Don't forget to have fun guys

Jan 19, 2023
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I don't know about you all, but if you're not having fun with these ladies, whether it's dating, hooking up, or whatever, consider taking a break. Find something else to do to take your mind off romantic matters. Relationships should enhance your life, not detract from it. Sometimes, as individuals, we become overly serious and desperate in our quest to find the perfect partner, losing sight of the process and whether we're truly enjoying ourselves.

For instance, if you're in a relationship filled with drama, whether it's about cheating, ex-boyfriends, or constant negotiations and compromises, it might be best to cut ties and move on. Life is short, and you can find someone better who won't be a constant headache or drain your wallet.

Similarly, if you're with a woman who maintains contact with her ex-boyfriend, keeping men from her past in her life, why take the risk? She's just another person, and you can do better. Just as everyone advises women not to settle for anything less than a perfect man, perhaps we should hold ourselves to the same standard. It's unfair to you if she's still talking to her ex. ex while,their exes is emotional attachment

And for the love of God, do not chase a woman who has little or lukewarm interest in you. It doesn't matter how much you offer to spend on her, or how much time and attention you give her; you cannot negotiate genuine desire. Take the hit to your ego and just admit, "She's just not that into me," and move on. There's another girl out there somewhere who wants you badly. Invest in girls who show interest and who actually want you.


Don Juan
Aug 14, 2019
Reaction score
I don't know about you all, but if you're not having fun with these ladies, whether it's dating, hooking up, or whatever, consider taking a break. Find something else to do to take your mind off romantic matters. Relationships should enhance your life, not detract from it. Sometimes, as individuals, we become overly serious and desperate in our quest to find the perfect partner, losing sight of the process and whether we're truly enjoying ourselves.

For instance, if you're in a relationship filled with drama, whether it's about cheating, ex-boyfriends, or constant negotiations and compromises, it might be best to cut ties and move on. Life is short, and you can find someone better who won't be a constant headache or drain your wallet.

Similarly, if you're with a woman who maintains contact with her ex-boyfriend, keeping men from her past in her life, why take the risk? She's just another person, and you can do better. Just as everyone advises women not to settle for anything less than a perfect man, perhaps we should hold ourselves to the same standard. It's unfair to you if she's still talking to her ex. to your ex while,their exes is emotional attachment

And for the love of God, do not chase a woman who has little or lukewarm interest in you. It doesn't matter how much you offer to spend on her, or how much time and attention you give her; you cannot negotiate genuine desire. Take the hit to your ego and just admit, "She's just not that into me," and move on. There's another girl out there somewhere who wants you badly. Invest in girls who show interest and who actually want you.
Great post. It’s simple advice but often overlooked. Reminds me of the Cyndi Lauper song ‘Girls just want to have fun’. You can have a great body, finances etc., but that all doesn’t matter if you’re not having fun. Women pick up on it.