

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2018
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First off, I have been separated from my ex wife for 4 years now because I've discovered her having an affair with her co-worker. She cried and asked for forgiveness. I am devastated but I gave our marriage a chance only to discover after a few months that their affair still continues. That's when I told to myself that I had enough and I moved out.

I am now 40 years old while she is turning 41. The guy she's having an affair with is 35. My ex wife and I have 3 daughters ages 5, 8, and 10 which were in her custody. I still visit the kids and support them financially. With my situation, I make it to a point that I am present on their birthdays and other important moments for them.

During the first few months of living alone, I made an effort to make myself look better. I also stumbled upon this site searching for answers. I regularly went to the gym and after a few months I saw improvement on my physical appearance. I also run every morning. It made me feel good about myself and going to the gym and running became my regular routine. I also began writing stories regularly as a hobby. My stories are written in our local dialect here in the Philippines. It was also my way of coping up to keep my sanity in check from the emotional and psychological impact from my ex-wife's infidelity. I post my stories using an alias/pen name in an online literature site where I became a bit known for my works. I had gained fans/followers from that site. There I met online friends that turned into real life friends.

A year after my wife and I were separated, I began dating again. That was the time my writing career as an erotic author flourished even more. I began to write hardcore erotic stories that will pass as p0rn. Most of my readers are women and they like those hardcore stories I'm writing. I dated different women for a year and a half. I also dated women whom are my fans as an author. I fvck them on the first/second date. They became my plates on rotation. Some of these women are ladies as young as 19 years old. I lost trust in women no matter how hard they prove themselves to me. Men tend to be the faithful one. Most of these women are treated badly by me. I love the feeling of not giving a fvck/care less to them yet they chase me even more. It works. Women's mind is different than men. The logic behind "The one who care less controls the relationship" is true. The one who care less should be us men. Always be willing to walk away if the woman shows signs of disrespect. If she flakes on you, next her. A woman should be afraid to lose you. It is also important to know that these women can cheat or will cheat on you even for stupid reasons. It's a sad reality. The best thing you could do is do what you love other than women.

In my experience, women comes when I'm enjoying myself doing what I love right now and that is writing. Sometimes they come in bunch.

Lately, there's this 21 year old lady I'm dating. She became my girlfriend and our relationship went on for six months until we broke up because she can't handle the pressure my evil ex-wife harrassing her through her facebook. My ex-wife learned about my writing career and began stalking me with the help of a women that I dated that was one of my fans. My ex-wife contacted some of my fans in my own facebook group. She even used one of my daughter's facebook account pretending as my kid talking to them (some of them are my previous plates). The guy ended his affair with my ex-wife when he married someone. It became clear that the guy has been secretly living with this girl during his affair with my ex-wife. My wife has been giving signs of reconciliation but I told her to fvck off my life. The only thing that links us is my kids and nothing more.

Today is my birthday. Yesterday, my 21 year old ex gf visited me on my house to give me a present. She's the one that broke up with me two weeks ago for reasons that her family is against her having a relationship with an older guy that has kids from a failed marriage.

She came to my house with her present and we had s3x. She's aware that I'm dating someone. Today, I will treat my kids to lunch and the ex wife would like to go with us. After lunch I'll be heading home again. Perhaps, talk to one of my female fans that was showing signs of interest in me and I'm planning to have fun this evening.

I want to say Thank you to SoSuave. This is long overdue actually. I am just a stalker here years ago.The wisdom here helped me a lot. Looking back during my moment when my ex- wife cheated on me, my mindset was different now.
The tips here are pretty solid especially the DJ Bible.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2017
Reaction score
The guy she was cheating on you with dumped her and she came running back to you. The boomerang. You did right by not taking her back.