Feel Like Im Losing Her


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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Aite so recently this chick randomly became interested in me and we started talking. Shes a year older than me and pretty cute.:rockon: So she got my sn from facebook and started talkin about school one night then i realized that she would im me first basically everyday. i would wait for her to say hi to me always and kino her during gymnastics practice. (WHICH IS SO EASY)

You might have already have read but im on my schools gymnastics team. and we had a meet today, which we won.

shes on the girl's team so i kino he here and there but i just feel like she's losing interest. i already asked her if she was free tomorrow or saturday but she said "hmm i dk im might be busy" which later turned into a no. I told her what we were gonna do. lol. which was chill at a park then her house since i live in the middle of nowhere in relation to new york. haha. but i feel like shes tired of trying to get my attention or shes just losing interest as time goes on. i havent had much time lately to kino her and i saw i had an opportunity so i tried to chill. but i feel like i could still get with her. this is a retarded post btw. lmao. sorry guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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Haha i kind of have the same thing going on with a girl at my school: At first, i made her laugh non stop and stuff...but then I was trying to make her see a more serious side of me so maybe we could go somewhere. I feel like she had a thing for me before and now its going down, def going try some kino though.

So sorry dude..can't help you I have the same problem haha.

But so for someone else, for the sake of both of us, answer this :)

Btw Columbian, i was wondering how old you were?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
once you start thinking you're losing her...you lost yourself

what i mean is...once you get to the point of analyzing...you've begun to digress on your journey...you've spent too much focus and time on the girl...it also means you dont have enough options...

she doesnt like you..then fine...her lost..now you have time for the other girls..you dont have to give up on this girl...go about things as usuall..kino...see if she wants to hang...but if you ask her every time...you'll come off as despereate...but you shouldnt reach this point because your time is being divided among your several priorities and ladies,...right? :yes:

go meet and chill with other girls...work out..study..spend time with family..if this girl isn't interested in you..who cares...why go out of your way to get her?..you aren't desperate are you?


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
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Well, guess all i needed to so was spend more time with her. cuz i saw her today in gym and we chilled then with my other friend and by the end she invited me over to her crib on sunday night since she has a free one. its gonne be her and a few of her friends eating weed brownies. i dont do that stuff though and im not sure i can go. my parents are mad uptight about me going out far. i would really like to considering the no parents part. and the fact that its her house. i could easy hook up with her.

And im 15 at the moment. a sophomore in my school. and at my school, which is one of the top highschools in new york, you get with what you can. lol my friends today were saying how she was hot, cuz they figured she was interested and wondered why they talked to me, let alone a sophomore. i told them the simplest answer. Im a pimp. :]


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
Haha very nice, wish a chick would ask me to chill at HER crib haha..

gj dude, and i would say, screw your parents, screw the morals, eat atleast A brownie and get with her...

gl man


Master Don Juan
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
jeffthechef said:
once you start thinking you're losing her...you lost yourself

what i mean is...once you get to the point of analyzing...you've begun to digress on your journey...you've spent too much focus and time on the girl...it also means you dont have enough options...

she doesnt like you..then fine...her lost..now you have time for the other girls..you dont have to give up on this girl...go about things as usuall..kino...see if she wants to hang...but if you ask her every time...you'll come off as despereate...but you shouldnt reach this point because your time is being divided among your several priorities and ladies,...right? :yes:

go meet and chill with other girls...work out..study..spend time with family..if this girl isn't interested in you..who cares...why go out of your way to get her?..you aren't desperate are you?
Jeff hit the nail right on the head, especially in the bolded.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
lmfao. well my parents would like disown me if i ever did that ****. and they dont take kindly to disobedience. ill try and make them let me since we have no school on monday. ill see. its just the second times shes invited me to do something and i dont wanna turn her down again. lol. and if the chick wants you that badly, she will ask you to chill at HER crib. especially when its free. :D


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe you don't look good enough for her in your leotard and she is more interested in a football player now.


Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
lmfaooo. well leotard make you look a lot more muscular than you are. and your ass stick out more, considering im colombian and have a huge ass. :]

anyways, i didnt end up going. cuz my parents were just like. haha NO. and i talked to her today and she thought i didnt wanna go cuz i didnt text her while i was waiting for her to text me to ask or something. lol.