Don't Be SPINELESS And It all Comes Together


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
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Alright guys I had an epiphany today although it came at a price. I realized today that all this cr@p about getting women is related to everything else in your life, including your career, your finances, your health, overall happiness, everything, but ALL OF THOSE PARTS OF YOUR LIFE REVOLVE AROUND HAVING SOME B@LLS.

Honestly, some people sit here and overanalyze everything (I did too, so please feel free to call me out on this if you'd like) and are thinking "Oh what kind of neg hit should I use", or "Oh what should I think to fix my inner game", "What about my kino...", "Should I call after 2 or 3 days..." the list goes on.

This is all absurd, this cr@p like everything else all boils down to if you've got the b@lls to take what you want, that's it and it's as simple as that. You want a sweet job? Go out, educate yourself, take the necissary steps and then display your UNTOUCHABLE CONFIDENCE and do WHAT IT TAKES to get that job, and don't settle for anything else. You see that hottie in the corner? Are you going to be a wimp like most people and think about what you're going to say or are you going to grab your nuts and just take what you deserve?

I had a lady call me about an AMAZING opportunity for an entry-level sales job a couple of days ago. I was going to wait for the next day to call her so I could brush up a little more on the company and know what I'm talking about, but my overbearing father basically put me on the spot and made me call her. The result? I was nervous during the entire phone interview, and she emails me back saying that they gave it to someone who had been interviewing for a couple of weeks (aka I probably sounded too wimpy on the phone). And by the way if you can't see how that example applies to dealing with women then at least in my opinion you haven't even scratched the surface of pickup (and I obviously haven't either since I let that happen).

Now the point of all of this is, is you see some guys who walk around all day, have a nice car, HB 9 gf, awesome pad, and people say to themselves "oh he's so lucky". BULL! The dude had the integrity to go out and make his dreams come true, 99% of people in the world don't because they come up with bs for why they can't, or they can't accept success into their life/are afraid to.

The point is, if you've got a spine, you'll go up to the HB 9 and you'll be persistent and committed to getting her or someone of better quality (not cause you need her but cause you deserve her/better than her), and if you don't get her you won't care because you've got the spine to go out and meet someone better anyways, and are determined to make it happen. And if you want that job when you go in for the interview you'll go in as if theres no tomorrow and make it happen. It all comes down to whose gonna go out and make it happen.

And now that I've posted this feel free to knock me for being a b!tch myself because I'm obviously not there either. :kick:


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2010
Reaction score
Denver, Co
Honestly, some people sit here and overanalyze everything (I did too, so please feel free to call me out on this if you'd like) and are thinking "Oh what kind of neg hit should I use", or "Oh what should I think to fix my inner game", "What about my kino...", "Should I call after 2 or 3 days..." the list goes on.
I totally agree with you, flint. I have come to realize that most of the chumps who ask these lame questions are guys who have some unresolved issues i.e. child hood trauma, abuse, neglect yada yada yada. It's easy to criticize these dudes, but it's harder to lead them. I for one am not gonna waste my time leading them, especially because two weeks later they'll ask another question that's similar. Plus, we're on the net, lol!
Grab your balls, feel them, and know that your a MAN. Make decissions and live with them. That's all I got, for now.


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Good stuff, I completely agree... Its just knowing what you want and going for it.. Not staying in your head and being nervous all the time.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 17, 2009
Reaction score
....and the clouds parted .....and the light of truth shown brightly.........


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
nothing wrong with getting some tips and tricks but i agree that is just icing on the cake so to speak.

I believe almost EVERYTHING involving problems with girls, dating, etc.. revolves around fear.

Fear of rejection is all really.

It causes you to do stupid things, act nervous, not be yourself, not be natural, etc... it sucks really.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
I think part of it too is people are afraid to make their dreams come true believe it or not, because they are afraid of success because it's something different. When you get used to living a certain way you become afraid of the unknown. If you're used to being dumped on it becomes scary to change that because it means taking responsibility.

And people don't change until they are really entirely fed up with things. It's like what Brad Pitt says in Fight Club "We're only free to do anything once we've lost everything". So if you want to get good at this get fed up to the point where you can't look back. (Again I feel lame for making this argument considering what happened to me but I still think it's true and I'm determined not to let that happen on my interview next week).


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
fear is the your first and deadliest enemy. It hides in behaviors and preferences, its insidious and hard to root out. A man who can find and destroy all of his fears can rule the world.

The older I get, the more I see that "conquering yourself", or becoming "master over yourself" really boils down to mastering fear. Procrastination is fear, self sabotage is fear, laziness is fear. A lot of anger is fear. Prejudice and racism is fear. Even misogyny and misandry is fear. False Expectations Appearing Real. FEAR.


Don Juan
Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
Procrastination is fear, laziness is fear. FEAR.

i'm interested why you think laziness and procrastination is fear.

just wondering as I suffer from these 2.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
Reaction score
lakeshore said:
i'm interested why you think laziness and procrastination is fear.

just wondering as I suffer from these 2.

Agreed just cause i don't feel like getting my lazy @ss off the couch on sundays til 2 pm has nothing to with being "afraid" to get off the couch LOL


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
lakeshore said:
i'm interested why you think laziness and procrastination is fear.

just wondering as I suffer from these 2.

They are twins when you suffer from both. One leads to the other. You know exactly what it is you need to be doing, you choose not to it because of what ever fears you have, success and failure are the main two. Laziness is a very easy way of procrastinating. I'm not talking about just "I don't feel like getting off the sofa today lazy" I'm talking habitual laziness. I bet your one of those people who does great work at the last minute right?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
This thread has given me the answer to conquer all fears.