FIELD REPORT: Chin Gets Sarged

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Low Expectations

Let it be said, first and foremost, that I was not remotely in the right frame of mind to sarge today, and had no intention of doing so. I merely went to the mall because I had little else to do on this particular Friday.

I ran into my cousin, who I rarely see, and we exchanged stories and dropped names for a good two hours while we did laps back and forth through the mall, dodging frenzied consumers and assorted youthful loiterers.


While my cousin and I stood outside smoking our cigarettes HBDorky (an 8 ) randomly approached and introduced herself. She addressed both of us in a similar fashion but she was turned toward me the whole time and was giving INTENSE eye contact. I was, as per usual, intimidated by an overt display of interest by an HB. I immediately began forcing myself to adapt.

My cousin, a good-looking AFC who gets plenty of action based solely on his appearance, started showering her with compliments while I played it ****y and mildly disinterested. However, I did kino from the start, which was a huge improvement over my usual problem: waiting for the HB to initiate.

Eventually my cousin had to catch a ride home so HBDorky invited me to come hang out with her.

HB Runs Game on Chin

I swear, it seems like so many girls are natural PUA's. While we were driving to her house she qualified me quite a bit and took it upon herself to escalate kino (stroking my head, holding my arm, etc.). She also asked me a whole shytload of questions about myself and asked me when my last girlfriend was.

When we got there she showed me her crazy viola skills and introduced me to her dad, who was possibly the coolest father I have ever met. I told her that he was The Man.

We played pool in her basement for a bit. When we were tied one game to one game her friend called and invited us over to hang out with her little clique.

Too Easy

I was introduced to her friends, who are all very chill and open. They welcomed me as one of their own and whenever I left the room, they told HBDorky how cool I was. For once though, I didn't insult anybody but charmed them instead. Lesson learned: "****y and Funny" does not translate to "Be an Arrogant Dyckhead". I have also learned to steer clear of all negativity.

We all gathered 'round to watch some asinine movie. HBDorky started massaging me out of nowhere and when a cigarette break was announced I got up and told her, "You're quite the skilled massage therapist."

"That was just a taste," she told me. While were outside smoking our cigarettes she grabbed my butt like it was the most natural thing in the world. I grabbed hers as well.

We went back inside and went into a spoon position on the guy's bed, with about six other people in the room. We acted as though they weren't there and fondled each other, grinded against one another, and kissing on the cheek, neck, forehead, etc.

One of the gentlemen cut a rather nasty fart so we were forced to seek shelter in the pillow. While both of our faces were down I kissed her for a second or two.

"That was sneaky," she said with a huge smile. "It was cute."

"I try," I responded.

It was essentially more of the same, while she kept going on about how great it was that she met me, she never PU's guys like that, and so forth. She complimented me incessantly which made me feel great because they were sincere. She also said, "It really doesn't feel like I only met you a few hours ago."

"It's a connection," her HB6.5 friend told her. "Go with it."

Realization: Creating rapport is unquestionably THE strongest part of my game. Connection = ASD destroyer.

The Close

She drove me home because she was tired and had work in the morning. I didn't try to push her to stay out later all that much for fear of seeming overly needy.

While we were heading towards my house we qualified each other back and forth and established what we were looking for in the opposite sex. Oddly enough, she seemed to be looking for all the same things that I was.

When we got to my house I told her, "It was really great that I met you, give me your number." She wrote down her number and said, "Can I have yours?" Naturally I gave it to her since it cuts down on the pressure of establishing a second meeting. Then she told me, "Do you want my home phone number too?" A good IOI, not to say any more were really needed at this point.

"I'll call you tomorrow," she told me. We embraced and kissed, and although there was no tongue, it lasted a few seconds and at least her lips were open and wet (boy, that sounds dirty ).

Now that I think of it I should have introduced the tongue but I'm so used to girls doing it that I pretty much forgot. Oh well, I doubt that was a dealbreaker.


It's odd, I didn't think I was the kind of guy this would ever happen to. I've been approached in the past but almost always by warpigs. Luckily I was able to keep my cool and successfully close. I'll keep you all posted on this wonderful turn of events.


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2003
Reaction score
HAHAHAHA whoa.. Chin and Sniffer's FR on the same page. Next to each other. Wow.

Hot Ice

Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2002
Reaction score

The actions of this chick and her friends+family all sound unusual. I wish there would be more people open like this.

You sound like a chick that just got picked up by a DJ...


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
In this Economy?
this is really unlike anythin ive ever heard

all within a couple hours?

things went strangely fast, somethin just doesnt seem right

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
The whole thing definitely threw me for a loop. I guess I would have to qualify the chick as a female PUA. It was definitely nothing I would ever expect to happen.

BTW, I forgot to mention the best part: She's bi. If I play this right there may be a threesome in my future.

Tryin to Grow a Chin

Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Oz, I think she said that because I was busting on her for it and wanted to remain in my good graces.

Update: While I was out today she called me twice.

Life is good.