<Double Your Pleasure>


Senior Don Juan
Nov 14, 2002
Reaction score
Toronto Canada
<Double Your Pleasure>

Many of us ponder over the perfect place to set up the first date and since we are all in this elite group if comes as no surprise that we usually choose the not only a good one, but a great place to work our magic.

Well guys, it's time to ratchett things up a notch!!!

Whenever I take her out, I ALWAYS take her to two different places MINIMUM!

Why? You'll learn the secret in a minute.

Now I'm not talking about going to a pub and then to the club to party.

Come on, that's too easy and predictable!

What I do it take her to at least 2 different places (Martini bars and
lounges work best) that are within a very quick walk from one another and never have more than 1 drink at each place
(this is key)

Here are the secrets to why I insist on doing this:

#1 it shows that you are spontanious, adds excitment and it's unpredictable.

#2 when you walk across the street it gives you a great chance to really cross "KINO" road

#3 it adds a variety of atmosphere and increases the chance that you will run into someone you know (increasing your social proof)

#4 and most important, it gives you a very VERY smooth way to split the bill and test to see what she expects of you.

I always cover the first round and 99% of the time she will payfor the second.

If she doesn't crack her purse at the second place... she gets the "Next" stamp.



Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
This is a good tip.

I realized when alot of my dates went well were when I had a couple of cool places to go. For instance a restauraunt followed by a cool nightclub with a great atmosphere and a live band.

One of the best nights I ever had with a girl, I went to a good dinner, and two different clubs. And I ended up with the prize that night.

Another thing I'd like to add is what I read elsewhere one time, about meeting a girl. If you meet a girl at one club, it is an excellent idea to try to take her to another club that night even if it's within walking distance. This guys theory was if you take her to the next bar it is almost like you are already together and for some reason she is more likely to sleep with you than if you just try to take her home after the first bar.

Of course the effects of the added alcohol at the second bar and the fact that she must have high interest to go with you to the second bar don't hurt either!

Good tip