Fellas, I need some help - A "Developing" Relationship


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
Guys .. I need help. I'd appreciate some thoughtful input because this is kinda serious to me and I need a side perspective that isn't clouded like my own has become.

I'm finding myself in an interesting situation. First, a bit of background:

I've never been much of a player. I've never dated more than one girl at a time almost all the girls I've ever hung out with have developed into relationships, lasting anywhere from 3 weeks to a year. I've been single since May of last year and have taken the opportunity to change a lot about myself. I also got into the casual dating game a bit, got laid a few times, hung out with several different girls, but nothing that really stood out in my mind.

Moving along ...

I met this girl online mid December. I was on vacation at the time, but we kept in contact via email on a daily basis and finally got together when I returned in early January. To this day, we have hung out 5 times, once at my place, twice at hers, and twice as action dates that ended up at her house.

After our first date, I decided to wait a week before getting together again. That entire week she would send me texts, emails, and call me each night. I would talk to her for about 5-10 minutes a night because, well, it made me feel good. She said things like "I kinda like hangin out with ya" and "I kinda miss ya" and "do I have to wait so long to see you again". Basically right where I wanted her.

Our second date she definitely dressed to impress, "goods" clearly visible and all. This get together went very well too and I ended up fingering her. She didn't return the favor but I didn't mind at the time. We ended up sleeping at her place, just cuddling. I guess I could have tried to push for sex but for some reason I decided not to.

The next couple days I still got texts and phone calls, a bit less but they came nevertheless, and some were like "I miss you" etc.

Third date was about half a week later .. a movie night in at her place. I made my move and she was perfectly fine with everything (most clothes off, fingering), but I got shot down when I went to remove the panties. No sex for me, she said "we shouldn't". I played it cool like it didn't phase me. We ended up sleeping at her place again. Again no direct action for me. The only action she ever initiates is kissing, but it's usually me who has to lead to a full-fledged makeout.

Somewhere between all this there was one night when she didn't call me. I ended up calling her before bed and in a fun way brought up the fact. Long story short I don't think it was a bad move because this was the first time I took the initiative to call her (not just returning a missed call but actually calling her). The texts become more sparse at this point.

Fourth date about half a week later - another action one, ended up at her place, watched a movie, made out, cuddled, went to sleep. I did some stupid AFC stuff here though. Your mouth is your worst enemy and I definitely learned that. That night I couldn't fall asleep, she would ask why and I ended up telling her she frustrates me. I never said anything direct relating to the fact that we're in bed together for the 3rd night and I'm still not gettin tail, but I certainly implied it.

I ended up sending her an email the next day since that's one of our methods of communication. I felt like an AFC after letting her in on my feelings (implicitly) and it just got the best of me. But she replied, then sent me one the next morning. I called her shortly thereafter and randomly set up plans to get together at her place for movie night later since I was going to be at a friend's house nearby anyway to work on a project.

Again, movie, cuddle, and some solid makeout at the end. I didn't spend the night this time. We were both tired and had to get up early so I went home.

Tonight I decided I wasn't going to call her if she didn't call me. Well she did, we talked briefly and set up a get together this coming weekend, possibly one mid week as well (though I'm guessing it's better to just wait a week?).

Anyway ...

I barely get any texts now, almost no emails, but she still calls once a day. In other words, things seem to be "cooling off", which is bull because I still haven't gotten any action and sure the kissing is great but you get the idea. I think it may have been because I made myself too easily attainable.

Normally I would just follow my gut feeling with all this, but I'd like to get some other input and discuss further steps because ...

She has potential.

So far everything lines up. She's getting her masters, she has a solid career choice with a solid paycheck, she's very organized, doesn't waste her time partying and doing stupid crap, and is very smart. In other words - LTR material. And she's hot (obviously).

Even my mother approves. And she never approves of my girls lol.

So I need a plan of attack on how to handle this next week and the time after that. It's not that I don't think I can get this girl into an LTR - I'm pretty confident I can. But I've been in LTRs where it took FOREVER to get some and one where I never got any (although I did get head almost every day). Anyway I want to get some action and either she's ridiculously passive (which I refuse to believe) or she just doesn't feel she needs to satisfy me for me to stick around.

In other words, I need to come up with a way to imply that if we're going to pursue this (which I want to) she's gonna have to put forth some more effort into things.

Are there really girls out there (virgins excluded) who take a loooong time to get in bed or is it just a skill issue?

Thanks for reading and help me out! I want to see where I can take this but at the same time I have my needs.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
One other thing I just realized: maybe I'm just rewarding her too much by taking her to all these places without actually getting any action. In other words rewarding her solely for her presence. Hmm. I'm thinking it might be a good idea to just ease up on the phone calls this week and if she doesn't call me, so be it.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
yea you just chose to ignore it, its very simple. To quote sexxyback "ignore her for a while and spin some plates". You need to cut her off for a bit, don't call, don't see her. Let her know you are the prize. Your problem right now, your not a man in her eyes, your a surrogate g/f that she kisses.

You have to take it sexual and take charge at the same time. Stop cuddling. Women aren't attracted to cuddlers. Its not a sexy quality in a man. The only time you should cuddle is after you are done fvcking her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
MacAvoy thanks for the input, it makes sense.

Ok a few things:

No more cuddling without sex. Got it.

The mid-week get together I'm not gonna do. We've seen each other 5 times month already, so that's probably too much as is. I'll give it a week. Since we (I) already scheduled a get together this weekend, I'll just wait til then.

I'm not going to call, text, or email her at all this week. But if she keeps calling, should I still just answer and fluff chat for 5 mins like I have been or just not answer?

Also on the date, we'll most likely end up at her place after all is said and done. I'm going to make a move again, but if she turns it down, how do I proceed? Should I still stay the night or just get up and go home? And is ignoring her this entire week the best way to go about putting the ball back in my court?

Also you guys throw out the statement "spin some plates" like it's cake. For some of your pros, maybe, but I can't just up and get 5 dates with 5 different girls set up on a days notice, not yet anyway.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
If she calls, answer but let her go quickly. Tell her you were in the middle of something and that you'll see her on the weekend.

If she turns you down, be very respectful, don't act like well your not giving me sex so I'm leaving. But be a man, tell her that your not in high school anymore (I'm assuming) and that you don't have time for these games. Tell her you are a sexual being and that its a natural part of life and that if she's not interested in that, that is fine. Get up and walk away. Let her chase you.

Others might have an idea how to better make your point as I don't ever recall being in this position.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2004
Reaction score
New jersey
When you go for sex, if she tries to stop just before it then pull away a bit. Don't become a douchebag, but let her know that your interest is definitely going down because of this. Maybe even suggest that you've got some **** to do the next day and are going to leave early. Vibe her interest and if she really does not want you to go and is noticeably pissed you're losing interest, then make another move...repeat until she finally goes with it or until you're absolutely sure yo're not getting any. In which case you leave.

I'm not a player by any means, but every girl I've ever hooked up with has put up this "no sex" blockade, which I basically obliterated by using that above method. Once they realize you're willing to walk away from them, then they know you're worth having sex with. And yeah, no more damn cuddling until you get laid. :rockon:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
how far is she going with you in bed? Is she satisfying you in any way? I had a girl say "no sex" at the weekend but she still gave me a handjob. If she's not giving you anything at all after so many dates, I'd be concerned that she's either using you or has issues over sex.


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Stop cuddling. Women aren't attracted to cuddlers. Its not a sexy quality in a man.
What the hell? Every woman i'm with wants to cuddle all the damn time.

You expect us to push them away when they come for hugs? Sit on opposite sides of the couch?

Hell my girlfriend takes my arm when we walk around stores/town. How often do you see that except in old people these days? Haha reminds me that a few weeks ago we were walking around the inner harbor of baltimore and this really old guy in his old guy hat and old guy sports coat was walking with his wife with his chest puffed out all proud and had his arm perfectly crooked with her holding it, and my gf was holding my arm like usual. We passed the couple and i smiled and nodded a knowing smile at the guy looking him right in the eye. I hope my wife is adoringly holding onto my arm when i'm that old.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 26, 2006
Reaction score
So here's an update on the situation.

I pretty much wrote her off, cut off all contact, started gaming a few other girls (which is going extremely well by the way :woo:) and thought it was all over. Well I guess it's not. A few days passed and she sent me a lengthy email just telling me what she was up to and that we should hang out soon. She said she had a pretty crazy week so it's best I just tell her what day works for me, so I offered friday evening.

She said she couldn't because of work blah blah.

So a bit later I said I could probably swing saturday. Again "I won't be in town blah blah".

Keep in mind this is without any counteroffers. In my experience if a girl bails and doesn't counteroffer, she's not very interested. I know she's genuinely busy because she works full time and still goes to school, but she can still offer another day. I didn't reply to that last message.

Last night she called me. I was ... ummm ... preoccupied, so I didn't pick up. This morning I sent her an email just saying "got your call, what's up" to which she just said "just wanted to say hey, nothing big".

Now I don't talk to girls anymore just to say hi. F that. Problem is (if you read the first post), I went out of my way WAYYY too much for this girl without any action. I've since learned and things have been going great with other girls with minimal effort on my part, but this is like a splinter in my thumb.

Thing is, I have no problem just nexting her completely, but with her initiating contact now I'm thinking there's still a possibility I could get some from her.

So ...

How should I proceed? I really don't want to offer another day to hang out because frankly I've already done so twice and got nothing but excuses out of it. I'm thinking maybe I should just let it go and if she really wants to hang out she'll offer something? What do you think?


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2006
Reaction score
Fuc that biitch. Not literally. Don't contact her in any way. If she does contact you, you know she's interested, but if not, you know she's just teasing you. Don't get so worked up over chicks that you are not banging.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
From the beginning you were the exact opposite of a challenge or a mystery. She thinks she can do whatever she wants and you'll put up with it. So what if you did not call her for a few days, or pick up the phone once. You spent over a month establishing that she dictates the relationship.

Yes, some women take more than three dates to go all the way. They decide in advance "X dates before sex." It's not set in stone, thankfully, but she's not going to break the rule for a guy who treats her like you have been. Let's look at all the mistakes so maybe we can help you with the rest of your ladies.

- Talked/e-mailed/texts every single day. No mystery, no challenge!
- Called her the first day she did not call you. By calling her you showed her you NEED those phone calls and therefore NEED her. Tsk tsk!
- You CUDDLED and SLEPT with her after no sex. Cuddling is for the couch and after sex ONLY, and sleeping together over is after sex ONLY - and sleeping over is optional!
- You put her way up on a pedestal, and there you were groveling at the feet of Ms. HB-hopefully-LTR. Maybe she's not up there anymore (considering you updated this thread, fat chance of that... yet), but you put her that and she still thinks she's up there.

Spinning other plates is perfect. Pursue the women who are obviously interested in YOU that you enjoy being with. If this girl is a pain in the butt to set up another date with then "Maybe I'll see you around" is all you need to say. Forget about her, don't take her calls, nothing, and vanish into the arms of other women.