Dont Think On The Outcome


New Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Well fellow DJ's ... today I had an epiphany. I, as a DJ newbie (even though I've been reading this site for three years now), was hitting on three girls. It was my personal goal when I first started trying to get this area of my life handled. I liked one girl more than the other two. She was fun, smart, hhoootttt!!!! (in a high pitched voice), the typical girl you would take home to meet your parents, and a very nice person, but there was a little problem, she wasn't interested in me. As most of you people know, the more you chase the object of your desires, the more it eludes you. It is an amazing truth, which I learned the hard way. With the other two girls, I was hitting on them, since I wasn't that much interested, they were so attracted to me. BUT NO!!!! I continued pursuing the other girl.

There I was, acting like an AFC, not the DJ I was fronting with the other girls, when she told me that she had fallen for someone else. I was LJBF'd in an instant!!! I was kinda sad, but kept my cool in front of her. On my way home I realized what a chump I had acted with this girl, while with the other 2 girls, I was the DJ I started being with this girl. That's where it hit me!!!!

I wanted to show this girl what a great catch I was, and she being a loser for LJBF'ing me. As most of you DJ's know, when you are thinking of someone else, and you are presented with the opportunity of getting your way with other girls.... YOU DO IT!!! No matter what, I think it's male nature to do it, even though you have feelings for someone else. That's why, I think, that men cheat more on women than they do on us, it's just NATURE IN ACTION. And you act like the DJ you are supposed to be. WHY? You might ask. Well it's because you are not thinking of the outcome as much as if you REALLY like her, if you really like her, you are constantly thinking... "Am I doing it right? Am I blowing it?..." etc, you and I have been there and we all know what goes through our minds. The chinese/japanese have written a lot of books on this subject, such as THE JAPANESE ART OF WAR, and some others, it's a Zen thing. Well, I went home and called the second best girl on my list (remember that I always am hitting on three girls... just to be safe, and to have options) and asked her out. I wasn't BEING a DJ, I was flowing as a DJ. Being and flowing are two separate things. Well, to make a long story short, we ended making out, with a babe that, on my scale, was 8.5. I wasn't thinking on the outcome, I was being the DJ I always imagined I could be. When I went home I remembered about the other girl, and realized that, she let me go, it's her loss, not mine. Even though I still had feelings for her, I used the situation as fuel to the DJ inside. After a while, as I was surfing this site for more useful info, I came across a post about a DJ "movie", I remembered, that once, on his mailbag, the master guru of dating, David DeAngelo, recommended this movie. Its the movie "THE TAO OF STEVE". The movie is about a fat philosophical guy, and he is really good with girls, even though he isn't good looking or has money, or any of the other myths that we believe a girl is looking for in a man. And in some part of the movie he says to one of his friends "... hey, look at me. I'm not supposed to be getting laid, and I get more in a week than you do in a month..." something like that. Well here is his three step guide to getting girls:

1. Eliminate your desire.
2. Be excellent in her presence.
3. We pursue that which retreats from us.

In a nutshell, these three things summarize this post, if you eliminate your desires, you actually "flow" with a girl. You are not concerned about getting her in the sack. You must do something you are good at, something natural, not stupid, but try to impress her by doing something that comes naturally to you... this one is tough to explain... for instance... treating her in a way that you are sure no one else does, for example, if she si being a *****, treat her like your bratty little sister, if she is being to nice tell her something like you are too nice for me, I usually go for bad girls", and then the girl trying to convince you she is right for you. I think you get the idea. And number three, after you do the 2 first things, then retreat, and let her come seeking for more. THE END.

"DON' T THINK YOU CAN, KNOW YOU CAN" Morpheus, Matrix, Part I
"DO IT, OR DO IT NOT, DONT TRY" Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back
Chinese philosophy can be applied to everything in life. So do yourself a favor and start reading some of it, believe me, it helps.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Nice Post, but...

Glad you made it to this realization, as hopefully other guys do as well.

I dislike the utilization of movies for the facts that, actions are contrived. It's a utopia. It displays ideals, not as applicable to the real world. Not to destory viewpoints, but just get out there and do it.

Ayn Rand espouses her views on Objectivisim in "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead" and as many have pointed out, to make her point valid she has the situation unfold as it needs to make her point.

There isn't much to learn in dating/mating.

Be your best self. Focus on you.

"No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable."
- Socrates, 400 BC

Stop lousing around. Screw all the thought and self-analysis. Just do it. Most men lose right off the bat in relationships because they get complacent, they want to be accepted "as is" and not grow. Well, a hard working, gifted person respects other hard working gifted people, so aspire to grow.

It's life, and death is inevitable.

You think rejection is bad, what about dying? I saw "Saw" over the weekend, and without giving away the movie, you learn to appreciate life through his criptic ways. Essentially people are put in life or death situations calling for them to make the hardest decisions possible, indicating their value on life.

I would avoid to the highest levels, MOST people don't value their lives enough, and in turn it shows, because they give little value to the live's of others.

Use whatever images, quotes, movies, books, etc you need to motivate yourself into action each day. Do what works. But live, don't just survive. Through living, you'll learn how to meet the type of women you desire in the best way possible for you. It's supposed to be fun, not work. That is unless of course, you want to bang like it's a hobby.



New Member
Oct 15, 2004
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Ok... first... I referenced that movie just because I found that the message it delivers its that the outcome doesn´t matter because after all.... you still are YOU!.... then this discussion forum its about girls and dating... not philosophical matters


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2000
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New york, New York
Great post man.

You do have to have a detached attitude and you have to keep your interest level in them lower than their interest level in you.

Whoever's interest level is higher is the one that will be the chaser.

Whoever's interest level is lower will be the pursuer.

By the way, "The strong rule the weak but the wise rule the strong" is my catch phrase.