so full of sh1t, it's untrue.

There are two arguments going on here, the real one, and the one in your head.

When did I claim to be an awesome fighter?
When did I insult you first?



Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the pl

If this guy wants to learn to fight fast he shouldn't waste time with hooks.

You CAN get more power with a hook if you can keep it close and tight with proper body and foot movement.

But standing squared off and attempting to throw a haymaker makes a wide arc and you throw your weight too far and lose balance, thus lessening the power of the punch because it loses it's snap and speed.

Learn the basics 1 - 2 then mess with hooks if he can't throw a proper jab and straight he's gonna hurt himself throwing a hook.. plain and simple.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
HalfAddict said:

If this guy wants to learn to fight fast he shouldn't waste time with hooks.

You CAN get more power with a hook if you can keep it close and tight with proper body and foot movement.

But standing squared off and attempting to throw a haymaker makes a wide arc and you throw your weight too far and lose balance, thus lessening the power of the punch because it loses it's snap and speed.

Learn the basics 1 - 2 then mess with hooks if he can't throw a proper jab and straight he's gonna hurt himself throwing a hook.. plain and simple.
Which is exactly what I was saying. Give 'im a straight one on the chin.

Another thing is to wear shoes with steel toe caps, and crack him in the shin before he get's to you ("weapons" like that are totally concealable and totally legal). Never go looking for fights, but always be prepared; at least that's the way I see it.


May 1, 2007
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Streetfighting as a whole should be avoided. I have been in advanced boxing classes for a long time now, and while i know boxing is much different than streetfighting, it also shows you what kind of punishment some people can take and deliver.

Heres my best advice: To win a fight with most anyone (experienced fighters are an exception) You need to be able to hit EXCEPTIONALLY HARD.In The heat of the moment during a fight, both parties are usually unnafected by pain. So you had better be able to hit hard enough and accuratley enough to cause real physical damage. Broken ribs, knock them down, rattle their brain so much from a punch that they physically cannot continue. This is unrealistic punching power for most people.

You also had better be smart, quick, caculating and unheasitant. If youre going to fight, youd better do it, dont second guess yourself as the knife digs into your gut.

A lot of people like to say something along the lines of "well in a fight everything goes black". True for most, but the best fighters are the ones who remain calm and watch their opponents every move. If hes throwing wild, easy to dodge haymakers and youre calm and weathering/ dodging every hit, eventually (soon) he is going to eithier be word out and easy to take out, or youre going to catch him with one vicious punch he isnt going to recover from for the rest of that fight.

You also need to remember that even if you can hit hard enough to knock someone out with a bodyshot, a bat to the head and laugh, or dodge any punch, that youre still human and getting shot in the face will still kill you. Getting stabbed will kill you. Held down and strangled will kill you. Kicked in the head by 30 people for an hour will kill you. Being run through with a knife while youre beating his buddies ass is not that unrealistic of a scenario. So, just be careful out there.


Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Personally I have never started a fight, for the reason that here in the US you can go to jail and be sued for all you have if it is proven that you instigated the fight. But for self-defense purposes If somebody is getting to the point where they want to fight me, I usually try to get the attention of the people around by making a scene (witnesses) then wait for the other person to throw a punch or push.

Once they instigate the fight, it's on, what I have found out that works the most without you being damaged is to kick their legs repeatedly, while trying to avoide face punches, after you think thei'r legs have substained damage, you should take them down on the ground (watch some real wrestling videos or if you wrestled @ school you have a huge advantage) and proceed to land a few hard punches, while you're on the top position (just be careful not to fracture their skull with the ground or they can sue you for atttempted murder) control their hands. If you're an experienced wrestler you can turn them on their belly and grab both their hands and put them behind their backs and keep them there until the police or some1 else arrives. (Do not fight if they have friends around, because 95% of the time they will try to help their homie)

Fights should be avoided at all costs due to the way the legal system works in the U.S. where even if you were defending yourself you might still end up with charges and it really is not worth to have something on your criminal hsitory because some idiot was trying to be a thug.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
The best way to avoid a fight is to roll at least 3 or 4 deep when you go out somewhere. The place I live I dont have to do that because people know me and no one ever starts sh!t with me. Im not a violent person by nature but everyone has buttons that can be pushed and then they snap.

Most people wont mess with you if youre an imposing figure. Myself being 6'1 225 lbs. I work out 5 times a week and run. Being in good shape is important in fighting. If youre stronger than your opponent you have an advantage(unless the guys a pro fighter or martial artist) I know whenever I walk in most places Im stronger than 90% of the guys in there because I work out.

Ive had 2 incidents in the last month that should have resulted in a fight. The first was about 4 weeks ago and I had a party at my house and got really smashed. I get beligerent when I get that drunk. Anyways I was talkin to my ex outside the bar and she pissed me off. She walked away from me and there was this guy(frat guy) she knows standing right there(she told me before that this guy likes to fight) So me being me I say to her "hey watch this" walk up to the guy grab him by the face with my right hand and push him about 5 feet away. The guy is probably 6' 240. He didnt do anything. two weeks later im out by myself and I leave the bar to walk home. The same guy follows me with 3 of his frat buddies. Im outnumbered 4 to 1. Guy walks up and says you gotta problem. I say nah man I was real drunk and pissed off it wasnt personal. Hes like ok whatever. One of his boys gets right in my face and says " I heard you said you were gonna whoop his @ss cuz TKEs werent around" That was it. Im like WTF u talkin about. I take both my fists and punch him right in the chest with both of them. My adrenaline was pumpin at this time cuz I thought it was about to go down. I say what you pu$$y mother effers gonna jump me? well lets go motha effers. And start actin all crazy. Anyways they didnt do sh!t. Maybe im just lucky


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
This thread is a joke right?


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
NSUballer said:
The best way to avoid a fight is to roll at least 3 or 4 deep when you go out somewhere. The place I live I dont have to do that because people know me and no one ever starts sh!t with me. Im not a violent person by nature but everyone has buttons that can be pushed and then they snap.

Most people wont mess with you if youre an imposing figure. Myself being 6'1 225 lbs. I work out 5 times a week and run. Being in good shape is important in fighting. If youre stronger than your opponent you have an advantage(unless the guys a pro fighter or martial artist) I know whenever I walk in most places Im stronger than 90% of the guys in there because I work out.

Ive had 2 incidents in the last month that should have resulted in a fight. The first was about 4 weeks ago and I had a party at my house and got really smashed. I get beligerent when I get that drunk. Anyways I was talkin to my ex outside the bar and she pissed me off. She walked away from me and there was this guy(frat guy) she knows standing right there(she told me before that this guy likes to fight) So me being me I say to her "hey watch this" walk up to the guy grab him by the face with my right hand and push him about 5 feet away. The guy is probably 6' 240. He didnt do anything. two weeks later im out by myself and I leave the bar to walk home. The same guy follows me with 3 of his frat buddies. Im outnumbered 4 to 1. Guy walks up and says you gotta problem. I say nah man I was real drunk and pissed off it wasnt personal. Hes like ok whatever. One of his boys gets right in my face and says " I heard you said you were gonna whoop his @ss cuz TKEs werent around" That was it. Im like WTF u talkin about. I take both my fists and punch him right in the chest with both of them. My adrenaline was pumpin at this time cuz I thought it was about to go down. I say what you pu$$y mother effers gonna jump me? well lets go motha effers. And start actin all crazy. Anyways they didnt do sh!t. Maybe im just lucky
Lol...Captain American Meathead again. I love this guy. You should come down to Manchester "rolling 3 or 4 deep" and start some don';t use guns over here...and your muscles won't save you either....I've seen a lot of posers like you get taken out over the years....dumbass.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
You seem to have some kind of inferiority complex about us AMericans. Do you feel like America is superior? Do you feel I am Superior to you. You must otherwise you wouldnt make comments about me every chance you get. Get a life buddy. And who said anything about guns douche? Why dont you bring you and your buddies down here to South Louisiana and start somthin. You might not make it back to manchester on 2 legs...yea im a big poser too lemme tell ya...just keep hidin behind your keyboard


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
NSUballer said:
You seem to have some kind of inferiority complex about us AMericans. Do you feel like America is superior? Do you feel I am Superior to you. You must otherwise you wouldnt make comments about me every chance you get. Get a life buddy. And who said anything about guns douche? Why dont you bring you and your buddies down here to South Louisiana and start somthin. You might not make it back to manchester on 2 legs...yea im a big poser too lemme tell ya...just keep hidin behind your keyboard
lol I did type a sensible reply but deleted it when I realised you admitted you were a poser. Nice one. Intelligent as well meat-headed. Then I realised that you, on a keyboard, thousands of miles away, told me to keep hiding behind my keyboard. :D

lol at South Louisiana. Famous for hurricanes and....wait thats it, just hurricanes.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Yea you even know what that is...and what exactly is meat headed? Is that your word for someone you know is better than you? Oh yea theres this little city called New Orleans somewhere around here....youre just another America hater...i dont blame you I would hate me too if i wasnt me


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
NSUballer said:
Yea you even know what that is...and what exactly is meat headed? Is that your word for someone you know is better than you? Oh yea theres this little city called New Orleans somewhere around here....youre just another America hater...i dont blame you I would hate me too if i wasnt me about fighting a losing ain't even making sense now mate. DUH!!

I can just imagine you right now, wearing some ridiculous wife-beater, baseball hat backwards, with your big stars and stripes flag on the wall getting all worked up and shouting things like, "DUDE, you f.uckin SUCK" at the screen, slowly getting more and more pissed off, like a monkey in a cage, until eventually you get a call from some "frat buddies"; "Dude, wanna roll to the mall and hang out/start a fight with someone smaller/stand there flexing our biceps?" - "Sure dude. Huh-huh"

I bet thats so close to the truth, lol...I can literally just see it now. Ah man thats funny.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2005
Reaction score
New Orleans
Actually Im not in a fraternity unless the football team is. And I dont wear muscle shirts(not wife beaters) and I dont wear my hat backwards. And I also dont get worked up over something someone on this forum says about me because you dont know me. But I do think you suck because I never said anything to you until you started with me. You must be the coolest guy in the world.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
True story:

My friend is walking home from the bar with some buddies the night before college graduation. Some guy comes up pretending to be slighted by him. They argue, my friend gets hit in the head.

One hit that's it.

He's dead.

What a stupid thread.


Master Don Juan
Dec 1, 2005
Reaction score
manchester UK
NSUballer said:
But I suck . You must be the coolest guy in the world.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Scought said:
True story:

My friend is walking home from the bar with some buddies the night before college graduation. Some guy comes up pretending to be slighted by him. They argue, my friend gets hit in the head.

One hit that's it.

He's dead.

What a stupid thread.
That's part your friend's fault for getting into an argument and then not protecting yourself. There's a differance between starting fights and then defending yourself from a pr*ck. If someone pulls a knife on you, it gives you the right to defend yourself. Since HE decided to harm you.


May 1, 2007
Reaction score
Unless you can hit as hard as mike tyson (which few men on the planet can) then you should avoid streetfighting altogether.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
PeterNorthisawesome said:
That's part your friend's fault for getting into an argument and then not protecting yourself. There's a differance between starting fights and then defending yourself from a pr*ck. If someone pulls a knife on you, it gives you the right to defend yourself. Since HE decided to harm you.
What an ignorant statement. He didn't say anything. Instead a guy comes up to starts spouting off about something, everyone is like, wtf is this guy talking about and than sucker punches my friend, who falls and dies from head trama.
Don't speak on things you know nothing about...were you there, somehow?
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Scought said:
What an ignorant statement. He didn't say anything. Instead a guy comes up to starts spouting off about something, everyone is like, wtf is this guy talking about and than sucker punches my friend, who falls and dies from head trama.
Don't speak on things you know nothing about...were you there, somehow?
Then why did you say he argued? If you don't want other people's opinion on the issue, Why did you even bother posting it? I based my statements on what you said. It's not my problem that you can't communicate accurately. :mad: