FaceBook/First Crush/Advice Needed


Don Juan
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
In my house
Last night I was kinda just thinking about my life growing up. I'm only 23 now. It isn't like I'm 90 reflecting on some long life that is several decades, it is just I was thinking back. I started thinking about my first crush, and got this bizarre idea to hop on Facebook and find her. Sure enough after I typed in her name - I did.

Here is a bit of background: I met her when I was 13 in an acting camp that went on every summer. Over the course of each summer for about 3 years, we'd always see each other and she'd always kind of follow me around and liked being around me. It sounds lame-o to say this, but I was the Mack of the 13 year olds.

Now I'm not hoping to hook up with her, because I don't know her that well anymore and she moved far away last time I checked. (Actually to another country) (And hey, she never knew I had a crush on her. I never number closed her HAHA. I had approach anxiety at 13 - imagine that LOL)

All that being said, here are my questions:

1) I didn't want to drop her a message on Facebook and be like, "Hey! Remember me?" Or "Weren't you that girl from 10 years ago?" I mean either way, kind of make me look REALLY low status. Furthermore, I know from friends' experiences that, whenever you look someone up on Facebook from the past, unless you both really try, it is usually just, "Oh hey!" and then you never correspond much after that. I'd like to avoid this. Once again, while I don't plan to having anything serious happen with her, I'd still like her in my life to some degree.

2) Perhaps add some of her friends and hope she sees my name and adds me? To me this just sounds weak, but I'm willing to give anything a shot.

3) One of the classes "leaders" has a Facebook. I imagine he is probably her friend on there, so should I leave him a comment and hope she notices?

It is kind of like a catch-22, if I don't attempt to send her a message, there is a chance she won't even realize who I am. However, if I do message her, unless it is REALLY tight, there is a chance it will be like, "Oh hey. You have a great memory. Hope all is well" and that be that.

Any tips or ideas from the macks out there?


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2003
Reaction score
Facebook and all this new internet sh!t is great but it can be pretty funny sometimes. I think that you shouldnt make a big deal out of this situation because really its insignificant right now. There is nothing that you can do I dont think, unless you meet her in person first. So if you just want to say hey whats up, and see what happens, im sure there is no harm in this. And its almost 100% likely that she will respond just like what you said in scenario #3 she will say hey whats up I hope you have been doing well and thats it. But there isnt any harm in this so go ahead if you would like to try to reconnect with her but just understand that you shouldnt anticipate for anything to happen more intriguing than her answering back and saying "Hi". I would message her though unless you really dont care about her and how she is doing.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
Reaction score
The point of facebook is to keep in touch with old friends, man! You don't need to make excuses for sending her a message.