Feminism is DEAD


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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Hello comrades,

I found this The Myth of Male Power - Warren Farrell and found it very interesting. It is 19 part series of radio interview basically about lies feminazis feed the society.
What is interesting is that Warren Farrell was prominent feminist who turned against the movement. And even more interesting is he is not a hater. He talks common sense. Explains the biases about women being victims and oppressed ones, gives reason why it was that way historically. And most importantly shoots the feminist agenda/style down. Now you can use common sense explanation to feminazi propaganda and shielding yourself against shaming (and being called sexist) by pointing out "I read it in some Phd.'s book" :]

On downside....he is a f@g, which makes his view on what is normal in man's behavior a little off (need for sensitive males in touch with their feelings cr@p)

And his view of future scares me a little. Basically he assumes real equality. Meaning women take the responsibilities too (not just having all rights like they do now). In the end he suggests unisex behavior. I don't think it is desirable as we are too different for that (men behaving less like Men will be hurting inside - they need the protector provider role) and changing from killer to lover is too dependent on prosperity/security, which might change fast. I also don't like his black and white view of men as lovers and killers. I think a man is able to be good enough killer and still preserve the capability of loving.

His whole obsession with equality reminds me of commies (animal farm) - which is typical for feminists as they are useful fools in "world red revolution". Equality....ultimate justice disregarding the laws of nature, therefore dangerous and stupid.

But Enjoy the video (audio) for many interesting points are stated there and it signals the end of feminist movement. I'd say 10 years in US and another 10 in EU(it always takes 10 years for ideas to reach Europe....take SUVs for example....few years ago Europeans were laughing and cursing at Americans because of their gas guzzlers and now every stupid chic drives one.

Any comments about the video highly appreciated.


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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That is one confused, homosexual man.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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DanelMadr said:
take SUVs for example....few years ago Europeans were laughing and cursing at Americans because of their gas guzzlers and now every stupid chic drives one.
SUVs are the new vans, and they're on the way out with the high gas prices. Trucks, vans, and other large vehicles are on the decline.

These smaller SUVs you might see on the road, are crossovers. They can't be considered SUVs because they have no off road capability. They're tuned for street driving, and they have smaller engines.

Here's what I mean: http://www.thetruthaboutcars.com/sales-analysis-eye-candy-market-segment-trends-charts/

If you look at the charts, the X axis is yearly. Most charts start from '93 up till 2010.


As far as feminism. Good. Women wanted more equality, the fvcking got it. With true equality you get more responsibilites, and not just the benefits.

The Pedantical

Don Juan
Oct 28, 2005
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Feminism is strong and in good shape. In fact, the Supreme Court of Canada has consistently used writers such as Catharine MacKinnon to shape legal principles that haunt our freedoms to this day

Several of the justices on the courts are avowed radical feminists


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Dead! Dead! and I'll be first to pee on its grave. The movement has simply integrated itself into the mainstream to some degree with the common sense things regarding violence/rape/discrimination, while the radical parts of the movement (i.e. bra-burning) no longer function or attract any attention with their off the rocker ideas and anger.

Ambition Now

Don Juan
Jun 22, 2008
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The positive and rational aspects of feminism for sure are dead.

The "gril power" atittude that is passed to society through the media nowadays is just a disturbed and f*cked up version of feminism wich the only purpose seems to be a revenge for what some men did to women in the past.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
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Feminism is no where near dead, are you kidding me? It's alive. Stronger than ever and it takes an even uglier form than it did 10 years ago.

There is no equality. Woman have more power than men now. Think about it. They use their vagina's for everything. Being a woman can get her a job, money, car, hundreds and countless household favors from men for FREE, auto repair, even woman will cut you in the grocery line just because they can get away with it.

Not only that, but it's okay for them to be sluts now. It's in the media. It's everywhere. It's just flying under the radar. It's all under toned. Take closer attention at commercials. You will notice a lot of them degrade men and make woman look like the higher power. I can recall one right off the top of my head where a guy is looking at a big screen TV in a store and his wife wont LET him get it. The commercial was for a phone. Now he can "watch the game from his phone". What kind of sh!t is that?

Look at the songs on the radio. Look at Lady Gaga, and all of her fans. Ke$ha. This is the younger generation getting brainwashed. They are going to grow up to be attention slvttying wh0res. They wont pride around hollering about feminism, but they are just going to walk with their chests stuck out and just EXPECT all of society to treat them like they are the better sex.

I don't think it's dead. I think it's the strongest it's ever been. The fact that they are mellowing down and not being so radical is how they are gaining more followers. I'd say just about %95 of the woman you know are feminists and don't even know it.

Feminism is here to stay for a long while.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
Nej, it's not feminism, the things have always been that way for the exception of the sexual liberation where the let the "slut" out. Slut is completely opposite of what feminism encompasses, and the men let it out themselves.

Needless to say, we dont see the other side of the coin such as domestic violence, rape, discrimination, lesbianism (part of the real feminism). Plus,the things around the world are no where close to the western image.