Feel so bad after not number closing


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
My post from yesterday...

OK well basically it happened last week. I went into a shop with the intention of buying dye for my hair. I asked one of the women who work there (she was about a HB6 to be honest). She told me all about it and we talked for about 5 mins. There was a lot of laughter but I didn't close. She pointed me in the right direction though. Well it's a week later and I want to get her number because even though he was a HB6, there was something about her. I remember on the bus home I thought... I HAVE to get her number. I did dye my hair but shaved it all off later. I don't know how I should go about getting her number. I was thinking of just going in and asking her but then I thought a better option would be to try to anticipate when shes on a break or when she's finished for the day, and have a "chance meeting" as she's walking along the street. She would recognise me because, lets just say... I stand out a little. I think that's a better option because I might be able to get her to come for a coffee and I'm very confident I'd get her number at least. It would be IDEAL if I got her when she was on a break and alone because there is a cool park beside where she works where we could have lunch. But this involves me waiting outside the shop for her (obviously I would not be in her line of sight). Going into the shop and starting up a convo is an option too but the shop is usually full of people. I COULD go early in the morning when theres less people there though...


"Do a search"

I did one before you even replied to me and nothing came up for my specific situation. I would prefer it if you didn't reply to this post.

So heres what happened.

I walked in and asked her for help with something. I pus*yed out the first time and walked out of the shop (she saw me but I "didn't see her"). When I walked back in (after giving myself a good pep talk, I asked her where I could find plasters. IMMEDIATELY she recognised me.

She was like, "oh, how did ur hair turn out???"
me: "not too good... it came out orange... like the (flag of our national country). (I was wearing a hat at the time)
Her: hahahahahaha
me: I bought the stuff in xxx... you don't seem like the type of girl who shops in xxx
her: Oh.., these are just my work clothes! I shop there all the time(xxx is a GOTH shop by the way. She told me to buy the stuff there)
Her: what plasters were u lookin 4?
me: I dunno...
Her: (trying to help me pick them out) : these are good...
Me:.... (totally didn't know what to say)... (bout 20 seconds of silence, I freezed up to be honest)
Her: OK, I'll let YOU decide, since I know your so bad at making decisions!!!
Me: ha ha... Ok!
Her: **walks back to her job.**
Me: Buys plasters I DON'T need.

Me: (walking out), :Thank you for your help
Her: Oh, no problem... bye!


I was gonna say... "so, your a GOTH then?

But I was leaving that for my n umber close. I can still use it...

ME: Hey, have you got a # I can get you on
HER: Yeah xxx
ME: wait a sec, your not a goth are you?
HER: yeah?...
ME: Ok... give me the #... I'll make an exception for you!

When we were looking at the plasters I ran out of things to say but I should have said...

"I'm trying to figure out your accent, but I cant! Let me guess... your from xxx?"

I planned this line LAST NIHGT but I ****ING FORGOT!!!!!

The funny thing is... I scored with a HB9 3 nights ago.


Now, I'm in turmoil over this HB6(5.5)????? She really sin't that attractive, but I SOOOO want her.

I can't explain it.

Well, my new plan is to wait til next wednesday and come in early to see which way she comes into her workplace.

Then on Thursday I'm gonna INTERCEPT her in her path... get talking to her and hopefully number close.

SHES A ****ING HB5.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WHY AM I FEELING LIKE THIS????!!!!!!!! ****. I feel terrible b/c I didn't get her number today.

SHES A HB 5.5!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pretty sure NOBODY has ever asked her or her number while she was working in that shop. She just doesn't stand out. But to me, shes HOOOOOTTTTT!

Before diabla respondes with a smart ***** responce... yes I have searched. I've also read mystery, toecutter, david shade and tyler durden archives from masf. i am SKILLED, but i'm just having problems with this situation.
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Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
by the way, I have this figured out. I don't need any help. I know exactly what I'm gonna do and when I'm gonna do it.

I just needed to vent.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Originally posted by Takaloo
My post from yesterday...

I don't know how I should go about getting her number. Going into the shop and starting up a convo is an option too but the shop is usually full of people. I COULD go early in the morning when theres less people there though...
"Do a search"

I did one before you even replied to me and nothing came up for my specific situation. I would prefer it if you didn't reply to this post.
Of course not. It's the general circumstances that are a recurring theme, not the specific ones - each person's situation is unique to them in terms of who was involved, where it happened, what was said. However, if you believe that you're the first person on this forum who's ever asked how to go about getting a girl's number, I'd suggest a reality check.

So heres what happened:

Me: (walking out), :Thank you for your help
Her: Oh, no problem... bye!


I was gonna say... I should have said... I planned this line LAST NIHGT...
So basically you made a long post requesting information on how to get a girl's number, then when the time came and you had a chance to get it you didn't even ask? Then you sit back the next day and say "I should have... I was gonna..." This is why it's not a good idea to plan out PUA lines; if you forget them (like you did), you're just SOL... whereas if you were being a DJ instead of telling us that everyone on this forum is a newb (see his other thread) then you wouldn't have to revert to pre-canned lines and could have gamed her all on your own.

Now, I'm in turmoil over this HB6(5.5)????? She really sin't that attractive, but I SOOOO want her.
HB5.5's aren't HB's. They are called "UG's". So, you're in turmoil and desiring an UG5.5. Gross.

Well, my new plan is to wait til next wednesday and come in early to see which way she comes into her workplace.
Much more of this and you're going to come off as a stalker.

Then on Thursday I'm gonna INTERCEPT her in her path... get talking to her and hopefully number close.
The restraining order is pending...

SHES A ****ING HB5.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No, she's an UG5.5.

I feel terrible b/c I didn't get her number today. SHES A HB 5.5!!!!!!!!!!!
You should! You were scared of asking an ugly girl for her number! (Then again, I'd have been scared too... but you wouldn't find me on here asking for people's advice on how to pick up women that by my own admission are unattractive..)

Before diablo respondes with a smart ***** responce... yes I have searched. I've also read mystery, toecutter, david shade and tyler durden archives from masf.
And none of these happened to mention anything about how to ask a girl for her number? :rolleyes:

Yes, yes you are. Let me know when you start teaching seminars like David D; I'll be glad to sign up to learn from you any day.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Yowzaz i think you covered it all diablo.

Dude just grow some balls whats with all this preplanned sh1t?


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Feel so bad after not number closing

Originally posted by diablo
Of course not. It's the general circumstances that are a recurring theme, not the specific ones - each person's situation is unique to them in terms of who was involved, where it happened, what was said. However, if you believe that you're the first person on this forum who's ever asked how to go about getting a girl's number, I'd suggest a reality check.]

No, I DO believe I was the first person on this forum to have a good 5 mins convo about hair dye and other things with a girl in a shop (I didn't even think about closing) and then try to get her # afterwards on a second meeting in the same shop.

So basically you made a long post requesting information on how to get a girl's number, then when the time came and you had a chance to get it you didn't even ask? Then you sit back the next day and say "I should have... I was gonna..." This is why it's not a good idea to plan out PUA lines; if you forget them (like you did), you're just SOL... whereas if you were being a DJ instead of telling us that everyone on this forum is a newb (see his other thread) then you wouldn't have to revert to pre-canned lines and could have gamed her all on your own.]
The time to get her number never came because I didn't tweak her interest UP like I should have. Sure, I made a mistake in my HESITATION but that's because I am not well suited to gaming women outside of clubs. Not to worry though, I WILL get her number next week.

HB5.5's aren't HB's. They are called "UG's". So, you're in turmoil and desiring an UG5.5. Gross.
We all have our own standards. I find her attractive. To me ashe is about a HB7, to the normal male race she is about a HB5.5. Look at it this way, males will all agree on how hot women are. For example, Britnew Spears, Salma Haek, Angelina Jolie... we would all come up with similar ratings. I am coming up with a universal rating for that chick, hoiwever, TO ME, she is a HB7.

You should! You were scared of asking an ugly girl for her number! (Then again, I'd have been scared too... but you wouldn't find me on here asking for people's advice on how to pick up women that by my own admission are unattractive..)
Wasn't scared, I'm just not going to ask a woman for her # if I don't feel comfortable doing it. Afterall, I can go to a club tonight nd score with a HB10 if I want. What do I care?

And none of these happened to mention anything about how to ask a girl for her number? :rolleyes:
The did, but they didn't mention anything about HOW i should approach the woman in my SPECIFIC situation. As I said before, I'm pretty good in clubs, but outside of clubs I'm not as good.

Yes, yes you are. Let me know when you start teaching seminars like David D; I'll be glad to sign up to learn from you any day.
David D is a money grabbing joke. His whole theory is "Attraction isn't a choice, if you do specific things, you can trigger attraction in any woman"

Hey DAvid D, my 500 pound cousin bought your material but it's not working?:confused:

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
No matter your situation the end results is "you want to ask for her phone number." This whole situation is not about what to do--you are pretty educated on how to deal with women-you said in the first post "Im thinking just going in and asking for her number". This is only about having the courage to go in and go through with your simple but genius ideal. The anwers to how to get the courage came up in the conversation with the 10th girl you ever talked too. Dont remember that exactly, how about the 6th one, no the 11th, how about the 14th girl you ever spoke to in your entire life. The point Im getting at is if she says no, in a year it wont even matter. No one remembers every time that they have been dissed, after the moment passes its irrelevant. So after the moment pass, you will live life until the next moment, and then until the next moment and so on. Its not that important brother just do it.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Royal Elite
No matter your situation the end results is "you want to ask for her phone number." This whole situation is not about what to do--you are pretty educated on how to deal with women-you said in the first post "Im thinking just going in and asking for her number". This is only about having the courage to go in and go through with your simple but genius ideal. The anwers to how to get the courage came up in the conversation with the 10th girl you ever talked too. Dont remember that exactly, how about the 6th one, no the 11th, how about the 14th girl you ever spoke to in your entire life. The point Im getting at is if she says no, in a year it wont even matter. No one remembers every time that they have been dissed, after the moment passes its irrelevant. So after the moment pass, you will live life until the next moment, and then until the next moment and so on. Its not that important brother just do it.
I agree but this girl is the first girl in my life I've actually felt something for (I know it sounds stupid but she is someone I can see myself having an LTR with). That's why I put so much thought into it.

I KNOW I'm could not see her for a few years if I choose not to go into the shop. I KNOW this. I know I can just turn away and I know she will probably stop me from becoming the PUA club legend I am on the road to becoming, but I would gladly settle for her. That's why I am putting so much efford into getting her #.

Usually, I would just go in there, talk about ranom fluff talk and the second she laughed I'd ask for her digits (at a peak), but I want to put some efford into this one. When I'm with her, I'll still have my FB's on the side though.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
every thing you keep saying is the afc side of your brain trying to stop you because its takes a lot of courage to simply walk in and ask for her number because you would like to get to know her better. This is how you become the legend, by being able to be courageous enough to simply ASK FOR IT. I have faith in you that you can accomplish this. All the others tricks are the ez way out, be as great as you can be. The only difference between you and any celebrity in the world is they had the courage to go get what they wanted. You are the same as the greatest person you respect. Just go ask her, I know you can do it.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2004
Reaction score
:D :D I'm not afraid to ask her. In fact, I think she would probably give it to me, but I want to make it a bit more special. No, It's not me being an AFC. I have 4 FB's I can fu*k at any time. I like this one girl and want a relationship with her while I **** these FB's on the site. I may have to stop fu*king one of them because she works in the same environment as the HB7. But still, it's not being AFC at all. It's just fulfilling a human desire we all have.


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
Re: Re: Re: Feel so bad after not number closing

Originally posted by Takaloo
No, I DO believe I was the first person on this forum to have a good 5 mins convo about hair dye and other things with a girl in a shop (I didn't even think about closing) and then try to get her # afterwards on a second meeting in the same shop.
Like I said before, the specific details regarding the interactions will vary because not everyone will meet every girl in exactly the same way. You wanted information on how to get the girl's number - the fact that you talked to her for 5 minutes is irrelevant. There's no difference between asking the girl you've been talking to about the last sports game for her number as there is asking the girl you've been discussing hair dye with for hers...

The time to get her number never came because I didn't tweak her interest UP like I should have. Sure, I made a mistake in my HESITATION but that's because I am not well suited to gaming women outside of clubs. Not to worry though, I WILL get her number next week.
The perfect time never just happens to "come up": It's made. You didn't make the opportunity present itself, it's that simple. All you have to do is say "Hey, let's talk later - what's your number?" If she's attracted to you, she'll give it to you. No need for you to buy plaster that you don't even need --- that's just stupid.

We all have our own standards. I find her attractive. To me ashe is about a HB7, to the normal male race she is about a HB5.5.
The whole male race didn't just get on your internet screenname and make a post saying that she's an UG5.5... those words were typed by you. Obviously you consider her a 5.5, otherwise why would you tell us that? This is the internet, we have no way of telling if the girl at the store is a 4, a 5.5, or even a 9.9! If you really thought she was a 7, you would have said so in your first post and not downgraded her to an ugly 5.5. 'Nuff said.

Wasn't scared, I'm just not going to ask a woman for her # if I don't feel comfortable doing it. Afterall, I can go to a club tonight nd score with a HB10 if I want. What do I care?
You didn't feel comfortable the first time, so you came on here and asked advice on how to get her number. Then, you went back a second time and still didn't ask. That isn't called "not being comfortable", it's called "being afraid". As for you being able to go into a club and game a HB10 within minutes, whatever you say. After all, this is the internet.

The did, but they didn't mention anything about HOW i should approach the woman in my SPECIFIC situation.
You're right, I'm wrong. There's a huge difference in how you shoudl ask a girl who you've just talked to for 5 minutes about hair dye for her number then there is asking any other girl for her number. Absolutely.

David D is a money grabbing joke. His whole theory is "Attraction isn't a choice, if you do specific things, you can trigger attraction in any woman"
I was using him as an example... :rolleyes:

I agree but this girl is the first girl in my life I've actually felt something for (I know it sounds stupid but she is someone I can see myself having an LTR with).
You've talked to an UG5.5 for 5 minutes about hair dye once and now you think you could see yourself being with her for the next few years of your life? I hate to call anyone an "AFC", but...

I know I can just turn away and I know she will probably stop me from becoming the PUA club legend I am on the road to becoming, but I would gladly settle for her.
You would settle for an UG5.5? Yes, you're the stuff that legends are made of...

Just ask the girl for her number already.

Royal Elite

Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
as I stated earlier I had a feeling you are capable of doing it and telling me about the other girls just proved that. So I know if anyone can go straight up and ask her for her phone number cause you want to get to know her betteryou can bro. That is making it special, because you are letting her know that she is special enough to get your attention.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 6, 2004
Reaction score
What exactly is it about this hb5.5 thats attracting her to you?