Escorts do they eventually marry before hitting the wall?


Jun 10, 2019
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An escort can only escort for so long till she hits the wall.

Do these women end up getting married to some poor schmuck eventually or do they end up committing that..

Like in Vegas you'd see mid twenties chicks on their phones in the casino that would slowly make their way to the tables with a chip in hand and start talking to you or anyone with the most chips. They'd be dressed normally but you could tell they were "working".

I just thought about it and wondered if these chicks ever wind up getting married to some clueless goof or some dude who doesn't care she was "earning extra" when she was younger selling her youthful azz to strangers, but now as the wall approaches she's ready for a hubby.

Not that I even believe in that wall nonsense but most women reach a certain age where everyone else is married but her.

If they don't O.D. or commit that I wonder if they end up married and to God help who knows who.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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An escort can only escort for so long till she hits the wall.

Do these women end up getting married to some poor schmuck eventually or do they end up committing that..

Like in Vegas you'd see mid twenties chicks on their phones in the casino that would slowly make their way to the tables with a chip in hand and start talking to you or anyone with the most chips. They'd be dressed normally but you could tell they were "working".

I just thought about it and wondered if these chicks ever wind up getting married to some clueless goof or some dude who doesn't care she was "earning extra" when she was younger selling her youthful azz to strangers, but now as the wall approaches she's ready for a hubby.

Not that I even believe in that wall nonsense but most women reach a certain age where everyone else is married but her.

If they don't O.D. or commit that I wonder if they end up married and to God help who knows who.
Completely ran thru! Desensitized. Probably hate men and hate sex by then.


Jun 10, 2019
Reaction score
Completely ran thru! Desensitized. Probably hate men and hate sex by then.
You'd think they'd most likely rope but you never know if they instead rope a dope and end up married.

A lot of these younger chicks would come from other states like California, the midwest etc and work for a bit to get some quick cash then head back home. How long or how many years they do it who knows. But i just wondered if eventually they see every other chick in their town engaged or married and as they get older look for some clueless chump.

A lot of them were functioning retard level. Like stereotypical hollywood blond comedy movie dumb. I actually pitied them. They get annoying as hell quick. Like a few minutes F off annoying.

Same with a lot of chicks Id met the two times Id been at a hooters. Cringeworthy dumb. Feel bad for dumb. Isolated outback country dumb. So dumb you feel bad for even knowing they're that dumb. Can't even explain how dumb.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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You're asking an opened ended question. When you have as many partners as they have they do become desensitized as GS mentioned, while also having some resentment towards men. So having a true healthy emotional attachment becomes very rare. Some will have a child as an excuse to make them feel worthy of being a mother while also feeling they have purpose. Some will commit suicide when their looks fade. Some will get married to a beta cuck who will make her feel better about herself, but never tell him about her past. It can go a lot of different ways.


Jun 10, 2019
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You're asking an opened ended question. When you have as many partners as they have they do become desensitized as GS mentioned, while also having some resentment towards men. So having a true healthy emotional attachment becomes very rare. Some will have a child as an excuse to make them feel worthy of being a mother while also feeling they have purpose. Some will commit suicide when their looks fade. Some will get married to a beta cuck who will make her feel better about herself, but never tell him about her past. It can go a lot of different ways.
Not saying they all end up married or even have a good marriage. Just wondered if any do and thought good God help the moron that would cuff those chicks.

Wouldnt be surprised if many turned lez, did cam shyt, O.D, off themselves, or go prostitute for life.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
I remember coming across a YouTube video where a woman was an escort. She looked older than my mom. Had kids and was married. Hubby knew about it. ****s wack. Seeing all that faggot cuck **** makes me admire Wilhelm Frick for coming up with the idea of a master race and for wanting to clean out the gene pool.

That aside, a lot of pornstars have kids and/or are married.

But seriously, imagine the kids. Your dad is a weak fag and your mom is a blazing ***** who is proud of it. When those kids get to middle school and high school, and some douche says ‘hey I fvcked your mom cuz she is a *****’, that kid literally cannot deny it because of the possibility that he did.

Some of these hoes are straight up retards and are only good as bags of meat. And the dudes they’re married are either complete weak cvcks, or are absolute studs who bang more women than his wife fvcks men. But the latter probably isn’t as common except for top-paid ‘actresses’.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Not saying they all end up married or even have a good marriage. Just wondered if any do and thought good God help the moron that would cuff those chicks.

Wouldnt be surprised if many turned lez, did cam shyt, O.D, off themselves, or go prostitute for life.
The biggest sloot in my HS who went on to do nude modeling, strip for years, alcohol/cocaine addict. She was a got dam train wreck. Someone found her nude pics and leaked them to everyone she knew. She was having 3 some with football players, banging the strip club manager, banging all the alpha's, and god knows who else. Sadly I did bang her once and so did a lot of friends I knew.

Heck one time she offered to give me head for a ride so she could bang this dude she was seeing with a huge herpy wart on her lip (of course I didn't). We even went to see her strip for some laughs and make her feel like chit.

She ended up marrying this beta cuck and having 2 kids. Dude always looks so happy in his pics. He just bought her a brand new car, spoils the sh!t out of her. But I can tell you this, ain't no way in hell he knows her past. That's what most do is have a beta cuck take care of them while being a stay at home mom.


Jun 10, 2019
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Last three posts itt are what I'm talking about. That sheet is utterly alien to me. its like how low can your self esteem be to MARRY those types of chicks?? These dudes either have to have lived under a rock, have zero self esteem, think they are some knight in shining armor that she'll "never forget" and be "indebted" to for life and or were raised by ine fvcked up family and screwed up childhood to wife up let alone get involved with a pay for play cvm dumpster.

Absolute alien to me shyt.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
The biggest sloot in my HS who went on to do nude modeling, strip for years, alcohol/cocaine addict. She was a got dam train wreck. Someone found her nude pics and leaked them to everyone she knew. She was having 3 some with football players, banging the strip club manager, banging all the alpha's, and god knows who else. Sadly I did bang her once and so did a lot of friends I knew.

Heck one time she offered to give me head for a ride so she could bang this dude she was seeing with a huge herpy wart on her lip (of course I didn't). We even went to see her strip for some laughs and make her feel like chit.

She ended up marrying this beta cuck and having 2 kids. Dude always looks so happy in his pics. He just bought her a brand new car, spoils the sh!t out of her. But I can tell you this, ain't no way in hell he knows her past. That's what most do is have a beta cuck take care of them while being a stay at home mom.
Chief, you gotta help that brother out. He’s so lost that he doesn’t even know it. You ought to send those leaked pics and **** back to him. At least something. It’s not right for some cvnt to treat another human being like that.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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Last three posts itt are what I'm talking about. That sheet is utterly alien to me. its like how low can your self esteem be to MARRY those types of chicks?? These dudes either have to have lived under a rock, have zero self esteem, think they are some knight in shining armor that she'll "never forget" and be "indebted" to for life and or were raised by ine fvcked up family and screwed up childhood to wife up let alone get involved with a pay for play cvm dumpster.

Absolute alien to me shyt.
What you don't know can't hurt you. We all know women manipulate and have the power of the pu$sy. No one will never know of a women's past unless someone who knows her tell's him. Women hold all the power in that they can be the biggest sloots on the planet and they will still have an army of beta's who know her past salivating for her and willing to marry her and provide. The sloot will manipulate the beta by putting him on a pedestal. Even if she Spartan kicks off the pedestal he will stay. Pu$sy is a hella of a drug!

Chief, you gotta help that brother out. He’s so lost that he doesn’t even know it. You ought to send those leaked pics and **** back to him. At least something. It’s not right for some cvnt to treat another human being like that.
Married with 2 kids so there is nothing I can say or do that will change anything at this point. She had sent me a FB request to which I ignored for many years but eventually caved in to accept. Soon I saw him I instantly felt bad for him knowing what I know about her. She's a master manipulator like most sloots who also was a wolf that knows how to get what she wants from a man. Even if it's as degrading as offering sexual favors in return.
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Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2016
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Some escorts have bfs. I can’t wrap my head around that, but it’s true.

So it’s not unreasonable to assume that they could get a relationship after they retire from the business.
You just gave me a flashback. I was watching a UK TV show about escorts. One was a ropey 6/10. They filmed her on the phone to her bf. There was a few "I love yous" from her but he seemed cold. The next clip is her making sex noises with some Jon in the bathroom. Fast forward a few weeks and she's pregnant. She said it's deffo her bfs but he doesn't want to know anymore. She cried lol.

Thanks for the flashback. I will try to find the show.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
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They join an evangelical church , are "forgiven", and marry a pastor.


Apr 21, 2018
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Bridgeport, CT
Most def. Jenna Jameson married a UFC champion (who beat the sh!t out of her) and then some Israeli real estate mogul. Some males are just weird and do stupid sh!t. Like @MadMan. ;'p


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
could be the bf is bankrolling her
I mean if he's her pimp and she just says "bf" as a code word, that's a different matter.

If she's an independent (sans the pimp), I would think she would make more than enough $ on her own.

An independent escort with a beta bux bf? Yeah maybe. Then she wouldn't have to spend her cash.


May 23, 2013
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Most def. Jenna Jameson married a UFC champion (who beat the sh!t out of her) and then some Israeli real estate mogul. Some males are just weird and do stupid sh!t. Like @MadMan. ;'p
Believe that was porn star Christie Mac that was beaten up, or maybe there’s two. She wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, seeing the fighter and then getting caught by him with another man in her bed.
Think his pro name was War Machine…


Apr 21, 2018
Reaction score
Bridgeport, CT
Believe that was porn star Christie Mac that was beaten up, or maybe there’s two. She wasn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, seeing the fighter and then getting caught by him with another man in her bed.
Think his pro name was War Machine…
Yes, her too, but Jenna got beat down by Tito years back. Christie Mac was attractive before the tats, after the tats, U-G-L-Y.



Some escorts have bfs. I can’t wrap my head around that, but it’s true.

So it’s not unreasonable to assume that they could get a relationship after they retire from the business.
I commute to some rural areas for my job, and I've noticed that I meet a lot of men there that are raising kids that aren't their own. I think it's because the supply of women doesn't meet the demand, but also because the guys don't seem like the types that would pick up and move for greener pastures. And I can't really blame them. There's something to be said for having roots and being close to blood relatives.
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