Embarrassing Situation


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Met this awesome girl and we got on great. She's sexy and One thing leads to the bedroom and we start making out. Clothes come off and i tease her with foreplay, then as i go into position to **** her, my d!ck goes soft, i get hard again but as i soon go up into position again my d!ck goes back to soft. It seemed like everytime i would sit up kinda it would lose the hardness.

The dissapointment on her face was really unbearable. I tried all night and this morning and although i could do it sometimes, it just went back to being a whiskey d!ck.

I've never had it like this before
I dont drink/smoke
I eat alot of raw vegan food (So i'm wondering if it's something to do with low blood sugar)
Her ***** was really tight and i mean super tight, although i did get it in for a bit

I know I have probably lost this girl mainly to do with me making it a big deal but I'm so freaked out and feel like this is going to happen again, anyone ever had that experience?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Birmingham, UK
See your family doctor to make sure it's nothing serious. If there isn't anything, see a psychotherapist/councilor and maybe get some Viagra (don't get the pills without some sort of contact and discussion with a doctor/therapist first - you probably won't need them)


Don Juan
Mar 18, 2009
Reaction score
I don't mean to sound the alarm here, but you REALLY need to get it checked out.

There's probably a 99.9% chance that it's nothing and you just need to relax, but trust me, if you fall into that .1% that there is a serious problem, the sooner you get it checked out, the better.

I had similar symptoms a few years back and eventually became completely impotent. I had other health problems to worry about, so this was put on the backburner. When I finally got it checked out, there was a mass of tissue obstructing blood flow in the corpus cavernosa. Of course, it was first thought to be Peyronie's disease, but when the surgeon went in, he found not a mass of plaque (the same stuff that clogs veins) but a small tumor. The tumor turned out to be malignant. Had I waited longer, there's no telling where it would have spread to.

Again, not trying to scare you, because it's probably nothing. It's still not something you will want to take a chance on.


Don Juan
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
new Jersey
happens to me all the time ! Especially with new girls ...

It is weird ... With my ex g/f I had so much trouble getting hard but after we were dating for a month I was back to normal.

I know its not a physical problem because when I jerk off I am so hard... and I got random erections during the day that I cannot get rid of for the life of me.

Blood sugar + dehydration will definitely do it. Also stress + nervousness does it.

this problem is a huuuge sticking point for me ( No pun intended) and would also like some advice from anyone who has had this problem.