Does writing good posts/ giving good advice have any relation with being DJ?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
A couple of things got me thinking about whether these people I'm taking advice off have any credibility. Are the "Great" posters actually any good with women/life? what do you think?
Just looking at LostandCofnused's thread
its pretty clear he's not a DJ yet, yet he posted this post
which a good post
Senor Fingers (no offense intended), has posted under different names, and seems to have an online ego, (but I've read some of his posts and I like them)
Pook, who seems to be a god here , posts stuff that doesn't make you think of him as a great guy, but as a bitter loser on his blog (still good posts)
even elStud has given advice to people
and some of the people who write this eloquent inspirational stuff, well, who knows.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2007
Reaction score
Medellin - Colombia
Not always. The ability to make good posts and give good advice is not linked with sucess. It's easier to give advise then to do it yourself. For example, I could tell you "You need to step up, claim your place, build your reality" However you just cant snap your fingers and increase your confidence and self-worth in an instant.
I could start telling you, with UPPERCASE WORDS what kind of BEHAVIOUR you should use but to begin with, and it would probably work if you get there, but the thruth is that somebody who has never had a relationship just gave you advise.
It's very easy to tell and try fixing somebody else's flaws but many times harder to take the time and notice and fix our own.

Señor Fingers

Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
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Wherever I am.
No offense taken.

From the start I've always said to take anything you read here with a huge chunk of salt, and temper it with your own experiences.

The guys here who I respect most are the ones whose advice I found helpful. I haven't investigated their personal lives to see how "DJ" they really are, but there is something about truth that just resonates when you absorb it.

Experience will teach you better than any of us ever could, and grant you discernment to distinguish between something of value and total BS.


Oct 13, 2005
Reaction score
Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
Good question brother.

I think it boils down to consistency. If you have a guy give sh!tty, childish advice one day and then gloriousness the next it's hard to give credence to it.

Tonality is also a factor. There are idiosyncracies which people subconciously live with which can tip you off one way or the other.

Lastly, I think faith has a lot to do with it. We come here and read and listen to people who are, for the most part, completely intangible. It's important to keep an air of implausability instead of relying on blind faith. This will develop a keen inner locus.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score
I have thought about this as well and decided as Plato taught so well, right thought does not equal true knowledge, but it is still right thought. And true knowledge (living the "right"/the truth) begins with right thought.

So, even if some thingin a poster's message resonates with me as right thought, it is only important if I bring it into true knowledge within my own life.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
Saint Louis
Señor Fingers said:
No offense taken.

but there is something about truth that just resonates when you absorb it.
Lol ok for all the people that somewhat know me, know that i make a career off quoting' fingz, but hey he pays me well, so there ya go..

But when reading some of this stuff, you most likely have the gut feeling whether its true or not. I also wouldn't judge people on # of posts, as relating that to there status in the "field" or there DJ skills. Not that im in anyway referring to myself, but 2,000 posts or 2 does not signify what you know or what you can do. Fingz and Gunwich only have 300 or so, were others have thousands. Thats not what its about, and i think the vast majority of you know that. Go look at fings 10 commandments post when he use to go as "Mr.fingers" That is 100% legit you just know it, you can feel it. You still should take everything on here in stride thou and add common knowledge to the equation. But like i said you can usually tell....


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
It's easier to give advise then to do it yourself
Exactly. The thing is people might not be a DJ in real life but they might give good advice. Think about books that tell you how to become rich, in most of these the people who wrote them became rich by convincing people they were well off. In all fairness some of them are actually written by very succesfull people.

To be honest I think Fingz actually was the real deal, he is married after all. That has to be some proof. Pook gave ridiculously good advice but it wouldn't surprise me at all if he didn't get that many women. You can almost tell by the tone of his posts. Does that mean he was any less of a DJ (at one point of time)? No.

I think that some posters that give advice here are actually great with women, and some aren't. Both can give good advice, both can give bad advice. It's whatever works for you. Like Fingz said, experiance is the best teacher. Lots of 'great' posters here advocated self-improvement not PUA skills, meaning even if they werent huge pimps it was still good advice.

The problem is that it will almost always be impossible to tell, and some people can take the fact that they have read the DJ Bible and feel the right to give advice. Hell they can probably even get away with looking legit.

That is just the nature of the board. I would err on the side of being trustworthy over skeptical, but just keep the salt shakers ready. For the record keep in mind grammer has nothing to do with DJ skills.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
just follow all the good advice and find out for yourself if it works

And watch it. Pook is no loser.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
"Ultimately we all know what we have to do... The hard part is doing it."


Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Quiksilver said:
"Ultimately we all know what we have to do... The hard part is doing it."


most things said here are a hellava lot easier said than done.

I could tell you to be the prize and be alpha and all that bad boy stuff

but stick a chick i really like infront of me and all that falls through the floor

i'm willing to bet the same is true for most guys.


Don Juan
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
Saint Louis
X-ecution said:

most things said here are a hellava lot easier said than done.

I could tell you to be the prize and be alpha and all that bad boy stuff

but stick a chick i really like infront of me and all that falls through the floor

I'm willing to bet the same is true for most guys.
First off, thank SinJester about the grammar. Cuz if grammar is any indicator of your DJ skills, i would indefinitely fail. lol

Back on subject; I still respect those who give good advice but don't live it in the field, as long as that advice works. Id just rather have someone who is "battle" tested and has his share or scars and stories of victory, if i was getting advice. Just my take on it.

Its a hell of a lot easier to tell someone how its done, then to do it. Same with training in sports, you can know the best training routine, but actually being consistent with it and DOING it is the real key.

But when that chick is in front of you thats when its time to get that little voice out of your head and just try those things. Look at it this way, you may have liked her, but you never had her. So if you never had her you cant lose her. In other words you got nothing to lose, and if you don't try to go about it the other way, you already know what the AFC way will bring you. Its hard work, and sometimes u don't want to go thru with "it" But you'll be Glad you did.

In some cases when you know what you gotta do i like to say don't think just do..dont think just do...Cuz if you think to much what happens? Your gonna psych yourself out, and make a whole titanic boatload full of people excuses. Just go with the flow, and don't think just do!


Master Don Juan
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Being a good poster has absoutely nothing to do with your DJ skills. Some people can give wonderful advice but cannot apply it to themselves. A person that gives good advice may be at peace with himself as far as life goes, but he may still suck with woman.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
There are two types of posters, theorists and guys that are in the field on the regular basis. The first example of a theorist (someone who isn't picking up new women on a regular basis for whatever reason) would be RolloTomassi, know he is generally respected around here as one of the most knowledgable guys. Now I call him a theorist because he's married and doesn't cheat on his wife. However he uses his DJ skills to keep his marriage fresh and happening.

A good example of someone who is in the field on a regular basis is Str8Up. You know he is because of his FR's & constant dilemnas. He often brings a fresh perspective and different ideas that aren't necessarily in the bible but work.

Which bring me to the most important point and one that I oft like to repeat to newbys. The most important part of this forum is not the advice that you'll receive in a thread but in the knowledge that you'll gain from reading the bible. The only reason why I'm able to post anything of value to others is because of the knowledge I gained from reading the bible and the knowledge that I've seen it work first hand in the field.

I've also seen first hand what happens when you deviate from the DJ principles. I don't pretend to be a great PUA, however I seem to naturally pull women some how.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
Reaction score
Absolutely not. I can give good advice time to time on here, but when it comes to women in my life. I am nowhere as far along as I would like to be.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
MacAvoy said:
Which bring me to the most important point and one that I oft like to repeat to newbys. The most important part of this forum is not the advice that you'll receive in a thread but in the knowledge that you'll gain from reading the bible. The only reason why I'm able to post anything of value to others is because of the knowledge I gained from reading the bible and the knowledge that I've seen it work first hand in the field.
I think you're right, but it's not just about reading the bible. It's also about reading some of these theories and calibrating them to find what works for you. Certain guys can open girls using direct approaches and some guys find indirect approaches work for them. Some guys need to use negs, others really don't.

Those are just two examples, but it's also about getting into the field and finding out what works for you.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
seriously nothing that any "dj" has written will make any difference to the younger crowd here (i.e. <24).

I've said it a thousand times on this site, I am happy that I never found this site until my mid-twenties and had quite a bit of real life experience.

My advice (whether or not it is DJ is for guys who are under 23 to not pay any attention to the bs on this site).

Having found this site with actually experience under my belt I can say that there was some worthwhile info from a few threads, but looking at what is often pushed on newbies here (who have no prior dating experience) I can tell you that this place is more mental masturbation then real life experience.

That goes for the dj bible and even more so for the replies that you'll find on the dj forum. I would be shocked if any of the contributors to the dj bible have actually been more successful in real life then most of my average friends who would never bother to write up dissertations about their interactions with the opposite sex, but that is a different conversation in itself that no one here with financial interests would admit to.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
The message often gets lost on this site when trying to find the "truth" about posters.

Does Senor Fingers have to be deep and poinent all the time. Like a god or something? Does Pook ever stink of the bathroom, and if so why?

If you care that much about the people posting that you need to live through them in order to get your 'fix' on this site than you're going in the wrong direction. It can't be said enough, this site is a SUPPLEMENT to what you're already doing in life. Don't center it around your reality or else you'll be very dissapointed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
Sad but true Mr. belividere. I often wonder what my life would be like if I hadn't found this website...

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score
Some guys in this forum are great with the theory, but not so great with the ladies.

Some guys in this forum are great with the ladies, but not so great with the theory.

I don't think there is a standard for good posters.