Don Juan Boot Camp. Week #1

Papi Jack

Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Alright recruits welcome to the 1st week of the DJ Boot Camp.

First i want to congratulate your sorry a$$ for having the balls of starting. From the emails i've got from you guys, it seems that we're are gonna to acomplish something here.

Now, by this time you all must have a copy of the DJ Boot Camp. I'm sure some of you (like me) have read couple of chapters already. Well, later today you are going to re-read Week #1 and start practicing. There is no need for my to point the articles you have to read since all that info is in the book.

So from today on you have a week (untill 13th) to read the articles and complete the excercises. Now, i expect you guys to post during the week reporting your progress. Make sure your posts are detalied enough that we all can benefit from each others succeses (or failures :D ). Final reports MUST be posted no later than the 13th.

Now, there is something I want to point out here and it is that I want NO EXCUSES, NO SLACKING AND NO BULL$HIT. :mad: Either you're all the way in or you're all the way out!

Either you play and get you a$$ kicked or stay on the stands with your female friends until the game is over and they all go fvck everybody else EXCEPT YOU. :eek:

So here is YOUR choice. Take it or leave it.

Week #1 is officially started.


Papi Jack

Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Exercices Week #1

Exercise 1

In two separate outings, each lasting one hour in length, you will go about establishing eye contact with strangers.

A fun way to go about doing this is to walk around in a mall or in a park and look people directly in the eyes as they are walking towards you. You will find that most people will not look at you in the eyes, but for those who do look you in the eye, you will want to practice looking in their eyes at least one second longer than they look into yours, this denotes confidence. To create the impression that you are friendly and approachable, you will want to match the eye contact with a genuine smile.

You can practice eye contact on just about anyone you see, male or female, young or old. But since the eventual goal of this Boot Camp is to acquire women, you will want to spend at least some of your time establishing eye contact with attractive girls.

Exercise 2

A confident person has no problem saying Hi to a stranger, and since the first part of this Boot Camp is geared toward building confidence, the goal of this exercise is to go around and say Hi or Hello to a total of 50 strangers during this week. Again, you can say Hi to any person you see, but since eventually your goal will be to get girls, you will want to practice saying Hi to attractive girls. Also, when greeting strangers, practice doing so with a smile and have fun.

Papi Jack

Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Here is a little something i believe will help you guys. I hope you like it.

by Charles Swindoll

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company ... a church ... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude ... I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you ... we are in charge of our Attitudes."

Senor Steel

Don Juan
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
Checking in also. Definately looking foward to starting bootcamp tomorrow.


New Member
Jan 29, 2005
Reaction score

I've already started. Here's what I've got to report so far:

* It's sometimes tough to do this! A lot of people simply will not make eye contact!

* Most people who I held the gaze of and smiled at or said "Hello" to seemed happy to have played. A few seemed to think it was an imposition -- their smile fading quick as soon as they thought I'd lost sight of them.

* The more I did it, the less the people who didn't want to play bothered me.

* At a museum, one older woman smiled back and said of my face, "What a beautiful face." In general, the response from many people was very positive.

* I still am lagging a bit on making sure to smile at women I'm attracted to. But I figure the pace will pick up on that this week.



Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Where's everyone?

MONDAY day 1

I started the day off slow, allowing HB'S to walk pass without an approach because I still have a problem with approaching groups. I left school angry with my performance. I headed to my old school to visit some professors that I needed recomendations from. While at the school I noticed plenty of HB'S and I decided NOT to leave home without at least on pick up.

PU #1- HB-6.8 avg looks nice F. Body 30-something************

She comes out side chasing a kid. I stop him from running into the street. I aked how old is her child.

HB: He's my godchild Im watching him for my friend.
Me: OH, what's your name?
HB: My name is *****
Me: I'm self-mastery (we shake hands), do you have a boyfriend?
HB: No I don't
Me: Too bad, I'll be your man (in a some what jovial yet sexy manner)

bad ass kid continues to run around hb mentions how she isnt good with kids.....

Me: Hey your pretty busy, how about giving me your number so that we can talk.

HB: Sure

Me: alright I'll call
HB: okay
me: bye

PU #2 HB 7*******************************************

I knew she wasn't goin' to be to responsive, but I thought FU IT, who cares.

I see her at the vending machines:

me: (fumbling for my wallet) you should bye me a drink
hb: only if you buy my candy
me: a good suga mama takes care of her man
hb: I'm broke
me: if you had a good man you wouldn't be broke
hb: complains about not having any credit

From this point I could tell that she was a totally BORING. I get directions to the registrars office an bail. I approached her for the hell of it, I knew from the get go that she was boring.

I leave the school, but wasn't finished sarging. I head to the mall. While at the mall I noticeED

***PU #3 HB 7.5 VERY CUTE NICE BOD GREAT ARSE***********

I drive up and notice hb 7.5 putting bags into her car. I park and approach as followed:

Me: Hey, you should've bought me something!
hb: (Jokingly) you should've been here early!
me: You can go back in dress me up all sexy like.
hb: (laughs smiles)
me: What is your name?
hb: Im hot HOT BABE
ME: iM SELF-MASTERY DJ IN TRAINING NICE TO MEET YOU, we shake hands, and I kind of keep holding her hand and ask her if she has a boyfriend?
hb: No I dont
me: (with my ubiquitious retort) I can be your man,
hb: I'm not really looking for a BF (womanesse for NOT YOU BUDDY)

REJECTION- OH NO, Not quite!

We continue to talk and have a very good conversation. I get her number and all is well. She might not like me as a BF, but maybe I could use her to meet other hb's and extend my social circle.

All and all I feel that I had a very good day sarging in the ATL.
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So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 2

Week 1 Day 2

I got up early this morning since I needed to stop by school, buy books and get copies of visual so I can do the work for my 2 classes. I figured that I might as well get some "hellos" in there while I'm walking around. I’m only going to count hellos to women, guys don’t count. After all, we’re not trying to get good at approaching men, right?

My first hello was to a middle aged woman, who looked a lot like my counselor when I was attending that school 10 years ago. In fact I think it was her now that I think about it. I get off the hello but it was kind of stilted. She responded and said hello back. I then said hello to two other women as I was walking to the bookstore. They both responded enthusiastically, with eye contact. In the bookstore, I was greeted by a hot young woman that works there, I guess it doesn’t
count, so I’m not going to count it. I greeted the cashier with an enthusiastic good morning, but she looked down, never looked at me directly and told me the price of my books very quietly. I guess she was just shy or something.

I got one more hello off on the way to the computer lab. She was walking quickly but she responded to my hello, saying hello back in a cheerful manner. I could have gotten a couple of more hellos off, but I had my mouth full of food. The women did smile and give me eye contact.

Surprisingly, there weren’t more women on campus.

Afterward, I head off to work. No hellos at work and all the women I ran into said hello to me before I could say it so those don’t count right? I’ll assume they don’t for the purpose of this exercise.

After work, I head off to class. One interesting thing happened. I sat in my car in the parking lot vibing to Suga Free when a couple of girls walked by my car, smiling at me, nodding their heads. I waved at them, smiled back and went back to enjoying my tunes. On my way to class, I missed a couple of opportunities because it just slipped my mind. I did get one more hello off while on break.

Today’s Tally:
6 Hellos or greetings so far today, 6 women greeting
me before I could greet them.


New Member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Well im going pretty good through week 1. It is really strange how few people will keep extended eye contact with you. The ones that have always break a smile though. I also have to keep reminding myself to walk with my head because it looks ten times as confident as someone strolling with their head down. So far I have 7 hi's/hellos but no real conversations except one with some older lady, but thats not what i'm after.

Senor Steel

Don Juan
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Day

Early day today i started at 6:00 am and headed to the gym. Didn't really see any hot women but i tried to maintain eye contact with the ones that were there. After shower/breakfast, i headed to campus and start my classes. ABSOLUTELY no hotties in my classes (I'm a Computer Enginerring Major :( ). I have to walk all the way across campus inbetween classes so this provides a good chance to practice my eye contact. I really tried holding my eye contact with a couple of girls. It was hard to do because i'm so used to looking away. Anyways, i was able to get through it and even managed to smile and get some responds back.

After this, i headed to work. I work at the IT departement at my school campus but since we are located right in the middle of a particular building, we get lots of people asking for directions/help. Tonight i was working the front desk so I got a lot of people walking up to me. I managed to keep most of my eye contact with the different people that came by. I think i was use this as an opportunity to improve my conversation skills with women.

That was the end of my day 1 basically. not bad but i still need to work on my 'hi' and 'hellos'.


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
Day 2 week 1

What a painfully SLOW day. I didn't come across any women to PU. Eye contact and hello's were a plenty, but I consider that a conselation (spllng) prize. When I would come across a potential PU there were CB'ers all around.

Did talk to this one girl that I have some interest in, nothing worth mentioning. I will definitely approach her on thursday if my timing works out. She's in the class before mine and we have ppl rushing in and out so it is sometimes hard to find the ideal openning.

I'm certain that tomorrow will bring forth more PU's.

My agenda for Weds:

1.)Flirt with hottie in my first class.

2.)Flirt w/ chicky who complimented my shoes the other day. I totally ignored this openning the other day due to illness.

3.)Make 2 legitimate approaches

Be the light!!!!

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
Reaction score
Week 1 Day 3

Again today, as I did yesterday, I tried to get my hellos done during my normal daily routine. I’ve come to the realization that I’m going to have to dedicate some time strictly for performing this exercise, as I’m not getting enough done while either at work or while running my errands.

I got two done at work while walking towards the elevator to my office. I went to best buy to buy a birthday gift for my brother but didn’t get any hellos in. I let a couple of targets slip by.

After work I went to the supermarket and got a couple of more hellos in. For some reason this flowed more smoothly when I was at school. In this environment, it didn’t feel as smooth. I read some other older bootcamps and I used the suggestion to establish eye contact while your target is several feet away from you and say hello then, which I did with this absolutely stunning babe. She returned the eye contact and responded with a shy “hi” with a smile on her face. I got one more off with a woman who was passing by, didn’t get eye contact.

That brings my tally up to ten. Thursday and Friday, I’ll have to head to the mall or something during lunch break or after work to get the rest in, or I’ll block off some time on Saturday to do this so I can complete the exercise. So far I’m at 10 hellos at this point.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2004
Reaction score
birmingham, uk

day four;

my first mid week post and i can say that this is uncomfortable, to say the least.... ive got got about 20 hellos and ime still feeling weary of people...

the good news is that every one i said hello to smiled and felt friendly to me, so thats an ego boost...

mid week conclusion;

curious, ive found that if you hold eye contact without a smile or any expression they almost always smile and just look away....
but if your allready smiling then they seem to be caught in your gaze and maintain the eye contact... now this is where i say hello, because they seem resonsive.....

point is, if your looking friendly then they will respond posotivley...

only 30 hellos left, not that much of a big deal...


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
Alright guys, I've been slacking a bit. So far my count is zero. This week has been filled with stupid things and I have had plenty of time to say hi's but I just skip on it. I'm great with the eye contact part though. I'm going to dedicate a lot of time tomorow to getting in the hi's. No matter what I will finish week one.

Question: Do you guys wait for EC to say Hi? I find that I walk like I'm extremely confident in myself (I am) and some girls just walk by me while looking at the floor. I'm going to try what catch said and smile before they see me (This has happened accidently before, and from experience I believe what catch says is true).

Originally posted by catch
curious, ive found that if you hold eye contact without a smile or any expression they almost always smile and just look away....
but if your allready smiling then they seem to be caught in your gaze and maintain the eye contact... now this is where i say hello, because they seem resonsive.....

point is, if your looking friendly then they will respond posotivley...

only 30 hellos left, not that much of a big deal...


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJLegion
Question: Do you guys wait for EC to say Hi? I find that I walk like I'm extremely confident in myself (I am) and some girls just walk by me while looking at the floor. I'm going to try what catch said and smile before they see me (This has happened accidently before, and from experience I believe what catch says is true).
I'm not in this exercise but I can't think of one reason why you wouldn't say hi even if she hasn't made EC. Remember, you are doing this to IMPROVE YOURSELF. Say hi to every flippin creature you see with two legs tomorrow. In fact, if I was doing this exercise, I would change it a bit, and challenge myself to say hi to the next 25 people I pass that is within distance. If I missed one, then I would start at #1 again.

Challenge yourself and conquer...

Senor Steel

Don Juan
Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
Day 2 Week 1
Son of a *****! I've been slacking. Today i slacked off quite a bit. I had other things on my mind and wasn't concentrating on the task at hand. Though i did manage to start up a conversion with some chicks at my kickboxing gym. THey wanted to join the gym and i made some funny comment on them beating up people. They laughed. Other than that though, didn't really do much else. Its really hard to focus because i tend to think about other things while i'm walking around campus.

EDIT: I'm gonna do that tomorrow Avatar.


Don Juan
Dec 17, 2004
Reaction score
I just went out to do some things and here's the status. The count is three.

1) I went to the grocery store to pick up some food and with the intent of saying hi to a lot of people. I even prepped myself mentally before I got there. But when I got there I noticed it was hard because a lot of people wouldn't make eye contact with me because they're looking at the items. :rolleyes: . Finally, I'm walking through one aisle when I notice a HB7-7.5 and start making eye contact with her. She returns it and I can feel that sensation and I'm getting the vibe she is too. So I tell her hi and she replies with hi and a smile (I had a smirk on). So I'm about to pass by her when she decides to stop me and ask me if I live at xxx. It turns out she's seen me before and lives there. I introduce myself and she gives me her name (I hate myself, I forgot it...I think I know what it is but I'm not sure. Any ideas on how to recover when I see her again?) and introduces me to her friend (I remember her name...:-X). I then cut the conversation by saying it was nice to meet them...blah blah bljadfjdsaf. Damn, I came up with some good things to say AFTER I talked with them... Anyways, I see them again in another aisle and I walk by and say "Hi again" they return it. So I'm finishing up and I see them 2 more times and we all smile when we see each other. Damn, I need to remember her's like I never even heard it in my memory.

2) I decide to walk around campus a bit and theres a girl on a cellphone walking the opposite way as me. I notice she's not talking (because she just dialed) and so when I pass by I say hi a little late. She returns it though, but there was no EC (I was trying to initiate it but she was looking at the floor).

3) I'm walking back to my car depressed about the fact that I went out to get hi's and I only got 2. So a guy walks buy and I say hey but he doesnt say anything.

Overall, I've figured out this is harder then what I thought it would be. But I need to get all 50 if I want to be able to start talking to people next week. One problem I'm having is that I like to have EC when I say hi. I've also noticed that when I first got on these forums and I read about EC and started doing it I was getting a lot of responses. I'm now in the habit of giving EC to every person I see. The only thing is that recently I've noticed I don't get as many people making it back. I have been working out (got a little leaner) and have been looking better, but I don't think it's enough to intimidate (definitly not enough...).


Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
To DJLegioin and others having similar (small) problems. If you say hi and they don't say hi back, who gives a flying sweet ****? That is why I stress the fact that you don't even want to wait for EC. Sure getting EC first makes it more comfortable, what you need to do is GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE! if you want comfort then trust me, picking up women is the wrong profession for that. I find sitting on my ass drinking beer with friends and playing Halo 2 much more comfortable. Although the former gets more and more comfortable each time you are taken OUT of your comfort by approaching them.

And on an unrelated note, DJLegion, why did you not ask that one girl for her digits? From the sounds of it you had the inside of her thighs wet.

REMEMBER THIS LINE: "well I gotta run. Let me give you a call sometime."


Dec 15, 2004
Reaction score
weds day 3

Totally boring-

Got a few hi's, a lot of pp are self-conscience. White females seem to be the most friendly. Fatty's of all races quickly look away when you give eye contact.

I'm hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. I really need to open this one girl I have a minor crush on.

Good look guys

What is stopping you from going past "HI," if you run into a hottie?

Papi Jack

Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Great job ladies!

Here it goes my report:

First i have to say that i'm repeating week one. I got to week 2 some time ago but never finished it so i'm starting over from the begining.

Now, i knew i'd be busy these last 3 days (2 jobs) but since i work in a restaurant i thought that i could get my exercices done while working. Well, is not working. I can't really get my mind into it. So tomorrow i'm heading to the mall.

Changing subjects. I've seen that some of you are doing the exercice only on women. THAT IS WRONG! We are trying to gain confidence here. It means to know how to handle yourself in any circumstance, not only with women so start to practice on EVERYBODY.


Regarding saying hi and EC, guys, don't make it harder than what it is. Look at the person and when is in talking distance you say "Hi" (hold EC if there's any) and pay attention how they react. Remember, this is an experiment. Have fun doing it.

We all, except the slackers, (DJLegion and me :D) are doing great.

I'll have more details about my progress tomorrow.


Good job men! Just keep doing it. Not only for the 2 hours that the book says but try to make it a habit. Also try to add a smile with the EC if you're afraid to look like a psyco. You'll see after a while the fear goes away and you start having fun watching how people react.

So Many Ways:

It seems you have the exercice down path. Just 2 notes.

a.)Do the exercice with everybody. We're not trying to get good with women. The main objective is confidence. Being a DJ is more that handling women, it's knowing how to handle yourself in any situation (including women). So practice until you feel confortable holding EC and saying hi to EVERYBODY, men or women.

b.) You will definetively need to set time apart for the excercices. I thought i could do the same but is not working. I'm heading for the mall tomorrow too.

Big Red:

Good point there men! Confident people don't look down, they always look foward because they are on the lead! So always walk with you head up and get those hands out of your pockets! Good work bro.

Senor Steel:

Men, you have to practice on everybody. Male, female, ugly or hot. We're working on confidence right now, the practice exclusively on ladies will come later. And about the slacking i believe i don't need to say anything about.


It seems you're doing good but you're not being very specific. Tell us more of how you're doing. Also remember that this exercice is designed to take you way out your confort zone so the less comfortable the better.


I really don't have much to add to what Avatar said. Just hurry up, it's wednesday. :D

Alright ladies... great job.

C y'all tomorrow.