Field Report : Also a Funny Story.


Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
I ride my bicycle for 2 hours to my bassists house. Looking haggard, getting negative responses from people. (I was asking how far certain streets were.)

Well, I get there and there's a guy and a girl on a futon in the living room, my bassist on a recliner, and a box full of 24 oz. mickey's. I grab a mickeys and he says "Hey, meet my very satanic friend (My name here.)"

She comes out.

I thought in my head "Whoah this girl looks like elektrik toast"

(I tend to take pictures with my mind and remmeber them in detail)

We shake hands.

I didn't try and play game, or anything really. I was just there to hang out with a band member and get to know them better.

So her and I have some small talk....

As the night progresses I notice that she's very laid back, not superficial at all, and is a very independant girl.
(I gave her +10 respect points.)

So I start thinking of her in a sexual nature.

I go on a rant about satanism, and etc.

Well we both ended up laying on the futon.

With my bassist on the recliner.

The other 2 people left.

So we talk a little, I start making jokes about the current movie, she laughs with me and sees my perspective.

What REALLY got me was the fact that her childhood was similar to mine....

Here's where it basically all started.

I said "It's quite intruiging that you are only 18, I thought you were my age."

She said

"Don't think about it!! Age is just a number, It doesn't mater, we're both human." Etc...

My bassist took that as some type of BIG cue and just left the room.

I was like wtf.

So i started to read her palm just for fun.

I show her the differences between our palm and i notice that her face is really really close to mine.

She ketp looking at my lips and back at my eyes, and i did the same a few times.

By this time i was very very attracted to her.

So i went in for the kiss...

I kissed her neck, and put my hands under her shirt. She didn't seem to mind... So i took her shirt off. She didnt' care about that either.

She grabbed my **** and inzipped my pants and pulled them lower... I puleld her pants off.

And got on top of her nakedness so I could comtemplate wether or not i want to have sex with her.

She Just GRABBED my **** and STUFFED it RIGHT in. So yeah then we ****ed. lol.

The funny part is....

I posted the story in another online forum..

Someone noticed her, and sent her the entire story.



Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
Reaction score
:up: Top notch work buddy, big ups.

I like the palm reading technique too. Kino and attaction on tap.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
you mean to tell me you ****ed a satanist???? T_T. And on top of that she knows you were bragging online about it on a seduction website??????? I mean good job for having sex and all but omfg thats crazy weird