Do you agree with Pook on this?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Atom Smasher said:
You have to remember, Zekko, that woman who regularly post on a forum like this are FAR from average representative of their gender in any sense.
I thought the argument here was that she was exactly an average representative of the female gender. Basically that she claims one thing but will do another. And that she is ruled by her emotions, not with her head. Anyway, I always think of people as individuals, not as average representatives of whatever it is they're supposed to represent.

Atom Smasher said:
I have also observed and commented that virtually any time a woman either starts, or posts prominently in a thread, the men start turning on each other. I haven't gotten that one figured out yet, except to posit that women tend to be extremely covert and skilled at getting men to turn on one another. Unfortunately, many take the bait.
From what I've seen, women don't have to be covert or skilled at all. All they have to do is show up and the men will do it themselves.

(.)(.) said:
You must have missed her earlier posts. She took it upon herself to attempt to shame men into not being repulsed by fat. Her anger in that particular thread and the speed she took her facebook angle pic down confirmed she's a plumper. Combine that with her admitting to being a libtard and proud who also happens to work in the "sex industry" and is "bi" (of course), oh yeah and did I mention how many times she says she's a grrrrl proves she's basically another oxygen thief bringing blue pill poison here who also happens to vote.
Well, that wouldn't be the first time I responded to a poster without taking into consideration their posting history, so yeah, it happens.

But I wasn't really responding to Halyconique so much as commenting on the unusual effect that happens when a woman posts on this forum. Atom Smasher states above that he has also witnessed this phenomenon. I just find it interesting, considering this is a forum about women.

(.)(.) said:
Penkitten, watertiger, shorty brown, don Juanita to name a few were/are quite intelligent as far as women go, were pleasant most of the time and willing to stfu and listen more times than they had a "grrrrl world" opinion.
That may be so, but I've seen the "blood in the water" effect when they've posted here as well.

PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
Zekko is white knighting and looking VERY desperate for pvssy, even online message forum pvssy. You'll notice that most posters are UNITED against female troll posters and its the white knights and contrarians that get suckered in.
If you think I am "white knighting" or "desperate for pvssy", that is probably the dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum, and that is saying something. I'm surprised at you, PairPlusRoyalFlush, I thought we had a mutual respect. This is a perfect example of a woman's posting here turning men against each other, which is exactly the phenomenon I was talking about. Go reread what I actually said, and tell me if it's really all that disgraceful (keeping in mind part of it was self amusing and tongue in cheek).

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
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Purefilth said:
I have no doubt that in her head those are her preferred traits. Doesnt mean they make her panties wet.

Since when have we decided that because a woman says something it must be true.

Because she disagrees with me I must be wrong, right?:rock:
Purefilth, seriously? Go and reread, I was arguing with her. What I told you was simply that if she says intelligence is an attractive trait, that doesn't have to be wrong ... that's hardly contending that anything a woman says in the thread must be right. Why can't we just evaluate each post based on its content, not whether it was written by a man or a woman, or someone's earlier post history?


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Halcyonique said:
Agreed; and with this, I am reminded of why I'm such a solitary creature who spends most of her time internet-dwelling (ha!).
There Wolfgang that looks like youre arguing.
Halcyonique said:
Thankyou wolfgang
aww look, you and her get along really well.

Completely missed any part that showed you arguing.

Halcyonique said:
I am reminded of why I'm such a solitary creature who spends most of her time internet-dwelling (ha!).

You sure thats not because youre just fat and lazy?!
I pity you too.

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Purefilth said:
There Wolfgang that looks like youre arguing.

aww look, you and her get along really well.

Completely missed any part that showed you arguing.

You sure thats not because youre just fat and lazy?!
I pity you too.
Wow, Purefilth. You are really on a mission, aren't you? Cherrypicking posts to make your case. A guy didn't tell a woman to shut up! He even said "agreed" to something the woman said! GET HIM!


Here is what I meant with arguing with her; I was talking about that no, women are not as intellectual as men. And this is after writing a long post about why I think it is so. She objected to that, I replied to the objection. Why do I even have to explain this? It is easy for you to see. It is right there on the first page. You cherrypick some parts to pretend that I am "getting along really well" with a woman, which is of course a serious crime, right? I never give people neg rep otherwise, but when you are lying by leaving out parts in order to make me look bad, then I'm sending you one as a reminder. I'm sure you will neg rep me right back.

Halcyonique said:
Depends who it is.

Me? Well here are a few things that result in Niagara Falls occurring between my legs:

A guy who can make me laugh until I want to tear my clothes off and furiously screw his brains out.
A guy who is relaxed around me.
A guy with a passion for psychological discussion and theory.
Wolfgang D said:
Well, you have to agree that point three there is very rare. And those who are interested in philosophy are even more rare - philosophy is far more abstract than psychology. Most women's eyes will just glaze over when you try to talk about philosophy that is not part of the feel-good kind, like "to find love is the purpose of life" and "everyone is equal and has rights". What is rights? Where do they come from? Where do you find them in any of the atoms in the universe? And isn't love a practical function in the body rather than a mystical force? "How can you be so cold!" After hearing this kind of thought from womenfolk my whole life, I realize that very few want to think uncomfortable thoughts about the cornerstones of the universe, which is a requisite for moving forward.

Again, most men are not intellectual either. But much fewer women are.

Then again, I did date one woman who told me she agreed to go on a second date because I had told her to wait for me to finish, when I had been saying something philosophical and she had been interrupting me with jokes. She appreciated that I had serious thoughts about philosophy (and didn't allow her to interrupt something that was important to me), even though she didn't understand it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2012
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Wolfgang D said:
Wow, Purefilth. You are really on a mission, aren't you? Cherrypicking posts to make your case. A guy didn't tell a woman to shut up! He even said "agreed" to something the woman said! GET HIM!


Here is what I meant with arguing with her; I was talking about that no, women are not as intellectual as men. And this is after writing a long post about why I think it is so. She objected to that, I replied to the objection. Why do I even have to explain this? It is easy for you to see. It is right there on the first page. You cherrypick some parts to pretend that I am "getting along really well" with a woman, which is of course a serious crime, right? I never give people neg rep otherwise, but when you are lying by leaving out parts in order to make me look bad, then I'm sending you one as a reminder. I'm sure you will neg rep me right back.
Wrong again. I'm obviously not as butthurtdefensive as you.

My point was you falling for her AW and you did, otherwise why the fluster and neg repping? I doesnt prove anything other than youre butthurt at being called out.

Threads derailed as it is, anything else - then PM me ok princess?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2011
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It'd be wonderful if we could actually discuss the original topic at hand without so many people derailing this thread into some kind of playground scenario in which I have the cooties, wouldn't it? Many people here speak in varying ways, about how you generally "won't let a woman sap you of power", etc - well, look what me posting here has done. You have done exactly that. I mean: You've made that happen. Not me. You decided to post sh!t to me. You decided to give your attention to me. Half this freaking thread, is about me. So for those guys: Maybe instead of screaming yourself hoarse, about how I'm "attention-wh0ring" because I don't like the "right" things, I don't fit into your narrow perception of the "average female", and how I'm this, that and the other, how about STOP giving me so much power and attention!? Just stop.

A couple of people take the time to actually converse with me like a regular person, and there's this stampede of fury like someone lit a match under your a$$es. It's a complete waste of my time to attempt to discuss a single thing with most people here in a calm manner, because you insist in showing off the fact that you are outright incapable of a civil conversation, especially one which involves disagreement. Does an inability to converse with a woman count as a positive on this forum or something? It seems so. I swear though, my time on this forum has made me value the simple act of being able to communicate in a civil manner like really nothing else. So at the very least thank you for that. I will never take another mature discussion for granted again.

[EDIT] - And damn right I took the picture off. I was incredibly naive in thinking that this forum and it's participants is like any other, and that such a thing would be safe: Earlier this week - after someone here took a keen dislike to me, instead of simply disagreeing with me, or leaving it there, as most people would (because apparently that's just not enough of a gross overreaction) - he took it upon himself to attempt to find my full name, identity and location, and wh0re it about here like a proud child with a new toy.

Being as so many people responded to me personally, I thought I'd have my final say before this thread (hopefully) gets back on track to the original topic. Enough. I'm out. Enjoy your malfunction.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I wouldn't entirely agree with Pook on this. They do not respond only to sexuality, but they do respond only to fun-in-the-moment. They react to fun the way a cat reacts to something that moves. They are hard-wired for it.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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bigneil said:
I wouldn't entirely agree with Pook on this. They do not respond only to sexuality, but they do respond only to fun-in-the-moment. They react to fun the way a cat reacts to something that moves. They are hard-wired for it.
I know Pook would agree with you. It was Pook’s point, I believe, the two are intertwined. This is most evident in his Fountain of Youth essay. Playfulness, and ultimately creativity itself, is the eternal spirit of sexuality.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Are we certain this woman is a troll? Now maybe she is, and she knows exactly what buttons to push to cause a sh!tstorm here. Maybe she's even some dude posing as a woman just to get his jollies. If that's the case, he or she can promptly F off.

On the other hand, are people calling her a troll just because she is expressing an opinion that happens to disagree with someone else's, or with the majority? If that's the case, that is merely an expression of ideas, and anyone who gets their panties in a wad over that can F off themselves.

I have no problem with anyone coming here and posting their own opinion. I don't care if it is even right or wrong, as long as it is genuine.

Looking back over this thread, I don't see where she has resorted to name calling or the like. All I can see is that she said what she thought. Maybe she has done worse things in her prior postings? Educate me, I'm just trying to understand.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
actually, I believe men are the more sexual beings.
I also believe halcyonique isn't trying to be a troll.
so... who is stalking her?


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to bradd80 again." Spot on.


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
I don't understand why everyone is getting emotional about this. Its just a woman saying things that a woman says. Use it as a learning tool. You kind of have to go a little deeper with these statements and see the truth:

Halcyonique said:
Depends who it is.

Me? Well here are a few things that result in Niagara Falls occurring between my legs:

A guy who can make me laugh until I want to tear my clothes off and furiously screw his brains out.

Sure. Women like guys that can give them good emotions, are fun, and carefree. Most women say they want a guy that can make them laugh. The caveat is that they want a guy that they find attractive to make them laugh. Being a funny guy can only generate so much attraction and usually not enough to where a woman will want to rip her clothes off for you. If that was the case then comedians would be getting laid left and right. Being funny is NOT enough.

Halcyonique said:
A guy who is relaxed around me.
Being relaxed shows that you are comfortable in your own skin. Confidence. Now this is something that can generate attraction. When you are confident you radiate a great vibe that other people want to be a part of. People want to be part of your world. I have seen many guys not considered attractive who are insanely confident. They pull very good looking women. Confidence sends a subconscious signal that a woman will be taken care of because a man can handle many situations. It also signals the ability and skill to obtain resources which women like.

Halcyonique said:
A guy with a passion for psychological discussion and theory.
We all know that being some super smart guy does not generate attraction. I like the quote about MIT students not having groupies. Women want intelligence but they want that intelligence to be wrapped in someone they find attractive.

She mentions a passion for discussion. Well women are attracted to passion when it is directed towards something they have interest in. It shows the man has a mission and ambition in life. If the woman values music she will find a guy's passion for music sexy. If she likes video games she will find those guys that compete in high level tournaments sexy (yes they get groupies). If you are passionate about collecting star wars figures and she could give a shvt then guess what? She won't find that attractive. UNLESS, your passion leads you to make a sh1t ton of money. Then that goes back to being drawn to men that have resources.