EPIC Failure !!!


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Being 23 years old and have never been kissed or laid has to be an epic failure at life.I have a job i live at home and have been looking for an apartment.History wise two dates in my lifetime:down: first girl didnt turn into anything.Second girl liked me but was still in love with her boyfriend.I hanged out with her many times at her house but i never escalated the situations.

After figuring out what a joke the second girl was i said **** it.No i didnt turn gay i just didnt have much motivation to do anything.Ive given up on trying to start a relationship with someone mostly because i dont have the balls to talk to a girl.When that girl said she liked me i turned into a different person.I was talkative and happy.I hate to say it but she brought out the small ounce of confidence in me but that soon dissappeared.

I dont have encounters with women in my every day life and even if i did and found a girl that i was intrested in i wouldnt do anything.I hate how i can never contribute to stories about chicks with guys at work.I hate how even the ugliest guy at work has had girlfriends.What the hell am i doing wrong? wheres my confidence? when can i full these summer days/nights with something more than going to work and coming home?.Is there something wrong with me?


Aug 18, 2007
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Not kissing a girl or getting laid isnt an epic failure. Are women going to make your life better? Or easier? I think you should focus on your life, your career, and how your going to provide for yourself, and get that "I fail at life" talk out of your head...


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Its not going to make my life easier or better but it will make it more intresting.Its 5pm on a saturday and im sitting here typing about how much of a loser i am.Last weekend i went to the movies with my friends and i was the only one who didnt have a girl to tag along with........how weak is that?.I am focused on my goals and i am in the right direction.It doesnt hurt for me to want someone to hang out with thats not a male for once or to have my first ever relationship so that i can gain some experience


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2008
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Your not a failure. You have a job, you make money, you have a house, and your probably not (though i'm not 100% sure) addicted to crystal meth or crack. Believing that a girl will make you a better person or happier is complete BS. It may be hard at first but just approach girls your age at public places.


Aug 18, 2007
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Rex Man

Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2005
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intraining said:
Being 23 years old and have never been kissed or laid has to be an epic failure at life.
:yes: As of THIS moment you are an epic failure. (But not at life, just at women)

intraining said:
I dont have encounters with women in my every day life and even if i did and found a girl that i was intrested in i wouldnt do anything.
:nono: THIS is the problem. Once you can change THIS attitude, you can change your life.

intraining said:
Is there something wrong with me?
Yes there is. BUT you have the power, the means, and the will to fix it. Hell, you're only 23. TONS of people are still virgins at that age. No one can do the work for you; you must put it in yourself.

You won't get any sympathy from me, but look at it this way; once you become more successful you won't have to worry about d!ckheads (like me) poking fun at your plight.

Go out there and do it! :up:


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Fear not, I'm 21 and I don't encounter women every day. Women that go after me are either strippers, hookers or flakes. Talking about women at work, duck off quickly. If you stay too long, everyone will wonder why you're quiet on that subject matter. Then when you end up talking about how you have trouble meeting women or the fact you've never kissed a girl, you'll be the laughing stock of the office. I was nearly the laughing stock of the restaurant that I used to work at cuz I was clueless about women. And only the ugly chicks that worked there wanted me, seemingly everyone there tried everything to us together which I rejected every time.

Lie if you must, but cover yourself.


Oct 3, 2006
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nismo-4 said:
Fear not, I'm 21 and I don't encounter women every day. Women that go after me are either strippers, hookers or flakes. Talking about women at work, duck off quickly. If you stay too long, everyone will wonder why you're quiet on that subject matter. Then when you end up talking about how you have trouble meeting women or the fact you've never kissed a girl, you'll be the laughing stock of the office. I was nearly the laughing stock of the restaurant that I used to work at cuz I was clueless about women. And only the ugly chicks that worked there wanted me, seemingly everyone there tried everything to us together which I rejected every time.

Lie if you must, but cover yourself.
what do you mean by "clueless" about women? didnt know how to flirt or any of that? and how are things with yuo now?


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score

1) Are you happy with your body/physical shape/how you look and feel?
-If not, get to a ****ing gym, lift weights, hit a treadmill, hit an elliptical machine, whatever, just improve yourself physically and you WILL feel TONS better inside and out. Don't know what to do at the gym? Just glance around for 5 minutes and do whatever the guys are doing that you want to look like...simple as that. MAKE A ROUTINE. EVERYDAY!!!!

2) Do you enjoy your life in general?
-FIGURE OUT WHAT YOU WOULD ENJOY DOING THE MOST IN LIFE, DESPITE HOW MUCH IT PAYS. This is your career goal for your life, plain and simple. Jot down on paper what you need to do to make this happen and MAKE IT HAPPEN. TAKE ACTION!!! This is your purpose. If a girl wants to join you for the ride, so be it, if not, she's not worth it. THIS IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE NOW!!!

3) WOMEN: You start working on these first 2 things and everything else will start falling into place, because women will detect your passion FOR LIFE AND FOR BETTERING YOURSELF and THAT is something WOMEN want in a man. Start there and see where it gets you. This isn't all inclusive by any means, but it was a damn good start for me and it WORKED.

Rebound Material

Master Don Juan
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
Fear not, I'm 21 and I don't encounter women every day. Women that go after me are either strippers, hookers or flakes. Talking about women at work, duck off quickly. If you stay too long, everyone will wonder why you're quiet on that subject matter. Then when you end up talking about how you have trouble meeting women or the fact you've never kissed a girl, you'll be the laughing stock of the office. I was nearly the laughing stock of the restaurant that I used to work at cuz I was clueless about women. And only the ugly chicks that worked there wanted me, seemingly everyone there tried everything to us together which I rejected every time.

Lie if you must, but cover yourself.
ahhh goodness...I feel you on this one. I can't say that Im far from the same position as the OP(I have made out with girls, fingered one, but have never had a GF and still holds the card), but I know how he feels. Yea, at work whenever my co-workers start talking about this kinda **** I usually stay quiet or go and do something else. My older co-workers have called me out at times saying that they think im still a virgin and have never had a GF and I lie about it or try to dodge the question. They also accuse me of being gay because ive never brought a girl around to our restaurant like the other guys....those heartless fcuks. I can't say that only ugly chicks have liked me though and there have been times when I rejected some cuties...that I NOW regret.


Don Juan
Apr 21, 2007
Reaction score
Rebound Material said:
ahhh goodness...I feel you on this one. I can't say that Im far from the same position as the OP(I have made out with girls, fingered one, but have never had a GF and still holds the card), but I know how he feels. Yea, at work whenever my co-workers start talking about this kinda **** I usually stay quiet or go and do something else. My older co-workers have called me out at times saying that they think im still a virgin and have never had a GF and I lie about it or try to dodge the question. They also accuse me of being gay because ive never brought a girl around to our restaurant like the other guys....those heartless fcuks. I can't say that only ugly chicks have liked me though and there have been times when I rejected some cuties...that I NOW regret.
Just find things in your life that truly make you happy and embrace them. This is what women will be attracted to. If you think these things aren't things that women will be attracted to, BROADEN YOU HORIZONS!!!! Enjoy life for everything that it entails. THERE'S A LOT OF **** IN THIS WORLD!!! JUST FIND SOMETHING YOU LOVE AND EMBRACE IT AND PURSUE IT. IF A WOMAN SEES YOU HAVE A PASSION AND SOME KIND OF CONFIDENCE FOR SOMETHING SHE WILL FOLLOW YOU.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
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JimmyBizzle said:
1) Are you happy with your body/physical shape/how you look and feel?
-If not, get to a ****ing gym, lift weights, hit a treadmill, hit an elliptical machine, whatever, just improve yourself physically and you WILL feel TONS better inside and out. Don't know what to do at the gym? Just glance around for 5 minutes and do whatever the guys are doing that you want to look like...simple as that. MAKE A ROUTINE. EVERYDAY!!!!
i might still be learning the whole PUA thing but thats not a good idea, get a program off the net like this one, http://stronglifts.com/stronglifts-5x5-beginner-strength-training-program/. that one is designed for people who are just starting off


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
Yeah. You sound like me, cept for the virgin part. But I havent had sex in a long time, nor do I feel like girls are/would be attracted to me. There's all these different arguments, "only jerks/bad boys get the girl" "embrace your passions and the women will follow" "All you need is confidence" Hell, the way I see it, all you need is a penis all that other stuff is crap. If women knew they're place, we wouldn't have these problems. I'll bet you half of the bad **** that goes down is cause some guy somewhere isn't getting his junk sucked. As for happyness, I don't know what makes me happy, or I have my fleeting monents of it. What kills me, is I haven't even put in the effort for what i want. Oh sure, I can come home,veg out on the comp, look at porn, gotta cut down on that, but my social life feels non existent. I feel behind. I am also starting to have very dark thoughts.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
Reaction score
Just read through the Don Juan Tips section and Don Juan Bible.


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Trust me,you`re not a failure


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Believe me,you are 100% mistakened.You are Not a failure.Do you really think just because you haven`t kissed or slept a woman your life is a failure? That`s ridiculous.You`re a good person,right?You have family,friends,a job,and I`m sure the list goes on and on.I can promise you that your existance on this planet IS a benefit to others.Look,I`m not saying that life is a bed of roses,and YES,women are a pain to understand.But your life is what YOU make of it.And guess what? One day you are going to meet a woman,and you are going to sleep with her.It`ll be fun,exciting,and you`ll enjoy it.But you know what? After it`s over,you`re not going to say to yourself "Ahh finally. I`m a success now.My life finally has purpose and meaning".Also let me give you a hint:Women are attracted to men who are vibrant,alive,men who are happy.You have it backwards.You think,"If I can find me a woman,then I`ll be happy".That`s backwards.You don`t find a woman,then become happy.You become happy FIRST,(because of your family,career,friends,etc.)then you`ll meet a woman.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
verysuave said:
what do you mean by "clueless" about women? didnt know how to flirt or any of that? and how are things with yuo now?
Now, I work a lot and I still don't encounter a lot of women. I had no clue of how to get a date or how to flirt. Every time I want to get with a woman, I either can't get a spark of interest going, causing me to run off, or I fail by being told I have a boyfriend, having the girl flake on me, or get a wrong #. These days, I do music hoping to get rich and famous and then I know women will flock to me!

I've gotten lucky on occasions, but it's starting to run out on me.