False Rape Claims


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Jul 21, 2011
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Prison 'inevitable' for false rape claims - Telegraph


I was talking to a friend today about False Rape Claims and how they are an insult to real victims, who have been hurt in this manner. At one point during the conversation we hit the topic of what would be an appropriate punishment for those who file False claim. She said that they should be put on a list that identifies them to authorities so that possible future claims are investigated with her history in mind.

I told her that I felt that some kind of prison sentence would be appropriate, seeing as those false allegations could easily destroy the life of the accused not to mentions that if convicted said accused would be imprisoned for a very long time. We argued forwards and backwards, as she refused to budge on her point about 'no prison sentence' of the false claimant.

Anyway when later in the day, I decided to do some research into what kind of punishments are in place for people who make false rape claims. I came across the above article.

However Lisa Longstaff, of Women Against Rape, said the sentence was "outrageous" and warned the judges comments risked putting women off reporting rapes
This segment of the article did grab my attention since it ties in with the point I tried to make during my discussion. This woman suggests that a two year prison sentence is an "outrageous" punishment for someone who could have easily ruined a life with her lies. Not to mention that two years are only a fraction of the sentence a convicted rapist receives.

Either way I felt this might be an interesting read and what are some of the thoughts on this topic.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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You are right. If a woman lie about something as serious as being raped she should be convicted and sent to jail. Not only she wasting tax payers money, she ruined the image of a man for absolutely nothing and could ruin his life if he convicted Check this video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdk5O4J8aL4

It`s funny that even when those three men have PROVE that they are innocent, that girl in the audience thinks otherwise.

That subject really hits home because one girl I banged one night, told her friend that I raped her (probably mad because I didn't keep contact with her) and when I'm out with my boys and they see me, they start hating, trying to get the bouncers to kick me out (and I didn't do nothing inside) they throw me ice, hit me couple of times and etc...

I mean it sucks that because of lying girls, the real victim are suffering...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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I think a "false claim rapist" individual should get the defamation/slander of character sentence, be able to be put on a list showing they have tried to lie openly about claims, along with willingly trying to hurt the life of another person and due to their actions they caused a Policing Agency to be Libel with their report.

For sentencing they should get a minimum of 366-367 days in prison, whether it is low security or high security does not matter, to get them felon status so when they apply for a job they have to explain why they are a felon for a minimum of 8 years depending on the state they are applying for a job in if not a lifetime maximum in other states.

Pretty much they should have a worse off life than those they try to ruin with their false accusations but alas this a world where there are double standards.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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San Jose California said:
<<<has been involved in a false rape claim
That sucks man. Did you have to pay a lawyer to prove your innocence and after proving such did you get your money back like should rightfully?

OC Speedball

Don Juan
Mar 8, 2011
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Slash and Axl Rose from Guns N' Roses were falsely accused of rape. They had to get a lawyer and go through a bunch of BS before the charges were dropped. (If I remember correctly I think the girl finally admitted that she had lied).

Sucks that people tend to believe a woman over a man in this matter.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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OC Speedball said:
Sucks that people tend to believe a woman over a man in this matter.
She's the victim and has no reason to lie. At least that is the mindset of the jury/judge. The man when accused has to prove his innocence since many months after an event when all evidence is gone from a rape a woman can make claims that see the light of a courtroom.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
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This is really good news that they are starting to take this seriously. And the UK has some of the worst feminized laws in the world. I read that some women there get compensation for filing rape charges. Anyway it's a step in the right direction.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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omkara said:
This is really good news that they are starting to take this seriously. And the UK has some of the worst feminized laws in the world. I read that some women there get compensation for filing rape charges. Anyway it's a step in the right direction.
Ever read up on Judge Hale? Read a few articles on her and her rulings and tell me if she is an unbiased judge.

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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Attorney Brook Hart, who represented Jardine, said DNA results showed that evidence found on a tablecloth that was placed on a chair where the assault occurred did not match Jardine's. It was reported a man broke into the woman's home, held her at knifepoint and repeatedly raped her for hours.

DNA testing, Hart said, wasn't available in 1990 to absolve Jardine of the charges. Jardine served nearly 20 years of his 35-year sentence before he was released.

"He spent the best years of his life in prison," Hart said, noting that Jardine's daughter was 4 months old when he was incarcerated. "He lost the opportunity to be an effective father with her until this past January when he got out on bail.

"Mr. Jardine was completely innocent of this offense."
What happens to people who served a lot of time and were found innocent years later? What kind of compensation do they receive?


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2001
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Never really been accused of it once, but it is scary since many of us "go to the bars to find a SNL".

But I think it should go by the age old saying of, innocent until proven guilty. And unless there is solid evidence, then well no rape occurred.

A false rape reporting should get the same punishment as the rape itself. And if the person named as been harmed, she women in question should have to publicly admit her lie. If not, add another 5 years to her sentence. And any record that the guy was even involved destroyed.

As to the guy who had to go to prison for 20 years? The women should have to spend the rest of her life paying back compensation that she'll never be able to afford, or even better spend double that he did in prison, starting immediately. But that man should never have to work a day for as long as he lives. He should get his 20 years back by never having to set foot on a job site. Everything provided to him. And given ALL of the accusers, and the judges estate.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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People that get screwed over get a pat on the back and told "Sorry for your false incarceration," then they can try to sue for the minimum wage for the amount of time they were in/their wage if they had a higher paying job then the federal/state minimum wage (Whatever is higher) but that isn't even guaranteed.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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San Jose California said:

Anyway I could go on further but I'm gonna stop. I guess I'm just astonished at what some girls are capable of, it's all new to me. And also I've never told as much of the story as I just did to anyone before, only the three second summary to a couple people.
Damn man that's rough as hell. I'm glad it turned out positive for you in the end.

I'm not surprised in what women can do after I had a friend of mine, when we were in college, was accused of rape. Thing is the time frame that she chose was the time frame that he, myself and two others were skipping a day of classes and having a good time at a friends parents camp 40 or so miles away from the college. When she finally made up her mind to change the plea was when the case finally got heard. Nothing ever came of her lying and when he tried to sue for lawyer fees the judge, a woman, denied him that ability on a weird ruling.

He didn't have enough money to appeal so he ended up failing out of college, in debt up to 28K in lawyers fees and cant even go back to college because even though he didn't get convicted of being a rapist he was painted as such in the media and in the court of public opinion he is guilty. He now works flipping burgers as one job and his other job is cooking food at a small cafe. Kind of a shame for a guy that got 1700 on his SATs and was a B student in honors class going to college on scholarships.

This is why I think that a woman that lies about rape should get the book thrown at her literally. 5 years in prison minimum, be put on a list showing she had willingly tried to or was successful in ruining another person's life and if the person she tried to ruin saw any jail time she should pay for his lost wages during the time he was put away. These people ruin lives like one of my closest friends and I, after seeing what happened to a friend of mine that was happy go lucky type guy get turned into an alcoholic shell of his former self I cant help but realize these people get away with ruining a person's life.

Let me again say NOTHING happened to her. No fine, jail time, probation. Nothing at all. Sorry for a long rant of sorts and I'm glad that you San Jose California didn't get into trouble but this subject is a pet peeve of mine that even though it didn't happen to me personally it affected me deeply. You were lucky San Jose California; the Cops actually listened to your explanation of events vs. my friend got railroaded as myself and the other two friend's testimony didn't even get accepted into evidence nor were we put onto the stand along with the fact my friend was in jail until his trial 7 months from when he was arrested. Yeah you read that right 7 months.


Senior Don Juan
May 19, 2004
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San Jose California said:
<<<has been involved in a false rape claim
Me too! caused me to lose my business, because of an angry man hating judge. Had to appeal my case, won on appeal and the bullsyht was throw out of court. This woman did this to another guy and it came out in the appeal.

I'm about $80k in the hole and counting. Went from driving new cars to driving a piece of **** with no air conditioning in 100* heat. Luckily I saved my house but got roommates up the wazoo.

Meanwhile this chick is still out there no worse off then before, she doesn't have **** and never will but is free to destroy whoever she wants.

The judge labelled her a serial reporter, so maybe this protects the next guy, but I'm still screwed...


Senior Don Juan
May 19, 2004
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San Jose California said:
Wow man you spoke my thoughts. She just continues her life like nothing happened, same drama obsessed airhead acting personality. Doesn't have shit and never will.
Yep, and even if I sue her I get nothing, because she has nothing!


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
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In democracy if you accuse someone of something you usually have to prove it, in soviet russia in order to have someone jailed was necessary to report him as a spy and it was his duty to prove his innocence.
In democracy they say innocent till proven guilty.

Now do western law is democratic when it comes of normal crimes and sovietic when it comes of women accusing men?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 1, 2008
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What are the warning signs that a girl is the type to submit a false rape accusation? I am convinced that only a certain type of girl would do this, and that the warning signs are there if you know what to look for.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2008
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Strelok said:
In democracy if you accuse someone of something you usually have to prove it, in soviet russia in order to have someone jailed was necessary to report him as a spy and it was his duty to prove his innocence.
In democracy they say innocent till proven guilty.

Now do western law is democratic when it comes of normal crimes and sovietic when it comes of women accusing men?
Other way aroudn when it comes to rape Srelok. A woman can say a man threatened her, say he raped her and have no evidence and STILL get a man convicted. At least in America that is how it can and does happen to Men when they are innocent. A Rape kit can only get evidence until a woman takes a shower/douches. After that its he said she said and sadly a woman's word is almost absolute even if a man has witnesses stating otherwise when it comes to rape. You do realize a woman can report a rape up to YEARS after it happened and there is no evidence for her side and all the evidence you can clear yourself with is most likely gone as well.


Read that my friend. That is back in 2006. The laws have only gotten worse since then.

omkara said:
What are the warning signs that a girl is the type to submit a false rape accusation? I am convinced that only a certain type of girl would do this, and that the warning signs are there if you know what to look for.
Borderline Personality Disorder, Attention W****s and Rape Survivors.

The last one is debatable and only what I've seen, read about and lived through watching other friends of mine having to deal with, but after she has been raped she kind of becomes damaged goods so to speak. She develops PTSD to an extent and is looking for signs that aren't there along with overreacting to an extent to a Man coming onto her.


Master Don Juan
Mar 11, 2004
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They should be charged with attempted murder. Rapists get killed in prison.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2010
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The burden of proof should lie on the accuser. If you can't prove it, he didn't do it.

False rape claimers should be charged to the fullest extent with slander and defamation, and forced to pay compensatory damages. What else could be more fair? You repay the damage you done.

The future of society is looking bleak. When a high school kid like me has more common sense than today's lawmakers, it just shows how terrible our legal system is.