Do muscles make you more attractive?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
I know the answer is yes, but I guess maybe it should be "by how much?"?

Reason why I ask is that I'm 5'9'' and have a very slight build. I get somewhat regular compliments about my looks online and in person, so I know I'm not ugly or anything although I wouldn't say I'm significantly above average by any means - hot girls never really stare at me or anything. However, I feel that I don't have an alpha presence at all based on my somewhat boyish/innocent face, short-medium height, and thin frame. I was wondering if I put on like 20 lbs of muscle and got in better shape if that would help my overall appearance. I want more of a "bad boy" look and I think gaining some strength might help in that regard and make me more attractive looking. Any similar stories or insight?


Don Juan
Dec 20, 2009
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A lot of these PUA's say that game is everything and looks & muscles are just a few extra points. I guarantee that women have given guys with no game extra chances just because they are "gorgeous."

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
I've always been getting frequent attention from HB8's and lower. HB's higher than 8 never gave me much attention. So I've been working out for 1.5 years now, I haven't become that muscular overall, but my arms in particular have. When I wear a t-shirt, I always see people looking at my arms and get compliments about them.

Anyway, nowadays I DEFINITELYget more attention from chicks. More importantly, I get a lot more attention from HB's higher than 8 too!!

So from my own experience, I'd really recommend you to start working out, it helps! And it's not just your looks that change, your confidence grows as well. The realization that you are stronger than before and that you look better than before, really adds to your confidence. The mere fact that you're doing a daily activity in which you constantly break personal limits, will give you more self confidence as well! This higher confidence will automatically shine through in your behavior and the way you're perceived by others (chicks).

It does take dedication, though. But if you're willing to constantly put the effort into it, it will pay off!!


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2009
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The Great Lakes State
I've gotta agree with Die Hard. I was really overweight less than two years ago and it killed my self confidence. I lost some weight by watching what I eat, and I started working out about 6 months ago. While there is a noticeable difference physically, the difference in my overall confidence is astounding! I will approach girls now that I wouldn't have made eye contact with a year ago. Plus, its you taking care of YOU! That is always a good thing. Always look to improve yourself on all levels! It will make you a better DJ, and a better person overall!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the input guys. Really motivational actually...those were the types of answers I was looking for.

jhcl4000 covered something that I forgot to mention, is that I almost never get any attention from anything over an 8. Sure, the mildly cute girls will give me compliments but no "hot" girls ever do. And I probably project that confidence (or lack thereof) with those hot girls since I never get any attention from them...why would I pretend like I do? So working out is also confidence building, when I did do it in the past it was hard to get results because of my metabolism but I know that if I stick with it, eat lots of food, protein shakes etc. I will get stronger and more muscular. At the very least I'll feel better doing it and also be a healthier person because of it.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2008
Reaction score
can other people chime in on this, i was going to post something similar. I was 172 now I am about 195 in about 2 and 1/2 months. I want to get to about 215, can anyone tell me how things have changed in this time of change, especially with women.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
nmartinez12443 said:
can other people chime in on this, i was going to post something similar. I was 172 now I am about 195 in about 2 and 1/2 months. I want to get to about 215, can anyone tell me how things have changed in this time of change, especially with women.

I agree with what Die Hard said---it does make a difference, and the ones who dispute this fact are weak and small!! Provided you aren't a douchebag, women will approach you purely because you are STRONG looking and confident!

From 195 to 215 you wont notice a huge difference with respect to how women respond to you....but you will get more respect upfront from people in general. I really noticed a difference between 205 and 230. If you are around the average height range, a muscular 230 is a big dude by most anyone's standards. Women will squeeze your arms and say how strong you are, and guys in the gym will stop and gawk at your lifts; assuming you actually are strong and not just a pumper/poser.

Yesterday I hit a 385 raw bench in my local gym. I'm visiting family so I just go to the neighborhood "fitness" gym, which is fine for the price. Now 385 isn't really anything in the strength world, but for normal folks thats probably the biggest bench they have seen in a long time, or ever. About 4 guys stopped me to chat after I lifted, just about training and contests, etc.

I've also found that strongman is very intriguing to a lot of people, more so that powerlifting. With strongman there is a frame of reference---like flipping a 700 lb tire or pressing a 220 lb log---people can see that and say "wow!! that is crazy strength!!". With powerlifting, no one outside of the sport knows the difference between a 505 raw squat and a 585 single-ply at 181. It's totally a niche.

You should aim to be muscular all over; not just in your guns and chest. Guys with big arms and chests are a dime a dozen. But guys with proportionate total muscularity--like steep traps and massive legs---stand apart.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Also I forgot to add--there is a threshold when it comes to size and attractiveness. Ive spoken to some guys who were over 250 and then back down to 215, and they said there is a marked difference in the attention they get at the lower, less-extreme weight range. There is a point when too much size can intimidate and even turn off a lot of women.

For example I think the 330-lb Derek Poundstone appeals to a very limited range of women. Ive met him and he is one of the biggest men--muscularly---I have ever seen. I show girls his pic and they all say "Ewww!!!" But hey, he is living his dream of being the strongest man in America, and soon the world.

My personal philosophy is I dont care. There will always be women who find me attractive at 205 or 265. What matters to me is that I achieve the goals I set for myself and look the way I want!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2005
Reaction score
Myself being only 140 pounds, I'm just looking to gain muscle partially so my build isn't a DISADVANTAGE. Right now I'm pretty thin which I think hurts but if I put on some mass, maybe 20 pounds I think that will hope my overall physique. I'll worry about getting a world class body later, until then I'm just working to have an average build.