Do you think women are the real players?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Completely disagree with this. You're giving women way too much credit and not holding them at all accountable for their nonsense.
You know, every time I see a guy complaining about or blaming women on this site, 80 % of the time I see a man who is playing in the frame of the woman/women. And that is the self fulfilling circle jerk of MRAs, MGTOWs and their analogues the world over.

Generally there are two schools of thought here:
-Men who play in the frame of women (and other people in general) and are satisfied that their situations are at least 50% the responsibility of other people and their behaviours.
-Men who exist in their own frame of reference, regardless of anyone else, and take responsibility for themselves.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
You know, every time I see a guy complaining about or blaming women on this site, 80 % of the time I see a man who is playing in the frame of the woman/women. And that is the self fulfilling circle jerk of MRAs, MGTOWs and their analogues the world over.

Generally there are two schools of thought here:
-Men who play in the frame of women (and other people in general) and are satisfied that their situations are at least 50% the responsibility of other people and their behaviours.
-Men who exist in their own frame of reference, regardless of anyone else, and take responsibility for themselves.
But what about the fact that girls/women try to be manipulative as hell and think way too much of themselves?


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
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Los Angeles
every time I see a guy complaining about or blaming women on this site, 80 % of the time I see a man who is playing in the frame of the woman/women.
No. I think there is just a profound lack of eligible men around. Many are too soft, skinny-fat, needy, overly-romantic, irresponsible with their investment, emotionally unstable and entitled; all the things they shouldn't be in evolutionary terms. To an extent, the world of women are just reacting to that.
You are describing women here not men.
May 25, 2017
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Florida, USA
No. I think there is just a profound lack of eligible men around. Many are too soft, skinny-fat, needy, overly-romantic, irresponsible with their investment, emotionally unstable and entitled; all the things they shouldn't be in evolutionary terms. To an extent, the world of women are just reacting to that.

Just take the nature of your question as a perfect example; it has an undercurrent of slut-shaming, and promoting a romantic ideology of monogamy.

Women are still putty in the hands of strong men as and when they meet them.

A few minor changes can make all the difference; for example, my flatmate is a raging vegan feminist with a self-righteous attitude towards almost everything. That being said, I've probably converted 5kg of body fat to muscle bulk in the last 3 months, and got a good base tan going for start of summer. Cue the marked change in her attitude towards me; which has gone from indifference to borderline flirtatious, actually asking me out for a drink herself the other night.

Take another, who I know through mutual friends via FB; a solid 9/10, self-made wealth, drives (her own) supercars etc. She has an absolute army of orbiters on FB, yet it's me she seems to 'follow' on FB, commenting on things just after I have, responding to my comment, because I never once reacted to her any differently than I would the next person.

For guys with the right attitude towards life, the market is just the same as it always was.

A man's personal success is less about 'the entire population of men/women', and far more about himself as an individual. It's not about people desiring him, it's about him being desirable.
If there are a lack of strong men around, it's because feminists made it that way.

That, and technology made people lazy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
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But what about the fact that girls/women try to be manipulative as hell and think way too much of themselves?
Its part of red pill rage. This view puts all our attention on them and what they think and what they might do. We need a softer shell but to also be focused on what we want.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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In an open free market like today, women are the players for the majority of men. Only the very top % of men who are genetically, socially and economically equipped to the extreme will have the ability to actually play attractive women. Most of us in here are being played by women because our SMV is not as good as it needs to be.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
Its part of red pill rage. This view puts all our attention on them and what they think and what they might do. We need a softer shell but to also be focused on what we want.
But isn't this rage justified?

Are you saying to just ignore them and don't even give them the satisfaction of being able to piss us off in the first place?

Ignore them like they don't exist, and possibly become as unscrupulous as they are? (anything short of going to prison)
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
In an open free market like today, women are the players for the majority of men. Only the very top % of men who are genetically, socially and economically equipped to the extreme will have the ability to actually play attractive women. Most of us in here are being played by women because our SMV is not as good as it needs to be.
Okay. But I'm not ugly. I usually get called a 7/10, and probably higher if I dress nice or would smile.

Socially... What does that even mean? Do I have to befriend all the cool kids down town? That's such a waste of time.

But this brings us to money. This world is filled with beautiful women who work almost every day to make $30-40k/year.

I currently make about $85k/year to sit on my ass. I am lucky that my dad got rich while I was in prison and he gave me a job when I got out as a property manager and he also gives random gifts throughout the year. This totals about $85k/year.

Also, I'm about to start flipping houses and I know I can't count my chickens before they hatch, but I've put a lot of research into it and think I could add possibly another $100k/year doing that. That is a hopeful estimate.

I do realize there are people who make millions/year and I will not be one of them most likely ever, but that's okay because even $185k/year is more than 99% of the population.

Taking this further, there are rich people that have no game or even self-respect. My dad, for example, got divorced from his 2nd wife when he made about $100k/year. She cheated on him many times. He was ordered to give away half his stuff and pay 1/3 of his income in alimony. Over the next few years, he started making millions per year and had to give much of it to his ex-wife.

He was stupid enough to get married again, I'm assuming with no prenuptial.

He always let's the female run the house and rarely even stands up for himself.

That is an example of a rich guy with no game or even an understanding of what females do.

Even take better examples like Mark Zuckerberg. He is worth $56 billion and his wife is barely hot.

A guy who makes $200k/year and is a MAN is worth more than a millionaire doormat.

Hell, even a homeless MAN is worth more than a millionaire doormat.
May 25, 2017
Reaction score
Florida, USA
exactly right. Even most players play 3-4 women max(usually less) of which 1 at the most is quality and the others are nasty hoes.

Even billionaires like Mark Cuban could not get away with playing 20 girls. Eventually, the girls would respect themselves and be like "dude, just pick one."

And I'm pretty sure harems are illegal, but not sure.

Edit: Actually, there are exceptions. Rockstars can **** as many girls as they want. Van Halen, Marilyn Manson, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith. They could play as many girls as they wanted to. Probably rappers, too.

Even Brad Pitt and Derek Jeter practice serial monogamy, at least to the public eye.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
But isn't this rage justified?

Are you saying to just ignore them and don't even give them the satisfaction of being able to piss us off in the first place?

Ignore them like they don't exist, and possibly become as unscrupulous as they are? (anything short of going to prison)
Forgive them for being small minded and simple. Anger doesn't help us.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
In an open free market like today, women are the players for the majority of men. Only the very top % of men who are genetically, socially and economically equipped to the extreme will have the ability to actually play attractive women. Most of us in here are being played by women because our SMV is not as good as it needs to be.
Most of it is our mindset.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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I think women just like men are trying to find what is best for them....

And like men some are good at the game and others are not..


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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but the problem is they all operate on the same software meaning once you crack the “code” once, you crack it for all of them doesn’t matter how good looking they are they all fall for the same sh1t
If all women fall for the "same sh!t", then why is 10% considered a good success rate for a master PUA? Maybe that other 90% doesn't quite fall for the same sh!t after all.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
If all women fall for the "same sh!t", then why is 10% considered a good success rate for a master PUA? Maybe that other 90% doesn't quite fall for the same sh!t after all.
If all women gave you the time of day, then you would be able to CLEARLY see that they all fall for the same stuff. The hardest part is getting through the door. Once she actually gives you the time of day, you'll see how similar they all are. All PEOPLE are different, all WOMEN are the same.
You know, every time I see a guy complaining about or blaming women on this site, 80 % of the time I see a man who is playing in the frame of the woman/women. And that is the self fulfilling circle jerk of MRAs, MGTOWs and their analogues the world over.

Generally there are two schools of thought here:
-Men who play in the frame of women (and other people in general) and are satisfied that their situations are at least 50% the responsibility of other people and their behaviours.
-Men who exist in their own frame of reference, regardless of anyone else, and take responsibility for themselves.
If the vast majority of women have conned and cheated the vast majority of men by putting on a front, then yes there actually is something seriously wrong with them. And there is. Denying this is foolish. That 80% you are talking about are simply those who haven't adapted to this yet. Hold no expectations nor attachment towards women, and you'll be fine. Those men haven't figured that out yet, or they just don't know HOW to do that. Most men here actually ARE weak, and should just 'deal with it' when it comes to women. But there actually IS something wrong with the female market of today, and you cannot deny that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
But there actually IS something wrong with the female market of today, and you cannot deny that.
Some women and men have unrealistic expectations and completely overestimate their own worth. I'd say that this is where most of the conflict arises. The market is largely the same as it always was, but men and women are being conditioned to behave like each other.

Trouble is, hundreds of millennia worth of biological adaptation is confusing the whole thing - hence all the gender-bending that's so en vogue lately. Men and women still want to behave like men and women biologically, innately; but the fakestream media is dictating the opposite, we all know that. The weakest individuals currently are not those that are even skinny-fat, or physically inferior; they are those that are brainwashed by society.

As I've said previously, mate competition has always been, is now, and will always be. The top 20% of the marketplace largely gets on with dating and mating the way it always was. I'd say the bottom 20-40% of the market place do the same. They are happy with their lot. In both cases, men still earn the majority of the income and go about their purposes, while their women are left at home to make the home, pamper themselves and the children.

The middle-ground, the 5/10's-8/10's, is where the angsty jostling for position goes on. You have your MRAs and MGTOWs pitted against the neo-feminist mob. Most of them are so blindsided by the pathetic social conflict, so deluded by their own inflated self worth and importance of opinion; NONE of them are getting laid, except the sane few.

Never once on this forum have I said that the entire race of women is completely innocent; yet the accusation continues to be leveled at me. Because there are a lot of very angry young men here who are too immature to recognise that THEY are responsible for what happens to them for the most part. If someone keeps getting burned, my advice is to re-evaluate the company you keep. Blaming ALL women for your predicament is a fckn cop out; a symptom that you are still very much blue pill and playing the game in the frame of others..

One primary characteristic of a valuable man is discernment. If a guy cannot learn from his experiences, become a better judge of character and not jump in to every situation with the naivety of a giddy teenage girl, then he deserves exactly what he gets. And that discernment is one consideration where a lot women are WAY ahead of most men; and lots of embittered little boys haven't learned howto deal with it yet.
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Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
And perhaps we're just kidding ourselves?

The average attractive woman knows she can get 90% of the guys she wants.

I could be wrong. I'm just asking.
Yes, I've always thought 'game' was just going along with their games. In my opinion, a man needs to hold his own ground.


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
Women by default of being female, are automatically in the game. In other words, by virtue of being a woman they'll
tend to get approached once they're out and about....
Men by default of being male, must consciously put themselves in the game. In other words, by virtue of being a man they'll
have to make the effort to approach once they're out and about...

Ergo, the average woman will be generally more socially calibrated than the average man.

Women, as a result of being the physically weaker sex, tend to have more opportunity and more need to develop themselves in a machiavellian sense. Thus when it comes to manipulations, seductions and strategy in social situations they often have the edge.
This is not true. The last time I was out, I just chilled and had a good laugh with a mate. On the way out of the bar, a woman [one of the nicer ones there but dressed in tracksuit pants!] approached me, and started a conversation. Silly me, I didn't even get her number, but I know next time I see her....


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
If all women fall for the "same sh!t", then why is 10% considered a good success rate for a master PUA? Maybe that other 90% doesn't quite fall for the same sh!t after all.
Ah, that would be the ones that are playable [i.e. are themselves players]. And the player thinks his game is so good.:D


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
This is not true. The last time I was out, I just chilled and had a good laugh with a mate. On the way out of the bar, a woman [one of the nicer ones there but dressed in tracksuit pants!] approached me, and started a conversation. Silly me, I didn't even get her number, but I know next time I see her....
Oh so you mean to tell me that there are exceptions to things that are generally true. I suppose you go around saying not all women are like that, too.........

Your ignorance is shocking and limitless.

"on the way out of the bar...." So you were out and about, thus putting yourself were there are woman.......

Yes, silly didn't even get her number......because that would be taking part in "the game", right? and you're above that, right? I guess you'll wait until she approaches you again and she gives you her number and she asks you out and she escalates kino and she tries to get you into bed, right? Because you're above all of that right? You don't play their games, right? You just sit back and let the women do everything, right?....

.....and that's why you are fvcking celibate. That's why you have a sexless life.

I bet you haven't had sex in months if not years. You're waiting for the right one, right?

Get out of here with your nonsense.