Evidence that David DeAngelo's testmonials are faked


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Hi everyone,
I've been reading and analyzing a lot of David DeAngelo's free newsletters by email, and noticed that the writing style of his "readers" and "fans" is almost always the same style. And they say mostly the same things.

Since I am a writer and get a lot of fan mail and comments from readers, I know what real email from fans is like. They each have very different writing styles and thoughts and ideas. You'd almost think they were from different worlds.

But DeAngelo's readers comments and testimonials all seem like the same writing style to me. Even the humor style and the way the guys compliment him are always the same. Anyone else notice this?

Anyway, if I'm right, then I have no respect for this guy DeAngelos. Anyone who fakes testimonials deserves no respect.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
It's possible that the emails are 'tidied up' by an editor. I'm an editor by profession and get lots of emails that are just so badly written they have to be almost re-written completely before publication.

It's possible they are faked though - I know one or two editors who regularly fake letters to their publications.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
yes it could be editing ..
I've listened to david deangelo's talks...
he is definitely not a fake..
the guy is amazing...


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by chicksrock
yes it could be editing ..
I've listened to david deangelo's talks...
he is definitely not a fake..
the guy is amazing...
He may be a good speaker and may have some charisma. But in his newsletters, his tone is very immature, and his theories are too simple and he doesn't seem to understand much about women.

He seems to think that if a woman is attracted to you, then she will love you, want you, or see you as relationship material. The truth is though, with most girls I know, that isn't the case, and my best female friends have explained it to me in detail, making me feel like a fool for listening to DeAngelo.

For a guy, if a woman is physically attractive, that's all he needs to fall in love with her. For a girl though, the genetic programming is different. Yes there are some shallow girls who will go for a guy if he is good looking and meets her "criteria".

But for women in general, being attracted to a guy is not enough. If she doesn't feel an inner connection with him, her intuition doesn't like him, or she isn't turned on by his mind too, his looks won't mean much to her. Most smart girls I know are like this.

My best friend, who is a girl, often tells me that even if a guy is very hot or good looking, if she says certain things that turn her off, his looks won't matter anymore, she will drop him.

Oh and I can guarantee you that for her, DeAngelo's ****y and funny routine would turn her off. In fact, I've almost lost a few girls using his C&F routine because in reality it sounds so shabby and contrived that it's really a turn off. It may get a few laughs from girls, but that's it.

The type of girls who fit DeAngelo's stereotype must be very dysfunctional. I don't know, but he seems to be in his own world.

Did anyone here notice that at the end of his newsletters, it says that "for entertainment only"?


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
By the way, since I started this thread, I feel obliged to give examples that demonstrate my claim that DeAngelo's testimonials are faked. Here is a copy and paste below of one of his newsletters which contain many reader comments and testimonials. Read them all carefully and you will see that they have a similar tone, structure, say the same things, etc. There is almost no diversity in opinion at all. Take a look.


All About Approaching Women

To safely and permanently exclude yourself from
future mailings just click the link at the end
of this newsletter. To sign yourself up for this
no cost e-letter, visit www.doubleyourdating.net.

From time to time I want to remind you that every
one of the emails contained in my newsletters is real
and authentic... I don't have my mom write these, and
I don't sit and come up with them myself! Also, I get
literally thousands of emails per month from various
sources, and it's just not physically possible for me
to answer every email. If you have a Success Story and
question for me, just email it to
SuccessStories@DoubleYourDating.com and keep it short.
Share something that's working for you first... I like
those emails best!


Hello David,

Just wanted to let you know of a little twist of fate
I experienced. After reading your techniques, I made
a decision to try them out on a good female friend
of mine. Her and I used to be a couple, but four years
into it things got sour and the relationship ended.
I was absolutely crushed and felt emotionally numb.
A few months went by and I decided to get over the
possibility of us getting back together. I had pondered
possible reasons as to why our relationship ended.
It had seemed as if she just one day awoke and saw me
as a friend instead of a mate... but I came to the
realization that I had become a wussy and just stumbled
into that self defeating clinginess. We remained friends,
but I was obviously still attracted to her. Well, I
purchased your book and decided to move on with my life
and let her go forever. Ironically, after some intense
practice, I ran into her at the mall and we started talking.
It had been a while and I had moved on, so I (naturally)
acted like I didn't want her, and I busted her balls
in every way possible. She laughed so hard and got
really excited. Well, the next month she called me
about 10 times to try to set up a time to meet. Finally,
I visited her house for old times sake, applied ****y
funny (which was downright second nature at this point),
and she started crawling all over me! I wasn't even
pursuing her. Four years of me being a wussy and your
techniques pulled me out of it. Very powerful stuff!
Just emailed to let everyone know that this stuff works.
It also helps if you actually get a grip of your life
and don't let past loves drag you down. Get over it
and move on...it will only make you more attractive!
Take care and thanks.


Congratulations. One thing that really stood out for
me in your letter was:

"It had been a while and I had moved on, so I (naturally)
acted like I didn't want her, and I busted her balls
in every way possible. She laughed so hard and got
really excited. Well, the next month she called me
about 10 times to try to set up a time to meet."

Women have a very specialized and highly advanced
"Wuss Detection System". One of the clues that they
use in Wuss-Detection is when a guy is overly clingy
or shows TOO MUCH interest.

I know that this doesn't make a whole bunch of LOGICAL
sense, but then again, almost NOTHING makes logical
sense when it comes to ATTRACTION.

Keep up the good work, and I hope you're able to put
your relationship back together... sounds like it was
a great thing.

Just remember to NOT BE A WUSSY anymore!



I purchased your book and received most of your e-mails.
Your book is an excellent guide for success with women.
After reading your book I began to see things more
clearly regarding women and dating.

I am currently dating four women at the same time.
They are all pretty hot and very into me. I use your
****y and Funny approach with a touch of sarcasm.
I have bedded these girls down within one or two dates.
Their ages range from 19 to 26 and sex is a daily thing.

However, I grow tired of scheduling all these women.
What should I do? I don't want to go without sex like
I use to before reading your book.

Yours Truly,




You're dating four hot women ages 19-26, and you're
having sex daily.

Yea, I can sure see how all that scheduling would
get you down.... sounds like a TOTAL BUMMER.

Hey, I have an idea...

Maybe you should rent a 5 bedroom house, and then rent
out four of the rooms to your dates. You could mark
up the rents so you could cover the entire cost... FREE

But wait... that's not even the good part.

You could run down to Office Depot and get one of
those big "white boards", create a huge monthly calendar,
and put it up in the kitchen. This way, all of your

It would be great. No more HARD SCHEDULING WORK for
you! You could just let them work it all out amongst

Now THAT'S thinking. I should send you a bill.

OK, look man... give me a break!

You want to have a lifestyle that almost NO men have,
but you don't like all the tough "scheduling work".

Either higher an assistant, or get over it.


Sup Dave,

Man you got some skillz with the ladies. I'm
learning so much from you, now friends are asking me
for 'advice', that's wild. Well for the past couple
of weeks i just decided to give the ****y and funny
thing a try, to great reviews from the ladies. I was
getting tired of hearing "you are such a nice kid."
My problem is trying to figure out if i went too far
with joking with this girl. in her book i wrote " what's
up girl, i can't lie, you look good, almost as good
as me (haha). Give me a call so we can chill, go to
the movies, makeout...whatever. It was tight being
in classes w/ you, your energy and great smile can
really light up any situation. Have a tight summer.

It seems like in the past weeks she has started
to like me. The thing is, she is one of the most liked
girls at our school, i always played it coo around her,
jus being friends (oh ya, i got the email). It's not
like i'm a bad looking guy either so... "was it the
right thing for me to right this?" yeah, and if i messed
up and she is mad at me or something what should i do
to fix the situation w/out sounding like a 6'3 tall
wussy? "oh yeah, and "how do i kno when these girls
like me or not, they throw out mixed signals" one day
they're all over a brotha, next day they're not talking
to me...weird. Anywayz, if you can understand my conumdrum
and give me some advice, i would be greatly apreciative.


your friendly neighborhood black guy


Let me drop the knowledge...

First of all, get used to attractive women sending
you mixed signals. It's part of life.

One of the reasons why a woman will be "all over you
one day but cold the next" is because during the time
she was "all over you", YOU ACTED LIKE A WUSS.

A lot of guys don't get this.

They get all upset because a girl was friendly one
day, but totally acted different the next.

What often happens is something like this:

1) You do the right things, and make her feel

2) She starts acting affectionate. Maybe you make

3) You start saying "Wow, I really like you" etc.
and act all smitten with her to her face too early
on instead of just leaning back, enjoying, and playing
it cool.

4) She CHANGES HER MIND and sees you in a different light
because you turned into a WUSS right before her very eyes.

You feel me?

Better way: Keep doing what you know works. Keep leaning
back, being unpredictable, playing hard to get, etc.
And don't start acting smitten too early on!


hey dave

just to let you know that your stuff is genius...Ive
never had so much success before. I used to do EXACTLY
what not to do, in fact i didnt do anything right.
You see I was the "Nice Guy" I kissed girls asses
to make them like me, and i could never figure out why
they acted ignorant and ignored me. Now thanks to
you man i figured out what I did wrong. I now have
confidence and i am willing to talk to chicks i never
would before. Just wanted to thank you for all you
have done for us, i speak for everyone when I say that
you are the man. I hope that every man knows this
stuff, but if not more women for us right?



Thanks for your email.

I know, I know... it's soooo easy to do the wrong
things with women and NOT EVEN REALIZE THAT YOU'RE

Unless you get clued-in about how this game works,
it's very difficult to figure this stuff out by "trial
and error".

Keep up the great work.



Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
more below.............


Dear Dave,

I downloaded your book and all I can say is WOW! I
was blind and now I see. I've always been known as
a "nice" guy and looking back I can see how much of
a wuss I really was. Here's the story. Some friends
of mine and I go on a camping trip every year. This
year one guy brought a surprisingly attractive 20-something
with him.(I'm 36). Later that night she and I were
the last ones sitting around the fire after everyone
else had crashed. We had a few drinks and I found
out that she and my friend were not a couple. Then
she came out and said that she knew that I was attracted
to her but that I "wasn't her type". Before your
book I would have become embarrassed and tucked my
tail between my legs and fled. Instead I turned it
around on her and started busting her balls using
C&F. We ended up talking until the sun came up and
when it came time for her and my friend to leave she
asked me if I had a pen. She gave me her phone #(I
never even asked for it) and asked me for mine. That
never would have happened in my previous life! Everyone
out there: Get this book!

Thanks Dave!


Ah, isn't it exciting when you do something that you
NEVER would have done in the past... and it WORKS!?

Of course, you're just getting started... you're going
to take things to a whole new level, I'm sure.

Just make sure that you don't start calling this girl
every 20 minutes, and that you give her space to miss
you and think about you.

Keep it up.



I have been a subscriber of your newsletter for
a while now. I have pretty much perfected your techniques
and have had tremendous success with them. One thing
I recently realized is that after you have them hooked
you can keep them on the line even more by using strange
timing for telephone calls etc. What I mean by this
is that I have found it beneficial to return their
calls at weird hours when you wouldn't expect them
to be home or awake if they are so that you leave a
message. Then when they call about half the time all
I do is pick up the phone and say "can't talk sorry
bye," hang up, and go back to watching sportscenter.
The girls who are calling obviously want to see more
of you, so being hard to reach makes the game all
the livelier. If you mix being hard to reach with
the occasional phone call it seems like a shortcut
to taking it to a more physical level because they
aren't sure when they will see you next. I was wondering
if you have used this and if you think it is a good
idea or if there is some unforeseen way this could




You horrible man!

You actually tell women that you're BUSY, and hang
up so you can go back to watching SPORTSCENTER?

You're killing me over here.

I can't believe it, I think you're one of about five
men alive that have gotten to the point where you
don't need to stop everything just for a little attention
from a woman!

Hell, I'm starting to feel attracted to you.

Easy, boy.

You are doing EXACTLY the right things. Keep it up.

Being unpredictable, hard to reach, and mysterious
is MAGIC when it comes to creating ATTRACTION.

Of course, no technique is perfect, and if you do
these things long enough you will have something come
up as a result. But overall, this is a WINNING combination.

If and when you do have a problem or setback, don't
worry about it. These things happen. You'll have so
much success that it won't matter.

As a side note, I want to mention a quick little

I think that there's a line between doing things that
make women feel attracted to you so you can enjoy a
more interesting romantic life and actually give women
what they want...

And using the ideas you're learning purely to manipulate
women into doing things.

Most women would really prefer if guys would do this
stuff and be more interesting, but there's a danger
of using this information, and making people into toys.

I honestly believe that you can live whatever lifestyle
you want... all the way from dating several women at
a time to being married for years... and still do it
with integrity and honesty.

Do the right thing, and be a good guy.



Hey there! Thanks for the tips/advice so far. I
have an interesting story about an amazing girl i met
online...we started chatting and we hit it off so
well that we chatted for many hours the first day
and by the end of the second day she wanted me to
call her and i did and then by the end of the week
she wanted to meet me and she came over to my house
and well we kinda got straight into it (everything
but sex)...anyways the next day i called her and we
were still talking pretty hot and heavy etc...and
we kept this up for a couple of days and we were supposed
to meet again (to go to a movie) but then she backed
out and said she wanted to slow it down...i kinda
figured this was the end of it and i was feelign pretty
s***ty (she's a stipper for god's sake!) and i was
kinda confused and then she emails me the next day...
i hold off responding for a sec cause i'm confused
and then she sends me another email late at night telling
me to call her so i did and she tells me how she wants
to "cuddle" etc... and i'm kinda acting a little distant
maybe cause i'm confused about what the hell she wants
ands then all of a sudden she turns on me like that
and doesn't want anything to do with me whatsoever...
and now she won't respond to my emails or calls...what
the hell can i do to get her again cause i totally
want to party with her!

Thanks man... help me!

want more of her


OK, your problem is simple.


As a rule of thumb, when you first meet a girl, DON'T
talk to her more than once or twice a week, and don't
SEE her more than once or twice a week.

If you're chatting online, don't chat more than a
couple of times a week.

And DON'T talk for hours and hours and hours in ANY
of these situations!

Why not?

Because when you talk for hours, you start talking
about all kinds of WUSSY things.

Do yourself a favor next time...

After a woman comes over to your house and gets physical
with you, LEAN BACK.

Don't call the next day and talk hot and heavy. Give
it some time and space.

Here's one of my favorite quotes:

"Give her the gift of missing you."

I love that quote.

I wrote it.

OK, I think you get the point. Stop acting like a
needy WUSS BOY, and start leaning back, being unpredictable,
a similar situation in the future.



Hi i have been reading your newsletter for about two
months now and i really wish i could tell you that i've
had outstanding success with the ****y and funny approach
but im afraid i cant. You see i just cant even picture
myself seeing a gorgeous woman somewhere and just starting
some kind of conversation with her out of no where like
that. I get really nervous around women and never know
what to say to them. And i just can't help but see myself
get rejected by her and all the different ways she can
turn me down. Any suggestions?

M. from AZ


I have a question for you...

"What if you COULD picture yourself seeing a gorgeous
woman somewhere and just starting some kind of conversation
with her out of nowhere?"

Is the problem that you can't picture it? Or is the
problem that you won't just DO IT?

I mean, what do you think is going to happen?

Do you think that gorgeous women have magical powers
and she might turn you into a frog or something?

Here, try this:

Next time you see a beautiful woman, walk over and

"Excuse me, can I ask you a question? I'm trying to
overcome my shyness, and it's my goal to ask five
women today what it takes for them to feel attracted
to a man. Do you prefer it when guys try to BUY your
attention with gifts and food, or do you prefer it
when a guy teases you, makes fun, makes you laugh,
and keeps you guessing about what's going to come

Don't even worry about getting emails, numbers, and
dates. Just go ask that question.

As a homework assignment, go ask 100 women this question.
You'll see that women aren't so scary after all, and
you will get some really interesting answers from

Now, I don't usually advise asking women for advice
on women... but in this case I'm not telling you to
ask for advice for advice's sake. You're overcoming
shyness at the same time.

After you ask the first 50, I want you to try something

After you ask the question, and she answers, I want
you to say "Because, you know, I'm really tired of
women just treating me like a piece of meat... like
some kind of sex symbol or something. I need to understand
what I can do so a woman likes me for WHO I AM!" ...in
a serious, sarcastic, ****y and Funny way.

Watch the responses you get. You'll have fun.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
more from that DeAngelo newsletter:


Hello David. Well, let me put it this way: I got
your book, and it made a HUGE impact on my life.
I'd like to assure anyone who doubts you that you
are not full of crap, you really know your stuff.
Anyway, I have a little problem, and since I feel
you've mastered the understanding of the minds of
women, I need your help. First of all, I've always
had a razor-sharp wit, but I didn't have the confidence
to show it to most women, and instead felt sorry for
myself that women never got to see the real me. Now,
once I was introduced to you and learned the whole
****y routine and seen it's effects, my confidence
is sky high. I charm women like you wouldn't believe...
while I was happy with this at first, it seems that
I have gotten TOO good with women. I know I sound
awfully full of myself, but... here's the scoop.
When I use my dazzling charm combined with ****iness,
new women that i meet CAVE IN to me and become my
WHIPPED SLAVE after a short period of time. They lose
their sassy and fun personalities, and become obsessed
slaves that would do anything to please me. while
its sometimes flattering, overall I do not like this.
Don't get me wrong, I want them to want me, but I
DON'T want them to become my drooling little groupies
who think about me when they get up and eat breakfast
and are still thinking about me when they get under
the covers at night... it seems like their obsessions
sap their personality. What I was wondering was whether
or not you knew a SPECIFIC BEHAVIOR or trait that i
may be amplifying that causes women to react this way...
I want to TONE DOWN whatever it is that's getting them
to drop their religion and worship me.. any help appreciated.
by the way, i am NOT EVEN EXAGGERATING, i really do
see myself as TOO sexy and its ANNOYING.. i want women
to be challenging again! (P.S: while im not ugly, i
sure as hell am not the type of guy that girls whisper
and giggle about upon first glance... so don't attribute
any of this to my looks)


Wow, another sad, sad story. Makes me weep.

Women chasing you around like groupies and acting
like slaves... you poor thing.

Well, I do actually know what you're talking about.

Here's the deal...

Most women are used to being in CONTROL of men. And
when a guy like you shows up and uses his magical powers
of ****Y AND FUNNY, they are taken off guard.

You are pressing the ATTRACTION button inside of a
woman, which has an interesting side effect when done
with ****y and Funny:


This is a tough one for most guys to buy, but it's
the absolute truth... and you know what I'm talking

When a woman realizes that she's not going to control
you... and in fact, that she's feeling ATTRACTED to
you and she doesn't know how to handle you, SHE'LL
tart getting nervous.

And in my experience, there are only a very FEW
exceptional women out there in the world. I think
that you just need to keep up the search. You'll find
yourself a firecracker if that's what you're looking

I personally believe that it's important to understand
this stuff NOT just because you can meet a lot of women
using it...

these days, and you're probably going to have to date
quite a few to find one. Knowing these techniques
will help you see through tough exterior female personas,
and start making you realize what you actually want
in a woman.

You're on the right track, stick with it.


Hello, I do agree with the ****y Funny in theory.
However for me it is proving to be difficult in
practice. One of the biggest hurdles for me seem
to be the initial walkup. I am a very shy, nervous,
and easily embarrassed person. Often when I see a
beautiful women my heart starts to thump and my hands
sweat, and face goes red. I have had 2 opportunities
in the past few weeks where I had women come up to me
to ask me for something, once for directions, and once
for a light. I can think of a few things after these
happened, like I could have told the girl asking for
a lighter "those things are bad for you, you
know"....The girl asking for directions was a golden
opportunity missed, I could have been more detailed
and then got her email, but instead I just kind of
froze up and gave her quick instructions. When this
happens I start to get regrets and beat myself up for
not thinking more on my toes.

I do think that places outside of nightclubs are good,
because women don't expect it, and you catch them
off guard, but I was on the tub this morning (subway
in the USA) and saw this absolutely stunning Brazilian,
I thought perhaps I could do the "are you single,
my friend would like you" but all the people around
me made me hesitate and put it off. If I had done
it right at the beginning instead of oogling her in
disbelief I probably could of done it.

For me at this point, just to make an attempt would
be good to give me a boost. I realize I have become
such a wuss. How do I get out of this nervous rut
which keeps me from going for the women of my dreams.

J.P in London


If it freaks you out too much to approach women in
public, then figure out how to meet them in other

Get online and start instant messaging women...

Go to a pottery or yoga class (if those things interest

Get a part-time job as a bartender.

Take dance lessons.

There are all kinds of great ways to meet women...

By the way, one of the best things you can do is get
together with a friend, and go out for a day and
meet 50 women. Just approach every single woman you
see and use one of the techniques you've learned.

Then go do it again.

You might get sick the first 5 times, depending on
how deeply-rooted your fears are, but this will help
you get over it.

Part of the problem is that you don't know what to
expect. It sounds to me like you really don't know
how women will respond to you.

By approaching a lot of women one day, you'll find
out that women are usually pretty nice, and you'll
be able to handle whatever happens.

Otherwise, use one of the ideas I gave you above to
make meeting women easier. It might be a good place
to start.


Now then Dave,

I'll keep it short but first want to echo the feelings
of everyone else on this e-mail by thanking you, your
advice is seriously changing my life. Your stuff is
great for people you've just met or that don't know
you to well. However, I've just got back in contact
with a girl I used to work with 8 months ago. We got
on great and regularly went for coffee on our lunch
breaks, so knew each other well. The only problem was
that at the time she was in a relationship, so I had
to fight the attraction I felt towards her. I have
now found out that this has recently finished and want
to make a move on her in the near future before someone
else snaps her up. I've been '****y and funny' with
her since we met, so that approach may be less effective
than usual. Can you please give me some tips in how
to take this further than just friendship.




Well, first I have to ask you... Does she feel ATTRACTION
for you?

When you talk to her now, does she flirt with you?

Next time you talk to her, say:

"You know, I know you want me. It took you 8 months
to finally get up the nerve to admit it, huh?"

See what she says. Bust on her and tease her about
how you know she's been trying to figure out how to
get with you all this time, and see how she responds.

Then, when you're alone with her, lean back, bust on
her, have fun, etc. When you're alone, use the Kiss

You'll figure it out soon enough.

Just make sure you don't ASK her. No, no, no.

No Wussy behavior please!


Hi David,

I have only one word for you to start with, and I
guess you know in which context to place it:

==> "Damn" <==

When I was reading your book, say about a month or
4 ago, I thought to my self, this wisenoze thinks
he knows it all, I hope he don't expect me to believe
all that sh**.

Now, 3 months later, I must confess......"Damn"

E., Belgium


Well, thank you.

I think.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score

hey david

u really know what ur talkin about, this stuff works
like a charm. In your last news letter you had a girls
email in it, and she said that she would fall over
and open her legs for any man who used the c&f whether
he was GOOD LOOKING or NOT. so my question is how
much does looks really matter. lets say u got pimples
like crazy and ur really fat and u have hair all over
ur body (not that i have a lot of this) can u still
attract hot girls if you've mastered the ****y and funny
stuff? thats my question. i was just wondering. thanx.

J from IN


Let's see...

I don't think that if you're fat, have pimples like
crazy AND have hair all over your body that ****y and
Funny will work.

Maybe if you JUST have hair all over and pimples, or
pimples and you're fat, OR EVEN hair all over and fat.

But all three? No, I don't think so.

****y and Funny is really intended for the slim, hairless,
and those of clear complexion.

What the hell kind of question is this?

If you're fat, pimply, and hairy, then I think you
might want to stop eating so much Pizza Hut, and maybe
take a shower or something. Maybe some Oxy for the
zits, man.

"OK, OK, let's say that you're REALLY ugly... like
worse than the Pre-Cogs in Minority Report... And let's
say that you have a REALLY REALLY small wiener... And
let's say that you're a total dumb-ass...


If you wish for me to make fun of you further in front
of an audience of thousands, feel free to email again.


I've got a great success story I'd like to share...
more like 20, and that's not an exaggeration! But I
also need some help. Then I'm gonna bust on you some!
Yeah you Yoda!

For those of you who haven't got this book yet, get

I got burned on 2 other books before I got smart and
got Double Your Dating, and Bridges is absolutely a
must read!!! For those of you who get Dave's emails
and haven't gotten the book.. and maybe you've gotten
lucky by scoring a few emails and numbers and then
choke cuz you don't know what to do next I've got 2
words for ya....HA! HA!

Get off the fence and get his books! They work!!! As
for the guy who is 50 and wonders if it will work for
him and if he can date babes...Duhhh.

I'm 47, only average looks, and in the last 3 months
have gone out with babes from 27 to 47. I even had
one gorgeous 32 year old take me to lunch! Take Me!!!!
It turned into an all day date, with me leaving her
place the next morning. Again, you need to read

It happened just cuz I busted on her when every one
else was drooling over her and buying her drinks and
telling her she was beautiful, blah, blah, blah. She
was singing Desperado at a karaoke bar with about 8
cowboys drooling all over themselves and hovering around
her. She is drool worthy, a true "10" a gorgeous face
and a body that is straight out of Playboy, she does
some modeling part time.

I was trying to figure out an approach when she happened
to turn and looked right at me, so I got off my bar
stool went over and said "Can I ask you something?"
She said "Sure, what?" I then asked "Are you going
to sing any more Eagles songs?'" She says " I guess
I can do a request" (semi-teasing). I say "Then please
don't sing any more Eagle songs, cuz I really like
them", then I turned and walked back to my bar stool.
Almost immediately I heard "Hey a**hole!!!" I turned
and there she was, madder than hell, I started cracking
up- she started laughing too, sat down with me...and
the rest is history.

I've gone from dating an occasional 6 or 7 up to 8's
and 9's regularly!!! (at least one a week). I go to
one particular bar regularly, and it has proven to be
a gold mine for me. 8's and 9's a plenty.

So here is my problem. There are four "10's" that
have recently started coming in to the bar that I
want to meet, but I choke when it comes to approaching.
I totally freeze.

I'm afraid if one of the "10's" shoots me down, the
8's and 9's will notice. I get numbers and / or leave
with an 8 or 9, but am kicking myself on the way out
for not taking the chance with the "10's".

I don't want to blow it at this place, since I've become
popular there with most of the women.
(all this in 3 months!!!!)

Is it better to stick with good looking babes, or
do you go for broke with the awesome mega babes?
(what a great problem to have right?) I've been very
lucky at this place, and have only been "shot down"
once when I first started going in. What would you
do Dave?

Now to bust on you....when are you coming to Texas?
Seminars is LA and NY? Why not Dallas? I'll be the
first one in line to buy a ticket!

Happy but Frustrated


You're doing such a great job... don't turn into a
WUSS now!

The way you busted on that woman with the Eagles songs
was great. Just keep it up.

Attractive women can smell fear. You have absolutely
OTHING to lose by talking to the "10s".

Here, try this. Next time you're out at the bar, ask
one of your friends to rate the "10s".

You'll find that your friends don't think that all
of them are 10s. We each have different taste, and YOU
just happen to think that these women are 10s. I can
guarantee you that there are other guys who think that
they're 7s or even 5s.

Getting "shot down" is a state of mind.

I prefer to feel sorry that a woman has missed out
on an incredible experience... not that I was "shot

And if a woman is actually RUDE to you, just laugh.
Say "Oh, sorry... you looked like you might be an
interesting person, but I was obviously mistaken."

Feel bad for her, and move on.

In other words, keep up the great work.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score

Hi Dave. I am a younger one. 18 to be exact. I
am interested in this book because I have never really
been a ladies' man. I am somewhat above average height;
6'1", and I weigh 205 lbs. I am not a bad looking
guy, but I just get really tense around women. (You've
probably heard this before) After I say hi, I'm clueless.
Can you help me Dave? Are these techniques as good
as they sound? (Your newsletters seem quite convincing)
Please help out one of your youngest romantically retarded
friends. Thank you.

PS: If this does work as well as you say, then expect
to hear a success story from me.

P. J. K.

San Francisco, CA


I know what you're talking about. I used to be VERY
tense when it came to women.

I could be out in a public place, and a woman could
know what to do.

I always felt like I need to say something that would
"impress" a woman... or act "cool" so she'd like me.

I went through this for most of my adult life, actually.

I can't say that my techniques will absolutely work for
you without question. You're the one that has to use

But I will say that if you get out there and try them,
I think you'll find that they work better than anything
else, and that you'll have more success than you have
now. It took me YEARS to really figure out what women
respond to, and I really believe that ANY guy can
use the material to attract women.

Depending on just HOW shy or nervous you are, you might
need to get that handled... but once you start working
with the techniques, I think you'll be VERY pleased
with the results...

Get yourself a copy of my ADVANCED SERIES. It's the
ultimate training program for meeting women... and it
will increase your success DRAMATICALLY.

And the best part is that you DON'T HAVE TO DECIDE

Here's my offer to you:

Order my program. There zero risk.

I'll send it to you (in a plain box, of course...
so it's just our little secret)... to try for thirty

If you like it, keep it... and I'll bill you in three
easy payments. If you don't like it, just send it back
to me... and pay nothing.

I'm serious.

Go here to get it right now:


And if you haven't downloaded your copy of my online
eBook yet, then what the heck are you waiting for?
It's full of dozens and dozens of great tips and techniques
for meeting women. You can download it right now and
be reading it within a few minutes from right now.
Get it here:


I'll talk to you again soon.

Your friend,

David D.

P.S. If you'd like to send me a Success Story, Question,
or Comment, follow these guidelines:

1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs max.

2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
your question. I appreciate all of the "Your stuff
is great" and "I don't need to tell you how well your
stuff works" comments, but the fact is that I DO need
to hear all of the specifics... because this helps
other guys to see what's working in different situations.

3) If you have a Success Story, write "Success Story"
in the subject line of the email. I read these first.

4) At the end of the email, give me your initials and
tell me where you're from.

5) Send it to me at:


...don't just hit "reply" to this email. Thanks!

Copyright 2004 David DeAngelo Communications
Inc., All Rights Reserved. Double Your Dating
and David DeAngelo are trademarks of David
DeAngelo Communications Inc. You agree to all of
the following by accepting and reading this: You
understand this to be an expression of opinions
and not professional advice. It is only to be
used for personal entertainment purposes. You are
solely responsible for the use of the ideas,
concepts, and content and hold David DeAngelo
Communications Inc. and all members and affiliates
harmless in any event or claim. If you are under
the age of 18, please go to the link at the end
of this e-letter to stop receiving it or send
mail to "DDMI" 3960 Howard HughesPkwy, 5th Floor
Las Vegas, NV 89109.

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Austin Allegro
It's possible that the emails are 'tidied up' by an editor. I'm an editor by profession and get lots of emails that are just so badly written they have to be almost re-written completely before publication.

It's possible they are faked though - I know one or two editors who regularly fake letters to their publications.
Well I doubt that editing is the answer here, because 1) a lot of the testimonials have bad spelling or grammar, sound very informal, etc. and 2) spelling/grammar is not the issue here, it's more about content, writing style, the ridiculous hyped tone, etc. Look at the examples I gave, and you'll see what I mean. Or do you?
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by chicksrock
yes it could be editing ..
I've listened to david deangelo's talks...
he is definitely not a fake..
the guy is amazing...
As an orator he sucks big time! He has on public speaking skills and this is my area of expertise.

He took a simple idea that we used in the black community way back in the 70's to get women and coined it and sold it out there to desperate columbine type of men and is making a fortune on it. I applaud that!


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation

You didn't have to post an entire newsletter to show that his testimonials are faked. You could have simply posted a couple and commented on them since most of us do not have your training and cannot see the "style" that you are talking about.

Anyway, I do agree with you that some girls, especially the really smart ones (the ones I really, really like :D) would not go for looks right away, AND the emotional connection is neccessary. One cannot simply lump all women into one category and say that they all like the C+F routine. While they do enjoy it, if a guy kept at it, she'll get bored and the idea is to never bore her. And again, after a while she'll want to relate/connect to you on a deeper level and C+F only allows for superficial connections.


Master Don Juan
May 6, 2004
Reaction score
You seem to be straying from the point...

David DeAngelo knows what he's talking about. Even if he fakes his testimonials, which I doubt, since he has helped plenty of guys who were once clueless.

But for women in general, being attracted to a guy is not enough. If she doesn't feel an inner connection with him, her intuition doesn't like him, or she isn't turned on by his mind too, his looks won't mean much to her. Most smart girls I know are like this.
Now this is where I think you're all wrong. If she doesn't feel an inner connection with him, or her intuition doesn't like him, or she isn't turned on by his mind, THEN she is NOT attracted to him. Attraction does a lot, IF it is there. But you're basically saying two different things and tacking them together. His theory is correct, if a girl is attracted to a male, then she will fall for him and will pursue him. But that includes all levels of attraction. That's why David DeAngelo also preaches to ugly guys, because there are many other forms of attraction such as inner connections and his mind.

My best friend, who is a girl, often tells me that even if a guy is very hot or good looking, if she says certain things that turn her off, his looks won't matter anymore, she will drop him.
Once again, she is not attracted to him, otherwise she wouldn't drop him. So he's hot, but not attractive. Two different meanings. Attraction is what happens when a person wants someone else, being hot or good looking is just a matter of genetics.

Oh and I can guarantee you that for her, DeAngelo's ****y and funny routine would turn her off. In fact, I've almost lost a few girls using his C&F routine because in reality it sounds so shabby and contrived that it's really a turn off. It may get a few laughs from girls, but that's it.
You just don't know C+F.

The guy knows what he's talking about. But obviously you shouldn't be asking girls for opinions because, girls are liars. They lie to us, and they lie to themselves. Afterall, how many non-single sweet, funny, romantic, caring, always-there-when-you-need-them guys laying around?

Not enough.

No girl will admit to wanting a ****y, confident, masculine, challenging guy. Yes, they want a guy they can control, but once they get it, it gets boring. If you know about relationships, you'd figure that out by now. And what are you doing asking women for help anyways?


Master Don Juan
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Louisiana, USA
I do like the part where he says "From time to time I want to remind you that every one of the emails contained in my newsletters is real and authentic... I don't have my mom write these, and I don't sit and come up with them myself!"

Generally speaking, when someone says "To tell you the truth..", "Honestly speaking..", "You've got to believe me..", etc., warning signs go off in my head - the honest man has no need to validate his honesty, however the dishonest man oftentimes attempts to reinforce his 'honesty' before being dishonest.

Just a thought.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2003
Reaction score
Red Sox Nation
Originally posted by NRM
No girl will admit to wanting a ****y, confident, masculine, challenging guy. Yes, they want a guy they can control, but once they get it, it gets boring. If you know about relationships, you'd figure that out by now. And what are you doing asking women for help anyways?
It's same with us guys. How many guys do you know who want a girl they can control and make her do anything they want?

Probably every guy you meet :D I'm one of them, and I believe you're one of them too.

How many guys do you know who have gotten such a girl and stuck around her for long?

Not many. It's rare to get such a girl, it's even more rare for a guy to stick around her. He might keep her there until he gets something better, but he'll be the first to drop her as soon as he gets another one. As soon as she's in the net, he's going to be mmoving to his next contquest.

Makes me wonder why do we seek control when we know very well that once we get it, we're going to get bored by it? Why do we seek predictabillity?

I think it's because we don't like to waste our mental energy in one thing, trying to figure it out. We want to figure it out, and move on to the next thing. It only makes sense. The world is infinite. If we get stuck somewhere and can't figure it out, we'll usually pay a lot of attention to it and be "interested" in it. But we'll only go so far. If we cannot figure it out in a certain amount of time (this is a very random variable) then we'll again move on.

So what do we want? A balance between predictability and unpredictability. Balance between control and no control. Think about it.

So if this isn't enough reason for you to be yourself, then I don't know what is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
I'm not convinced David D. fakes the testimonials, although its possible. His material is pretty solid though IMO - I downloaded his book off ***** :eek: Its nothing ground-breaking, its just about being confident, having a game plan, and developing your personality. Pretty similar to the DJ principles actually.

It's same with us guys. How many guys do you know who want a girl they can control and make her do anything they want?
OK I'll admit it would be the ultimate fantasy... but I'd get bored with it. In the long term I'm looking for an equal but opposite half to myself, if that makes sense. I don't want a dominating woman but I don't want a completely subserviant one either.

Mr. Roo

New Member
Jun 10, 2004
Reaction score
You are blaming someone to do an incorrect thing, alright.
But you are doing almost the same thing. May I ask where YOUR "evidence" is? You just posted a thought, how can you speak of evidence I ask myself...

What DeAngelo says about women is rather right than incorrect, in my opinion.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
I have the ebook and the dyd cd series and I have to say that the emails are very surface level to what he talks about. In the cd's he goes into a lot more depth about attraction. In the cd's he breaks every step down, everything from the initial contact to the date to getting physical and he also spends almost half the time one the cd's talking about your inner game and having the correct frame of mind when dealing with women. I think that in of itself is of huge benefit to anyone who listens to it. His theories are no doubt solid and they've worked, at least for me they have.

I think if you judge the materials based on the emails, I think there are important elements missing. Being C&F works but if you're "faking confidence", then it will backfire eventually, the same with any technique. The emails don't really address that but that is addressed in the cd's.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
Originally posted by Romeo0310
He may be a good speaker and may have some charisma. But in his newsletters, his tone is very immature, and his theories are too simple and he doesn't seem to understand much about women.
who are you to say that he doesnt seem to understand much about women? i mean really what gives you the right to say that.... unless youre the biggest don juan in the world and you can get any girl you want, or have written a book about dating you have no right to say anything.

now his book is real, and i think his email bags are too. in about a month he probably responds to hundreds of emails (that should take a lot of time) how much would it take to make up all these stories, some of them which i think are very unique. he understands a lot about women.

his book works and also his cd series, which he goes into deep detail giving much more information than what the dj bible says.... if this stuff didnt work, why would he offer a 30 day trial and a full refund if you dont like his book or his material?

i know his stuff works because i first started reading his stuff about 10 months ago, and ive had a lot of success with women. then i came across this website, and i really havent found anything new or surprising that david hasnt talked about. i would actually say that theres a lot of effective stuff david has talked about that i havent seen in this website.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares