ex wife and me from dj to chump then back does she want sex?

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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Hey guys

Want to read a story about a dj who got the great girl, then regressed to chump but is clawing his way back. What a challenge for me. But its worth it, and see what you think,

Heres my situation. See what you would make of it. I think she wants me back and I would be going back to a good thing, but I refuse to beg to go back. I am in the process of attracting her back and its working somewhat. I just want to see what you guys make of it. Any advice?

I met this girl when she was 19 and I was 24, and we had an awesome relationship for 6 years. It was full of long, hard, hot sex, great sexual tension and we really completed one another on a deeper level too. It was a heap of fun, and I was one funny mother f. She laughed her ass off. I grew our relationship upon solid dj principles, and this site is awesome for that. It really worked, and I changed myself completely. If anyone should doubt this stuff then my story will bring it home to you. Because I had it, then I lost it (dj principles)

I was a rock, I was a live wire, I was funny, and I was just the right amount of relationship material, you know the kind of stuff you do. I was sensational. I dealt with all of her **** tests, and I was composed. I really had a deep understanding of the magnetism of attraction and sexual tension (combined with long term ltr skills of listening, providing, etc). The relationship was alive and never boring, but was based on a deeper level to so we had an amount of certainty. She is a very good looking girl, on an adjusted scale to include everyone who's come into contact with me personally, she was rated 8.5 overall. And like, she knew other girls were attracted to me, I was attractive to her friends, she knew I could get anyone basically, parents accepted me, I was THE catch. I fought off all contenders and she loved it. It was my reality, we had moved in together. I even supported her for a whole year while she took time off to study (she had been studying/working at the same time when I met her but the load was too much).

So after 3 hot years she fell pregnant. It was not entirely her fault, as she has to take the weaker pill. So after a few times of thinking she was pregnant �sore boobs, etc �we'd sit out the back on the grass and laugh at how we escaped. To our surprise one day she DID fall pregnant.

That was the turning point. We ended up having two kids. I guess its happened to so many. She eventually became the leader in the relationship due to the kid-focus. I started to lose my life, and I went from alpha to beta. As things started to slip, I became more beta and more lazy in my saddness. We did not have much sex when the kids were born (so scratch out a year of sex over 6 years due to breast feeding/low libido) and due to my changing attitude I failed to turn her on as much. And due to her failing attitude toward me and her slight weight gain (she was about 110 pounds/50kg when I met her, then she ended up at 65kg/135 pounds). Not fat but she got flabby. And she had great tits, ass and body, flat stomach when I met her, but then she had a flabby tummy due to stretch marks and flabby arms, but not exactly fat. Her face was fatter tho. Nothing good gym work over a medium period could not rid you of.

But she lost desire to be desirable to me, and I lost desire to be that way for her. Our communication suffered. And over time I went from the great guy to the guy who 搉eeded a better job, was too lazy, who did not listen or do what he was told� I got more and more dis respect, and eventually she wanted to kick me out. But that took a year to achieve. Each time I went to move out, she would stop me. One day when she told me to go during a fight I said, 搒ure, i'm going, no problem, see you.�and I left.

So I went from DJ god with this girl to regressing to chump. But in my defence I stood to lose so much, a house, nice furniture, my kids, my wife (whom I still did so much with except sex and intimacy).

See thats the thing, the sex died off, the intimacy went. The kids consumed out lives. It was not a fault of our personalities, it was a fault of focus from us both. It just wasnt fun anymore, but she was a dedicated mother.

So anyway, a couple of weeks after I moved out, she tells me she felt so rejected by me due to the fall off. But I said I felt rejected by her. She then says that I stopped trying. Two years prior she caught me emailing a girl from high school (10 year reunion, I was 28 at the time) and she said she told her friend that she no longer thought I was the one she was meant to be with. But here is the thing. She has no time to sleep around, literally. She has two full time kids and does uni part time. Her whole week is spent looking after the kids at kindy/playgroup/swimming lesson. Its amazing to think she has gone without sex for over a year, considering our sex drive before �yet its understandable since she has little time or energy and I was not interested. One of my female friends with kids, said she herself went without sex for 5 years at one stage. I have not had sex for 1 year. The last time I had sex with my wife was when we conceived our second child, and we screwed for a few months after. That was one year ago. By the time our second child was born my wife and I were firmly out of love. Remember how I was getting all that disrespect about my job (tho I never missed a bill) and my laziness (but that was due to garden work which got done in the end anyway). I felt she was being unfair with me, and it seemed like she was making up reasons due to her unhappiness with our sex life. We got separated, I moved out.

Flash forward to now and the info I provided becomes valuable. I am still highly involved in her life and we get along well. We have had troubles sorting things out but we have worked through them. She is touching me more now, we high five, hug, exchange long glances, eye contact. She shows me her new dresses and today I did up the zip on the back. We lay close on the couch, we talk about old times, we seem to be getting back on track. BUT my last move before this stage began was to ask her if she was open to me eventually moving back in. At that point (1 month ago) she said she did not want to be in a relationship with me or anyone as she does not have any time whatsoever with uni and exams, etc and she would be proceeding with the divource come june next year.

We never had giant yelling fights, but she stresses so much it was hard to have a normal convo.

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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Here is what happened after separation.

2 weeks after moving out, she is crying and says she did not realize it would be so hard. I said give it time. She is upset that I did not even see them in the first week and a half, and when I do, I do not come early enough. She wants me to be there to give them breaky at 6am. I say its too early in the morning. We continue to have difference of opinion about how early I should come over. She is trying to dominate me still, I refuse to be stood over like that.

1 month out. We are fighting as much as before when I visit, she is cold to me, we dont talk about anything unless its to do with the kids....when we do, same old issues, need bigger paying job, have I started looking? To b fair there was a global financial crisis at the time I went to get a new job. She says that she will never have sex with me again, and bad mouths me to my face. However, she has told only 3 people of our separation up to this point. I accidentally blurted out to an old friend on facebook that I was separated, and she hit the roof! I ignore her tantrums.

2 months out. She gets up me for seeing other girls. Says its ok but she can hardly believe I did it so soon. She reinterates to me how rejected she feels and that her seeing people is not an option as she does not feel like it even if she did have the time. But at the same time we handle the kids better between us. She tells me she gets lonely and asks me to hang around on saturday nights after the kids are in bed. We do so and chat and watch movies, smoke.

3 months out. She refuses to let me charge my phone at her house, saying I can't have the best of both worlds and that I use the house like I still live there (I dont). This spat happened in front of her mum, and I asked if this new thing was an original thought. Her mum was not impressed but would never say anything about stuff like this to me, her theory is to only say things to my wife. We had planned a house boat holiday for a week with her parents and the kids, but due to a little spat while her mum was present I am advised not to go. So I do not go, no problem, I did not care. Hang out on sat night for a while.

3months 1 week out. She comes back from the boat holiday, finds out I had been with someone, and gets upset. I had only dated this person. She tells me that while away she had missed me, as she needed someone there who was not her parents, and since her parents were fighting some times, it made it more comfortable and she tells me she was missing me and feeling all this stuff, then came back and saw I'd been out with someone. Then she goes cold on me again. Says she is pissed. My way of handling this is to ignore her and get on with life. I say I cant hang out on sat night cos I am seeing mates.

3 months 3 weeks out. I realise that there is some unresolved feelings on her account even though she said we were dead in the water. I begin to pay more attention to her.

5 months out. By now I am considering putting her back in the pile of potential love interests. Why not, she is looking a lot better, she is beginning to treat me well, and hey, I have a lot to gain by attracting her again and ****ing her brains out. We continue to hang out and improve our getting along.

5 monthts 3 weeks out. I ask her to come with me to the harry potter movie. She says no thanks. (turns out she has not liked the last few potter movies, but this is no surprise to me since our communication on these things has been off for a long time)

5 months 4 weeks out. I take my first step in the reconciling. I write a magic of making up reconnection letter that is called 'the clean slate method'. She says thankyou. Then gets a little emotional, sniffles, withdraws. My flatmate had nearly cried too when she read it, so I was a little surpised of her reaction but kept my cool.

6 months out. I start the wrong way in getting her back to my mind. I forgot to get smart. I wrote her a letter about wanting to get back together, but I explictely stated I did not want to beg her and that I was happy to wait. I also stated how things would change, I.e listen to her, love her, appreciate her, unreject her etc. It was not too soppy at all, but since I have read things about this I have realized it was the wrong move as such. Seemed to stumble us up. And I sent a second letter while drunk and it basically blamed her parents and my fall to beta due to her harrassment as reasons why I fell out of love and what did she expect. My first letter also mentions that I wish for now that she opened up to me a bit more.

6 months 1 week out. At the same time we astoundingly get along heaps better. She mentions to her mum and tells me that she has been really upbeat and positive about our last month of meetings. I put this down to the clean slate letter.

6 months 2 week. We talk about the letters. She dominates the conversation as she is annoyed with the second letter, we never yell but it can be heated and we talk for over an hour....by the time she gets around and talks about the second letter she is like “I just feel indifferent. A lot has happened but its water under the bridge and I just dont want to start up again with you but I dont want us to be fighting due to the kids mental health – they need to see us get along.” She says she accepts her part in making me fall out of love (but she doesnt really at that stage) but that our time is done. I accept this verbally. I secretly believe my second drunk “attack” letter was to blame. She told me at one point that the first letter was all positive but the second one was hate. She was going to extremes, they were both in between. But I have also been telling her she looks good (important since she thinks I rejected her) and that she may have lost weight. At this stage she is about 60kgs, 120 pounds. She is a slim girl with some baby-added flab. This is the point we begin to get along well.

6 months 3 weeks. Its her birthday, and she had gotten me a gift for mine from the kids. So I give her a gift from the kids. I make her a stress relief bag. Such an apt gift for her, dont you think. All hand made, little things, cost me 20 bucks all up. A few smokes, small bourbon bottle, coke, some incence, some jack johnson cds (from her uni days on campus). A bath bomb. Stuff to make her chill out. I write one final letter. In this one, I do some back tracking on steps I had missed. What was suggested to me is that I go over all the good things of the relationship and leave out the bad. The result? A glowing letter for her wherein I remind her how awesome we are, how hard it was for us to accept kids before we established our careers, and at the end I say how awesome it is to accept her now as only my friend. I put it on a cd for her.

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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7 months. A turn around. She starts talking about old times. We goto a swim christmas party for our little girl and we have a lot of fun. She rides on my back in the pool and we talk about how good it was last year we were there. I am doing as much as I can these past few months helping with the kids, cleaning up after them, etc, making her time with me easier. She says she appreciates it.

7 months 1 week. I read up again on dj principals in the past months. Apply them. Noticed a lot more touching innitiated by her. She sits close. We sit closer on the couch. I begin making and holding eye contact, checking her out, returning kino, smiling a lot more, acting alpha. Start dealing with her **** tests properly. She opens up to me a whole lot more. I wear cologne and dress well. More willing to spend time with me. We hug and when I pull away and she will touch my arm as I do so. She gets her hair streaked with blonde. She talks about her birthday letter and brings it up often about old times. She smiles more.

7 months 2 weeks. We go shopping together (but we often go out together with the kids) and it was meant to be to get new pjs for our girl but she buys new dresses on sale too for herself. She brings them out one by one and shows them to me. I make her spin. Then she asks me to come help her do up a zip. Applying more dj tech on her. Bust her balls a bit. Make her laugh. I've been reading comdedy writing secrets again – its fired my imagination. Been gaming other girls. Now she asks if I am staying back tonight to hang out. She is heaps more open to me.

So its getting long, but to cap it off. She also said to me that she thinks we lost our chemistry. And we did. She is actually more advanced in her emotions than I am, even if when she talks about things she can become stressed due to kids, being tired. So I have focussed on getting the chemistry back, and its appearing. The more man/alpha I become the more chasing she does and opens up to me, innitiates conversations, and touches me. I am starting to tease her again and she likes it.

My question is how should I proceed? According to the magic of making up it says I should try and have sex with her asap. I just dont want to go ahead with that so soon and do another letter thing whereby I force it.

Forcing her has not worked, but subversive dj tech run on her has worked. Just like it did at the start, and just like it is doing now.

So how should I proceed? There seems to be more moments between us. She is beginning to steal glances at me, laugh at my jokes, enjoy being teased, touching me heaps, she did her hair up, she says she wants to lose more weight, her eyes are brighter around me.

I think secretly this is what she wants. She wants alpha-me back. I know this deep down. I just dont want to come on too strong.

I hope you have enjoyed my story. I feel I should keep doing what I am doing, but I do not want to go too fast or too slow. I am acting cool, ****y, alpha, like I dont care too much. I said I wanted to be friends while at the same time upping my DJ game. I am not clingy or needy. I demonstrate my alpha traits and provider traits/man traits as often as I can. I just get **** done, if you know what I mean. But how should I move forward? She is giving me more respect and more of her time/attention.

I feel sexual tension rising between us. The chemistry is starting to get back. In my practiced mind I feel that she is getting turned on but does not want to get hurt, and I can see sex happening within a few weeks, given that I spend maybe 2 days a week with her on average, but only 4 hours kids free. So its slow going.

But yeah, the sexual tension is building, there are signs there, she is receptive, what should I do? This is not typical dj, this is from fire to ice, back to turning up the heat – we have a history.

Firstly, do you think she is receptive in spite of what I have said, please be honest. And secondly, does this sound like a girl who would want to have sex again given the dry spell thats gone by for us?

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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i know its long but come on people

this forum has changed.

dont fall into my trap

basically i am just not saying or doing insecure things.


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
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I would first of all say that, the principles should work regardless of 'history'.

However, history could be a major problem here. It looks as if she could be receptive, BUT, are you sure any emotions you have aren't clouding your judgement? 6/7yrs is a long time, maybe she's being 'friendly'. Having never been in a relationship involving kids, i can't honestly say much more than this:

Keep being alpha, don't be clingy.

An interesting tale, do keep us informed will you.


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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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i would say that my emotions are nullified as i was seeing other girls. and she is not the type to need a man. she said shes not been by herself since she was 19 and needs time alone. other guys r not on her radar she says. i mean we r talking bout a girl who needs to try hard to arrange a mothers night out, plus she goes to places with no single guys in site. we are both emotionally level headed.

her change in attitude has been building with my improvement and i am not needy or clingy. i leave without hesitation. she invites me to non nessarsary outings more and more and now we r having fun. seems to me she is testing the waters more and more and wants me to get my old self back. since reminded of the good times she is much brighter n we r getting our old vibe back. she is sneaking glances at me and yeh im not insecure round her.

its more i dont want to burst the bubble or let it deflate.

yes i should keep up the dj. i just wonder when i should kiss her. sometimes she looks at me as if she wished i did sumthin cos it gets uncomfortable from her when i leave....like the last time i hugged her uncomfortable lead up for a moment, but i act and give her a hug, pull back first and shes looking in my eyes and grabbing my arm.

i do a good job of keeping my nerves under wraps...aloof indifferent....its like me or she doesnt want to b rejected or worse get back together and mess it up n hurt the kids.

i already told her we can live apart and take it slow...since then its like she is doing that cos part of her wonders....but shed did verbalise at the time that it was not sumthin she wanted to do, sighting being alone and busy... its like multi levelled lots of driving things....but she is getting desire back...what to do?

she gives me leadership **** tests, like today it was what u doing r u staying for a movie? .....she doesnt want me to answer yes she wants me to implicitly tell her what as if she had not asked the question, but thats easy for me cos i know her....and she does not want to hear uncertainty...like thats important to her and it was a failing thing from me in past 2 years but that i had at start....she is letting me lead more and more see....and i do, thats how we first were....which brings me back to the Q. as the leader and as her making it known she is receptive....

see thats the thing: i used to know which behaviors pushed her away and i have learnt that again....she got a new hair do and asked me about it, if i noticed....we were alone in our old room standing close checking crissy presents....outside i took a good look in the light, went right up to it and stroked it, she loved that. big smiles. of course the more i lead the more submissive she gets.

ok...so wot u think : my next move is to take her hands after hug and look her in the eyes, hold, smile, then break like nothing happened/possible kiss move, i.e. look eye to eye, to lips, to eye, to lips. that will sort that.

unless it seems too sudden, would just take her hands and look in her eyes. just that we r getting comfortable wit one another again after a bad period so attraction is there but not comfort....so hence my query..
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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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so true. my letters pushed her away cept for bday one which highlighted all good times, mentioned great dynamic and sex BUT said i was glad she was my friend. that one drew her closer cos it cut thru the bad **** and made her remember but no more letters

turning points

1 accepted her decision to end it. old us had to die.
2 good to b friends attitude/remind her of old times. but at same time i slowly started to b more sexual with her.
3 me being more sexual and dominant is starting to drive her wild looks like.

what she wants is hard long sex from alpha me....but my prob is not coming on too strong. i can always go for it at propper time and if resistance is there just pull out the old "ur too hot, i cant help it" line. ofcourse we need to build comfort so i cant see that happening until my crissy break.

one other major change is that i can do no wrong now, even when i **** up....i miss an appointment 'whateva it doesnt matter' ....lol pissed down raining and umbrella got bent a bit - old her would have flipped - new her in fun state: all great!' a bunch of other stuff...now there no pressure i can make a vacuum for her to fill....she is chasing me a bit now.....i used to know this all so well i can feel shifts out of little things, and know a girls reaction b4 it comes....lol sometimes id just do beta **** for kicks....yes but wonderring how much i should escalate and come on sooner or later....guess i should just keep building sexual tension till we explode?


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2009
Reaction score
TBH, if I was her friend/therapist/mother...I'd tell her not to take you back. Not saying you were treating her bad, but she definitely deserved better, man... I mean a whole friggin year without being intimate with her? You should be ashamed of yourself. A man's like a gardener, and you basically neglected the lawn and let weeds sprout. Then, you leave her with the kids and all household responsibilities, while you sleep around and live your life.

Wouldnt the best thing to do be continuing having fun being single, and reconciling with the mother of your children? Instead of nostalgically returning back to a relationship whose best days are long gone?

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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thanks for your thought.

that is all ok, but it takes two to tango, and what about her part in this. some marriages go longer without intimacy....i am not talking total neglect, im talking two exhausted parents, one of whom works odd hours at times. and low libido when breast feeding.

the main purpose of this is not a moral one...its a question of her signals.

if she is attracted to me - and i am not about to mess her over - then whats the big deal
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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
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went right to the opposite sex:

my female flatmate who is a slim hot girl, said my ex is definately wondering about me, etc

points out: buying new clothes, hair do, talk of weight loss, kino on me, laughing, the teasing, the fact i can do nothing wrong, just that she may not be as quick to jump in as last time since kids r involved and afraid to get too deep too soon due to hurt, offers to spend more time with me.

I figured it was as much. she said, throw the hook out and reel her in, repeat again and again lol

the key here is sexual tension, its building all the time.


Senior Don Juan
May 11, 2006
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man i kno shes the mother of your 2 children but this just seems doomed to failure, so you keep this sexual tension up and then you eventually fk her again but then what after that? its just going to be a repeating cycle and your the one thats going to get hurt.

youve already told her your willing to wait as long as it takes to be back with her and this just gives away all your power to her and she will always have ur nuts in her pocket

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
scribblec said:
man i kno shes the mother of your 2 children but this just seems doomed to failure, so you keep this sexual tension up and then you eventually fk her again but then what after that? its just going to be a repeating cycle and your the one thats going to get hurt.

youve already told her your willing to wait as long as it takes to be back with her and this just gives away all your power to her and she will always have ur nuts in her pocket

thankyou that was something i needed to hear....no wonder she is taking her time. she is prob also doing herself up to also attract other guys too?

i have been acting like she is everything sub communitively, but she the opposite til recently she has her attention on me back more.

only hope that my game has been tight and my next move would b to pull away again and stop seeing her. she has a busy week this week anyway.

talking bout less optimistic things....she may have been seeing that point and while she is happy/excited we can operate on that level again she would also b thinking that way


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
You said earlier that she didn't have time to cheat and after that, you say she went to uni.

Plenty of opportunity there, a skipped class here, a raised skirt there.....

Who's to say she didn't? They are crafty these bints. :p

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Don Juan
Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
DonJuan_DeRosco said:
You said earlier that she didn't have time to cheat and after that, you say she went to uni.

Plenty of opportunity there, a skipped class here, a raised skirt there.....

Who's to say she didn't? They are crafty these bints. :p
oh sorry, no, she did uni thru correspondance!! lol

at home, with 2 kids.

thankyou all for your opinion. my flatmate - who happens to be a chick - has confirmed her interest. but its still a long road back and not something we are jumping into