Field Report - third night out with Melbourne DJs


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
There have been many complaints about sh1tty threads recently. So it's time for another of our field reports.

This time it was just myself, Irresistible and Wingmate because felony couldn't get out of work and NLaL couldn't get there.

The place we had planned to go to was shut, so we had to change the venue at the eleventh hour. Therefore we only made it to the queue at 11pm (heh pun not intended), which was not ideal.

Irresistible meets a guy he knows in the queue so we get to jump ahead, probably shortening our wait by half. Soon after, an HB6.5 behind us recognises Irresistible and WM from Uni and we all start chatting as if we've known each other for years. Lucky for us she was with an HB8.5. The AFC we were with looked uncomfortable when I traded a look with him. :)

HB6.5 was acting very excitable and interested, complimenting Irresistible's awesome blue shoes and asking lots of questions. At one point the three of us completely ignored HB8.5, and this probably helped to increase interest.

(This was definitely intentional on my part, I got burned last Tuesday by attempting to focus all my attention on an HB8. Plus, the first words that came out of her mouth were lies to get attention: "I'm studying for a law degree")

Irresistible was very cool, calm and collected and when she asked, "Which one of you is my boyfriend?" (To ensure we get in), he claimed her with an arm around the shoulders. Nice one bruv!

I tried to get her to show me her photo ID.

HB8.5: No, it's a really bad photo
Me: That's very insecure!
HB8.5: Everybody's license has a bad photo, I bet yours does!
Me: No No, I ALWAYS look good in photos

We we finally reached the head of the queue, she was in the door first and disappeared into the throng, basically ditching her friend. We planned to find her again later, but it wasn't to be. Rejection or just unfortunate circumstance? Who knows. But I thought we played the queue as well as it could have been played.

In the queue, I had gotten brief eye contact with an HB7 girl behind the previous girls. I noticed when she walked through the door that she just sauntered past the counter without paying, and the bouncer had to pull her back by the arm and tell her to pay the door charge.

So after she payed and entered, I accused her of trying to sneak in for free. Ahhh situational openers get such a positive initial reaction. "Did you think you could just waltz in here like a VIP? etc etc"

HB7: :) This is only my second time here, I didn't know
Me: That's no excuse, this is my FIRST time. Things in this world don't come free you know..:)
HB7: I'll know next time

I fluff talked for barely 30 seconds and got her and her friend's names and told them I'd see them around later. But I didn' was frickin crowded. I felt kinda awkward though sarging a chick the moment she walked in. :)

Irresistible had already met up with two average girls from Uni so I joined them for a short while until WM returned from the toilet.

Things were seeming promising at this stage, but it was incredibly LOUD. A band was playing, making talking mostly impossible in the main area. A DJs nightmare.

Irresistible and WM met some friends of theirs including the Kylie Minogue chick from another field report. She was ALL OVER Irresistible! Kissing everywhere, touching, hugging repeatedly, she was so damn horny. Irresistible received it all but he didn't seem too happy. All I did was tell her she didn't look anything like Kylie Minogue and she was hugging and kissing me too, including a big sloppy one on the ear. Geez...

We made it out to the crowded beer garden, but there were guys everywhere. There were huge groups of guys and girls but barely any with just girls. It was a little disappointing.

We tried a convo with two moderately average girls that didn't go anywhere so we moved on. We were walking through the crowd and some random guy calls out my name, surname included (which is long and Greek, hard to remember). I turn around and I have no idea who the f*ck he is! But then I slowly recognise him and it turns out he went to my primary school the year below me.

We are introduced to his friends and then one of them says, "Hey I remember you! You're the guy that read the book!"

This is a nice childhood memory. In Prep (first yr of elementary shool for americans) I already knew how to read, so the teacher made me come up and read a story to the class :). That was 14 years ago, but this dude remembered. Freaky!

We get talking and they are pretty nice guys, one was asking if I was single and mentioning all the talent around. If I was alone, he could have been a wingman. In the meantime, Irresistible and WM were chatting up one of their female friends.

(Heh it seemed the only way we could talk to chicks was by first befriending the guys with them!).

Irresistible told me later he was getting good rapport and lied about his age (she was four yrs older than him). I told the potential wingman that Irresistible was doing well with her and he agreed, totally condoning the mack. Nice guys. I'm sure if they were jealous AFC's they'd butt in.

I introduced myself to her and built up Irresistible a bit, "I see you have pleasure of talking to my good mate Irresistible" (he did this to me last week :)) This did wonders for her IL he said later. I good tip for all wingmen to consider I think.

Then WM and I turned back to the guys and allowed him to isolate. Apparently they had told her that I was a PUA and was showing WM the ropes. hahaahah good one. Things were going well but sadly he didn't attempt the number close. He was kicking himself afterwards.

Next we went inside the pool room to look for potential targets. Irresistible noticed a mate from Uni, apparently an alpha male type. He had brought with him 4 chicks: three Indian girls (one was pretty the other two rather uninspiring) and one sexy Greek chick.

She was very animated and outgoing, her personality was infectious. She was the second girl to recognise WM from Uni,(Heh this dude's a popular guy!) couldn't contain her exuberance. When I heard she was Greek, my ears pricked up (i'm half Greek although I know dating one of them can be troublesome)

We had good rapport, eye contact and plenty of kino. Everytime I said something she liked, she raised her hand for a prolonged girl high-five (you know the type). Only prob was my hands were damn cold! It was a pleasure to talk to her and the others told me later she was very flexible and tight! Prob an HB8. SHorter than me too! :). I used liberal C+F but no neghits (zero b1tch shield). Problem was the annoying Indian girls interrupted after a high! I tried to get them to go dnace but they didn't want to.

So I had no option but to go for the number close with company.

Me: I'm going to find the others, tell me your number and we'll catch up sometime
HB8 (with same excitable genuine tone): I can't, I don't have one
Me: Sure you do :)
HB8: I don't ahve a mobile, I don't believe in them (hmm semi-believable, I once thought the same)
Me: How about your home number?
HB8: My dad will kill me! (uh-oh crazy greek dad, this is believable)
Me: Yeah, but I'm greek...anyway I might see you around.

F*CK. Can't tell if it was a rejection or not. Anyway, Irresistible gets invited to this guy's parties so there is a chance we'll meet again.

We tried one more cold approach to a pair of attention wh0res. NEXT! But there were no more groups of girls in the place after a big lap. It was time to go.

We went to another pub across the road and spoke to the lesbian barmaid. She was nice and chatting with us about prostitutes etc (good to practice discussing sex with chicks) but kept trying to get me to buy alcohol even though I was driving!!

This is funy:

Les: How old are you?
Irresistible: I'm 32
Les: Really I never would have guessed
Irresistible: Yeah good food, sex...
Les: You mean lack of?
Irresistible: No, too much
Les: Now I know you're joking (walks off)

No numbers but lots of lessons learnt last night. it was a blast


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
another quality FR.

a lot of the time you have to talk to the guys to get to the girls.

its considered "out-alpha-ing" the competition.

the greek girl seems to have rejected you but ya never know.

in regards to the indian girls givin you the ****block...where the hell were your wings? that is what they are there for.


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
thanks for that advice

hmmm 'out-alpha-ing' the competition seems tricky but we may need to consider this for next time. The tendency for people to go to pubs in huge groups is annoying. And because people don't mingle, it makes approaches appear like obvious pick-up attempts.

In the past three weeks we have encountered many a b1tch shield. Irresistible and I were discussing tactics to destroy these on future attempts, but they are not yet second nature to us. Big neghits will be my main focus for next week. I have next to zero fear of rejection so I'm willing to try anything.

cmon people only 52 views? anyone else?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
There is nothing wrong in it appearing as you are trying to pick them up when you are.... Just don't CARE


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Good job on the FR duke007.

I've been reading them.

It's good to read about fellow DJs getting out there and making it happen.

You guys seem to have the same problem I get from time to time - finding a place that's loaded with women who aren't in big groups with guys.

I was down in Melbourne a couple of months ago with a mate of mine. We hit Mercury Lounge on a thurs night. Sexual Chocolate were playing and man they went off big time. I struck up convos with a couple of ladies but there really wasn't anything worth picking up. The atmosphere in there was awesome. Everyone was going spastic.

Once SC finished playing we went across to the Odeon. They were having an RnB night (apparently what we call RnB is actually known as Hip Hop in 'The States'). The vibe in there was fantastic as well. I was in a real smart arse mood at this point in the night. I was purposely approaching girls who weren't dancing or who weren't smiling (doesn't really sound like a good idea in hindsight). Anyway the openings were going something like this....

Wiz - It's ok. I've checked with security and it's ok.
Girl - huh?
Wiz - You're allowed to smile/dance. It's ok. Really it's ok.

A lot of them actually started dancing with me after that opener and I had some interesting flirtatious conversations too. It was working well. Too well. Every time I was successful I kept saying 'Hey that was too easy. I can do better.' and I'd move on. I had the mindset of, create demand by cutting the supply (demand for myself that is). At the end of the night I ended up walking out empty handed. Not a total loss though. I must have spent at least 80% of the night either dancing with or talking to the ladies (I reckon I did at least 30 approaches). Like you duke, no numbers but a lot of practice.

We chilled on the Friday night. On Saturday night we went to some club on Toorak road I think. I only made two approaches and the second one was a big success. We ended up making out in the club for a while. I didn't have my phone on me so I couldn't get her digits. I gave her my number and she sent me a text the next day so I'd have hers. We still keep in touch and I keep saying I'm going to drop in on Melbourne some time in the next few months.

Anyway do you guys ever go to the Odeon or Mercury lounge?

To read about my performance on home turf check out


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Yeh, overall, in my opinion, it was a successful night, despite the fact that we didn't number close, I reckon it was awesome practice. Duke forgot to mention that the place was incredibaly loud and thus we found it hard conducting legitimate conversations with the ladies.

I've gotta say, what duke007 said, was precisely what happened. The more I hang out with the dude, the more I realize how good he is as a wingman and the more comfortable I get in his presence, feels like as if I've been knowing him all my life...

Both WM and duke were awesome! The chicks were great, though it was quite hard approaching them without them being able to hear what you've gotta say. (and, frankly, I'm the worse dancer. so no, dance-floor pickups arent my style).

Me and the boys barely made any approaches, and that is due to the fact that, all togther we knew a lot of the people there either from uni, HS, or parties. Consequently, through them, we got to know about 85% of the chicks we spoke to through mates.

As I've mentioned in the past, I've gotta work on my number closing, and i will- trust me. (Any good tips on number closing btw?).

WM had a nice neghit btw which made me laugh all night... lol.. When my mate from uni introduced us to the Greek chick, WM comes up to her- "Are you greek?? (lifts her arm) Bull$hit!"
HER: (Hits him on the arm) "hey!!"
Man, you guys had to see her was priceless....! (dw, I'm half Greek, got nothing against Greeks) lol

in regards to the indian girls givin you the ****block...where the hell were your wings? that is what they are there for.
I was chatting with the guy I knew from uni whilst WM was chatting to the other hot indian chick, nothing we could have done... not our fault they were all attracted to duke007 ;)


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Wiz - It's ok. I've checked with security and it's ok.
Girl - huh?
Wiz - You're allowed to smile/dance. It's ok. Really it's ok.
Hey good one mate, I'm going to try that next time

Wish I was your age though.

WM had a nice neghit btw which made me laugh all night... lol.. When my mate from uni introduced us to the Greek chick, WM comes up to her- "Are you greek?? (lifts her arm) Bull$hit!"
HER: (Hits him on the arm) "hey!!"
Man, you guys had to see her was priceless....! (dw, I'm half Greek, got nothing against Greeks) lol
hahaha forgot about that one. How well did it work, you think?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
hahaha forgot about that one. How well did it work, you think?
Actually, given that he didn't try to mack her, nothing happened... However, I reckon if it was you, since her IL was high on you, it would have definately worked... ;)

Jesus, that's rediculous! 146 views and only 6 replies...! Not good enough, guys...


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2002
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by IrReSiStIbLe
Jesus, that's rediculous! 146 views and only 6 replies...! Not good enough, guys...
Make that 7 replies now.

Originally posted by duke007
Hey good one mate, I'm going to try that next time

Wish I was your age though.
Feel free to use it. I assume you'll comment on the outcomes in a future FR.

And if it makes you feel any better, you're getting older every day.

One final note. From the info you guys are putting in these posts I reckon you're all doing the right thing. Keep up the practice. One little suggestion I have... try going someplace where you guys don't know anyone. See what results you get.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
Awesome guys! Wish i could get out with you guys more often. Being the busy time of the year- i'm working almost every night. I went out the other night after work to a pub on calrendon st. which had a slightly older crowd : 24-29, and was impressed that after working 7 hours i could still find some motivation to move my feet over to a girl by the bar- and afterwards i was very glad i made the effort ;)

Looking forward to more nights out with you guys!

Keep in touch,


Oh yeah and Irres. THat gurl u mentioned who said those things about me at the glenferrie... i can't remember was she hot? lol! Also, i reckon us djs shouldn't just limit ourselves to the clubbing and pub scene. We should try more house parties, maybe day time stuff like in shopping centres perhaps? Whatever- just to mix it up a bit... i reckon a day at the beach would prove worthwhile!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
i reckon a day at the beach would prove worthwhile!
I couldnt agree more!!! Let's do it, beach pickups are my favourites..;)

Oh yeah and Irres. THat gurl u mentioned who said those things about me at the glenferrie... i can't remember was she hot?
Yeh, I'd give her an 8 but you've gotta see her friends. I've never seen her around an ugly girl, theyr all hot... I remember, back in my AFC days, she tried to fix me up with one of her hot friends (who, most of the guys were dying to nail!), I panicked and stuffed my chances up... I'll never forget that But yeh, my point is that she might say good stuf about you to the bartender.. I'll see her again in a couple of weeks at some house party (and you guys are more than welcome to join) and we'll see...

One final note. From the info you guys are putting in these posts I reckon you're all doing the right thing. Keep up the practice. One little suggestion I have... try going someplace where you guys don't know anyone. See what results you get.
Thanx Wiz, we will :)