Estrogen inhibitors to grow taller


Aug 14, 2005
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Does anyone have any scientific research about estrogen blocker/inhibitors?

At 5'8 it is a up hill battle, and she'll be forever thinking about talller guys. I can spot girls thinking it all the time "Awww he's nice but, he could be alittle bit taller" I acctually see it going on in a girls brain.
I'm not ugly or unattractive by any strech of the imagination, I have a body which is much better than the compettition, but im shorter.

Any how, I'm 18 and still growing.

So i've been researching about estrogen inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors, they stop the body converting testosorone into estrogen. Estrogen causes bone fusing. I exactly know the mechanics of it all but i'll save you the science lesson.

A short lesson on skeletal growth and hormones

Does anyone know about/has taken/seen the effects of estrogen blockers?

Especially the steriod type ones or "suicide inhibitors"?

They come in certain bodybuilding suppliments such as 6-OXO. They're legal and there are lots of different ones.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
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Not sure whether it would be effective on it's own (You might be better off using Clomid or Nolvadex for an anti-e instead of one that is contained in a supplement). You may have to stack it with HGH, IGF-1, Insulin for it to be effective, then again you might not see any results whatsoever, it'll burn a fu<king hole in your wallet if you decide to do it. 18 may be pushing it a bit too close, your bones may have already fused. My recommendation, get over it, I went through this stage a while ago as well reading up everything I could about HGH etc so I know where you're coming from.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
good grief. 5'8" is fine, you won't find many girls taller than that. (although I think I kept growing til I was 20-21 so you've got a couple of years yet)

don't try to fight your genes with chemicals or any other stuff like that, you have no idea what you're doing - especially if you have to ask about it on a board like this.

live with the hand you've been dealt and make the best out of it. tom cruise is a titch and he does fine.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
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I'm 5'9 and that's only an inch above you... and the height thing has never been an issue.

My general rule for height (if you can call it that) is that i go for girls who are 5'2" - 5'4"... 4 to 6 inches shorter than me. Most girls will agree that they prefer their guy to be about half a foot taller than them. (your mouth lines up with her forehead, when you're standing face to face) Some like the really tall guys and others don't have a prefference.

don't start fvcking with your hormones....especially at 18!!!!


Don Juan
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Interestingly a combination of Anavar (Oxandrolone) & an estrogen inhibitor (anastrozole) has been shown to add some height to young boys and girls whos growth plates haven't fused - try to google this up, if you're doubtful.

To be honest, 5'8'' is an an ok height. Try to be content with what u have, and since you're 18 there's a good chance that u have the potential to grow a few cms more.

MuayThai said:
Does anyone have any scientific research about estrogen blocker/inhibitors?

At 5'8 it is a up hill battle, and she'll be forever thinking about talller guys. I can spot girls thinking it all the time "Awww he's nice but, he could be alittle bit taller" I acctually see it going on in a girls brain.
I'm not ugly or unattractive by any strech of the imagination, I have a body which is much better than the compettition, but im shorter.

Any how, I'm 18 and still growing.

So i've been researching about estrogen inhibitors and aromatase inhibitors, they stop the body converting testosorone into estrogen. Estrogen causes bone fusing. I exactly know the mechanics of it all but i'll save you the science lesson.

A short lesson on skeletal growth and hormones

Does anyone know about/has taken/seen the effects of estrogen blockers?

Especially the steriod type ones or "suicide inhibitors"?

They come in certain bodybuilding suppliments such as 6-OXO. They're legal and there are lots of different ones.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, Nebraska
Ive got a friend whos only like 5'7 and gets mad chicks. You're fine.


Master Don Juan
May 13, 2005
Reaction score
Midwest America
MuayThai said:
At 5'8 it is a up hill battle, and she'll be forever thinking about talller guys. I can spot girls thinking it all the time "Awww he's nice but, he could be alittle bit taller" I acctually see it going on in a girls brain.
I'm not ugly or unattractive by any strech of the imagination, I have a body which is much better than the compettition, but im shorter.
Girls? Thinking? Pfft! Girls don't think dude, they feel.

So what if you don't fit the perfect male ideal? A man's physical attributes are far less important to his game than his value. I know you won't believe it until you're older so there's no point in discussing it further. Spare yourself the roids, and save your cash for something that matters.


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Cheers guys

Maybe I should just keep healthy until im fully grown see what I think about it then.

It's not only about gettting chicks though. When I was little I always had a picture of myself growing up to be tall, and now i'm getting older I wanna be taller.

I believe that also there is a phycological connection with being tall, that makes you happier and generally think more positively. If we look at satistics taller men are happier, ritcher, more manly and live better lives but they don't live as long as shorter guys. Like Pooks "Every skinny guy should know this" I feel like there should be a "Every short guy should know this" thread, but that wouldn't be very helpful to anyone.
I'm not too worried about it, i'm acctually quite content with my Height. I just don't like the glass celing of being shorter.

I'll probley not even think about this is a couple of years. But whatever cheers for the replys guys.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
MuayThai said:
Maybe I should just keep healthy until im fully grown see what I think about it then.

It's not only about gettting chicks though. When I was little I always had a picture of myself growing up to be tall, and now i'm getting older I wanna be taller.

I believe that also there is a phycological connection with being tall, that makes you happier and generally think more positively. If we look at satistics taller men are happier, ritcher, more manly and live better lives but they don't live as long as shorter guys. Like Pooks "Every skinny guy should know this" I feel like there should be a "Every short guy should know this" thread, but that wouldn't be very helpful to anyone.
I'm not too worried about it, i'm acctually quite content with my Height. I just don't like the glass celing of being shorter.

I'll probley not even think about this is a couple of years. But whatever cheers for the replys guys.
you can prove anything with statistics boyo. don't be down on yourself. also, don't have a picture of an ideal you, because you'll never get there. be pleased with what you've got and improve on it, but don't have an ideal, because it's just that, an ideal.

I know I'm never gonna have a narrow waist (I don't have the structure for it) or a head full of long flowing hair (not that I'd want that, but it'd be nice to have the choice), but neither have inhibited my ability to have girlfriends or relationships. hell, even when I was pear-shaped I had girls fancying me. it's all down to character and personality at the end of the day.

and look at this way, short guys find it easier to squat. :D


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Warboss Alex said:
and look at this way, short guys find it easier to squat. :D
Lol thats true.

Warboss Alex said:
you can prove anything with statistics boyo
Do you think i'm wrong?

The only problem I find when reading Pooks posts are just, he doesn't need to do anything to get girls (most of the stuff hes posted is highly original becuase of this). From the sound of his posts all I can gatherhe's done to get girls is got over his Speed seduction phase, and then put on some muscle. At 6'3 and 200pounds I don't think he even needs to worry about getting girls they'll come to him. And I hate hate hate it when a girls goes for the jock with no personality or inner strength, just beacuse he was born with a nice body.

Whatever, i'll be at the gym.

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
6'3 and 200lbs is underweight. :D don't pay any attention to him. I use more than his bodyweight for the first couple of sets of my squat warmups.

And I hate hate hate it when a girls goes for the jock with no personality or inner strength, just beacuse he was born with a nice body.
why the hell would you want to go for a girl like that anyway? say you were the one with the nice body, as soon as someone purdier came along she'd drop you like a hot coal.

(and vice versa, would you go for a girl just 'cause she's good looking? I had a girlfriend once who was statuesque but she had all the personality of a stick insect and fewer morals than I have feet. glad I got shot of her.)

there's plenty of beautiful women out there who appreciate a guy with personality. concentrate on being fit, healthy, respectful, dignified, humourous, pleasant, supportive, confident and above all a GENTLEMAN and they'll be flocking to you as well. at least, the ones who are worth it will, and we're not interested in the ones who aren't worth it are we? ;)