dont get to anxious, like me...


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
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Hmm.. where to start

I suppose I should say this first, and I know that its been said before but I feel like saying it again. Never get too anxious at all costs. This is a lesson that I'm somewhat learning right now. This goes especially for the guys who either havn't had many girlfriends or who don't get much attention from girls in the first place.

I know its somewhat hard to get a gf in the first place, and I know that it gets old and then when you get the attention or the girlfriend, all those past feelings of anxiety are released.

You want to hold on to it and you want to make sure that it never goes away and so you give her too much attention and talk to her too much (you might not think this a problem, but it can be). You assume that if you give her attention she will automatically want to stay with you, and this is completley wrong. You have to make sure that you dont fall into this trap.

Its easy to say to yourself "hey this girl might like me, so I should give her attention, protect her, and make sure that she never wants to leave, I cant let her leave me, otherwise I'll be miserable again."

You have to ignore this voice and say to yourself "hey, if I want to keep her, i should lay off a little bit. And by this I dont mean ignore her for a week and see what happens, I just mean dont talk as often (dont send txt messages first in my case, lol) make her talk to you, but dont seem like an ass who doesnt want to talk.

Now for my story as it goes with the above.

Theres this girl from my work, and we recently started talking. I like her, and my friend decided to ask her if she liked me or would go out with me. She said she would but she wanted to get to know me first. I thought great, well lets just talk to her nonstop and make sure she gets to know me. So thats what I did. I was always the one to start the conversation and sometimes it seemed like I was trying too hard to make it keep going. This is the wrong approach in my opinion. I realized this tonight, and so I'm gonna try something for the next couple days and see how it works.

The plan is to not start any convos and jus wait until she does. When she does start the it, I'll talk like its just any normal day, but I dont start them. The goal is to hopefully not seem too clingy but still interested. I guess we will see how it works.

By the way, give me feedback on my plan, the good and the bad.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Why not start convo?

Dont be clingy, and you wont seem clingy.

Don't talk to her non stop "trying to keep everything going" either, but you've realized that.

You're starting to get the right idea bro, but you need to realize that its much more than just letting her start all of the convos, because chances are she aint gonna talk to you much.

I'd recomend not dating girls at work, but you arent going to listen anyways.

Look, all I can say is read the DJ Bible because you obviously havent.

You will transform over the next few months.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2005
Reaction score
I think you are in the same boat as me...there is this girl I like and I thought she liked me at the beginning, so I thought that by calling her all the time and talking to her everytime that I had the chance would be the best way to get her. Well aparently thats not the case, now she seems way different, she acts different... I don't know if she got bored or something but she doesn't seem interested in me anymore. Anyway, I stopped calling her and sending text messages, but as Andromax said she wouldn't call or text message either.. so I had to do it.
I have been reading the bible... pieces by pieces, because I don't really have that much of free time, and I have gotten a lot of good information... I'm going to stop giving her so much of attention... I will treat her like any other girl, and talk to other girls at work. Even though its a hard task to achive I must do it.
So I think that not starting convos wont get you anywhere.. because for the most part she wont start them either...she might be thinking the same way that you are... and she might be waiting for you to start them.
Anyway good luck man...
I hope I can get this girl too :D


Don Juan
Jan 31, 2004
Reaction score
ok so after rereading my post i realize that i sounded kinda like an ass. i didnt mean that im gonna ignore her completley and make her start the conversations, what i think i meant to say was that im gonna play hard to get, that kind of thing. oops.

and yea, i do realize that ignoring the girl will get you nowhere because like frank17 said, she may be thinking the same thing. oh well

oh and btw, she still started the conversations occasionally. so i figure it worked out to a degree. i figure the only way to know for sure is simply ask her out "officially" becuase we have gone out a couple times and done stuff, but it didnt really feel like a date, so now im jus gonna do it and make it official that way she and i both kno what im thinking