Either one of two things


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
United States
So this girl is constantly messaging me on facebook. Every time she logs in she talks to me...sometimes I reply most times I don't. anyway, yesterday, she came on and messaged me. I told her to go to bed (it was 11 PM and she has school). she replied by saying:

"i rather talk to you ;)"

I told her to go to bed about 5 minutes later and then she said

"but i like talking to you :)"

So now I think this could mean 1 of two things

1) I've been friendzoned and she just wants to use me to talk to me

2) She's interested

I know that she doesn't have a bf so idk...thoughts?


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
It means nothing, it's series of 1s and 0s. Get out there and actually interact with her, that's the only way to tell for sure. All talking of Facebook does is shows that you currently have nothing better to do than be fvcking around on the internet. This still applies just as much when you are in high school. Good luck!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
The best way to handle this is the same thing as the best way to handle women in general: Dont care so much! who the hell cares the what the subtle nuances of the facebook chat between you two are?! she's just a girl.

the thing that took me the longest to learn about girls (granted im not that much older than you) is that there's SO many of them. there are right around the area of 3 BILLION girls on this planet, right now, at this very second. if she likes you, then things are great. you need to focus on yourself. be a little selfish right now! you're young. this is the time to focus on improving yourself to be the high quality man that EFFORTLESSLY attracts women. work out, practice good hygiene, get good grades, be outgoing and friendly. combining all those things will provide you with all of the female attention you could possibly need.

everyone around here will tell you "be confident, confidence is what attracts the ladies." this is absolutely a complete and total TRUTH. what people DONT tell you is that women have a 6th sense for people BULLSH*TTING their confidence. the solution? make that confidence be real by doing what i said above. If you are a high quality man, you will have no problem having infallible confidence. if you have infallible confidence, you will have no problem landing whichever girl(s) you choose.

_______Begin reading here for cliff note version of my post.

This doesnt really matter. don't care so much about the small stuff, and just understand the replaceability of all women. this will make everything regarding your love life simpler.


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2010
Reaction score
Dont fall for it. Its probably because you're the only person online.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
She's obviously into you, but I'm guessing there's a reason why you're not trying to pursue her; she's probably not attractive I'm guessing? You could EASILY turn this around and get an easy lay from her, the signs are so glaringly obvious you don't even need game to notice that, but it's up to you whether you want it or not.


Don Juan
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
War Against Betaism said:
She's obviously into you, but I'm guessing there's a reason why you're not trying to pursue her; she's probably not attractive I'm guessing? You could EASILY turn this around and get an easy lay from her, the signs are so glaringly obvious you don't even need game to notice that, but it's up to you whether you want it or not.

Ya come on man. I agree with above poster 100%. When I first read this I was like, "Dude are u fvcking serious." Its so painfully obvious. She wants your d1ck, but to me it sounds like a case of fat girl desperation, hahaha.


Don Juan
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
United States
Thanks to those who helped out here. I was texting with her a couple weeks ago...peep for yourself.

Her: can i get you to become a red sox fan pleeeeeze? ;)
Me: Ummmmmmm, no!
Her: why not?
Me: what would i get for becoming a red sox fan?
Her: Me
Me: almost sounds like a good deal
Her: Yay!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: I nvr said i accept
Her: :'''''''''''''(
Me: Change of plans. I stay a yankee fan but the rest of the deal stays the same.
Her: Hmmm, I don't know about that.
Me: I wasn't asking you, I was telling you.
Her: lol ok ;)

so there ya go...