do i or do i not....


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Jul 27, 2007
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I have a good friend of mine. We met 5 years back in school. I used to like her and may be she was also aware of it. Then she was in a relationship, but she never told me about it. I got to know somehow about it. Later due to some problem we lost contact and our friendship died.

After a long time, in January 2005, collge days, she contacted me and our friendship resumed. Few months after our reunion, her mother passed away followed by broke up with that long time boy friend. Since then, we are good friends, I believe so.

My problem is that, I am unable to change my feelings towards her. I feel I still like her as I enjoy her company.

She said she want to remain single now, but I feel like proposing her. Twice she has mentioned indirectly that we'll be always friends. Once she called me by mistake, what usually a girl call her lover. She immediately corrected it and said she didn't mean that. Its been a long time she gave me these signals, recently I have not received any.

Many a time there have been occasions that I pretended myself as a bitter person so that she may not speculate my feelings and I try to make her feel that she is only friend of mine and nothing more than that. I do so, because I feel whenever I try to be nice with her, gave her more attention, I find her receding away.

Actually she has a lot of male friends and I feel like as if I am hers backup option, to whom she can always turn upto. She discusses her ex-boyfriends problems with me as he still bothers her. She has a very bad habit of lying. Whenver she is with me and someone calls her up and ask what she is doing, she lies. If she lie to her dad, I can understand but why she lie to her male friends. I think she does same to me too. If she considers me as a friend why she does so.

Recently, a common female friend of ours asked for my permission to propose her on my behalf, but I denied and told her that I no longer feel towards her as I used to be. She even said that she is good friend of hers and know her well, she would accept the proposal. But I don't think so.

My mind is all jumbled up, I am unable to decide anything, whether I propose her or try to remain as a friend. Sometimes she make me feel like as if I am hers boy friend. When I responds to it, she treat me just as a friend. Now a days, may be someone is very close to her.

So I was thinking why not propose her, and later pretend that I was just kidding. This way I would get to know her feelings and in case negative reply comes, I'll bury my feelings forever and continue our friendship, though it would be the most difficult task for me in this world. Should I do so? If not, what else should I do?

I am just being eaten from inside by these feelings, I want to get rid of them. The more I meet her or talk to her, the more I get attracted towards her.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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"So I was thinking why not propose her, and later pretend that I was just kidding."

Not a good idea. Theres no way she will believe you are kidding. Anyways you are just friends and now you want to marry her. Kind of a big transition don't you think. To tell you the truth you are probably stuck in the friend zone. Maybe you have a chance a slim one though. You need to stop making yourself so avaliable to her. Make her want you. I used to have your problem a lot. See this is why I never become a friend of a chick I like. I make the moves early on. I make it clear that I want to date her. I've heard people say that you should become a girls friend first. Haha yeah right that hardly ever works.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
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so, what should be my plan now..

make myself unavailable and then later propose myself or through common frnd...
what to do now???


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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Forget it. She's shown no signs of attraction. Proposing is bat-shit crazy. Find a girl who is into you. Doubt you'll listen. Good luck.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
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im with nighthawk on this one, all though i think you had your chance and messed it up so she putyou in the freinds zone/emotional tampon....BUT you obviously like the girl a lot, so i think you shld lay your cards on the table and see how she takes it... what you got to lose?


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2007
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I'm not sure we're on the same page, do you know what the word "propose" means? Where I come from, it means asking her to marry you. That's not really's just weird.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
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it means the same thing where im from... i dont think he means it like that, atleast i hope not!

Max Power

Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2007
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nikhil said:
She said she want to remain single now,.
When a woman says this it means she doesn't want to get with you.

but I feel like proposing her

I'm assuming this is a translation error and you mean ask her on a date. If not then you are a nut.

Twice she has mentioned indirectly that we'll be always friends.
When she said this you should have said "Under no circumstances can I be friends with you."

Once she called me by mistake, what usually a girl call her lover. She immediately corrected it and said she didn't mean that.
You're looking for any sign. I pity you.

Actually she has a lot of male friends and I feel like as if I am hers backup option, to whom she can always turn upto.
Since she lied to you about her last bf she is probably having sex with one of these orbiters.

She discusses her ex-boyfriends problems with me as he still bothers her.
Do you know who girls discuss their boyfriend problems with? Their girlfriends. You are her girlfriend.

She has a very bad habit of lying.
Why do you even want to date this woman let alone be friends with her for five ****ing years?

Whenver she is with me and someone calls her up and ask what she is doing, she lies.
That's probably the guy she is ****ing on the other end of the line.

She even said that she is good friend of hers and know her well, she would accept the proposal. But I don't think so.
At least you're not totally clueless.

My mind is all jumbled up, I am unable to decide anything, whether I propose her or try to remain as a friend.
Both options are bad. Everyone here will tell you to forget about this girl and move on, but usually you guys can't listen.

Sometimes she make me feel like as if I am hers boy friend.
Unless your **** is in her mouth it means nothing, my AFC friend.

So I was thinking why not propose her, and later pretend that I was just kidding.This way I would get to know her feelings and in case negative reply comes, I'll bury my feelings forever and continue our friendship
Here, I'll save you the trouble. She will react negatively because she won't be able to understand why her girlfriend thinks of her sexually.

Good luck.

The Juan and only

Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2005
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United Kingdom
These stories always make me sad. because they remind me of my old self sometimes.

DO NOT PROPOSE TO HER. For your own good, I'd forget it and cut off all contact. Your feelings will eventually fade, and you'll find others you like, trust meh.

And, if you focus and put effort into yourself, you'll eventually become the man you were meant to be.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
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nikhil said:
I have a good friend of mine. We met 5 years back in school. I used to like her and may be she was also aware of it. Then she was in a relationship, but she never told me about it. I got to know somehow about it. Later due to some problem we lost contact and our friendship died.

After a long time, in January 2005, collge days, she contacted me and our friendship resumed. Few months after our reunion, her mother passed away followed by broke up with that long time boy friend. Since then, we are good friends, I believe so.

My problem is that, I am unable to change my feelings towards her. I feel I still like her as I enjoy her company.

She said she want to remain single now, but I feel like proposing her. Twice she has mentioned indirectly that we'll be always friends. Once she called me by mistake, what usually a girl call her lover. She immediately corrected it and said she didn't mean that. Its been a long time she gave me these signals, recently I have not received any.

Many a time there have been occasions that I pretended myself as a bitter person so that she may not speculate my feelings and I try to make her feel that she is only friend of mine and nothing more than that. I do so, because I feel whenever I try to be nice with her, gave her more attention, I find her receding away.

Actually she has a lot of male friends and I feel like as if I am hers backup option, to whom she can always turn upto. She discusses her ex-boyfriends problems with me as he still bothers her. She has a very bad habit of lying. Whenver she is with me and someone calls her up and ask what she is doing, she lies. If she lie to her dad, I can understand but why she lie to her male friends. I think she does same to me too. If she considers me as a friend why she does so.

Recently, a common female friend of ours asked for my permission to propose her on my behalf, but I denied and told her that I no longer feel towards her as I used to be. She even said that she is good friend of hers and know her well, she would accept the proposal. But I don't think so.

My mind is all jumbled up, I am unable to decide anything, whether I propose her or try to remain as a friend. Sometimes she make me feel like as if I am hers boy friend. When I responds to it, she treat me just as a friend. Now a days, may be someone is very close to her.

So I was thinking why not propose her, and later pretend that I was just kidding. This way I would get to know her feelings and in case negative reply comes, I'll bury my feelings forever and continue our friendship, though it would be the most difficult task for me in this world. Should I do so? If not, what else should I do?

I am just being eaten from inside by these feelings, I want to get rid of them. The more I meet her or talk to her, the more I get attracted towards her.

All of this is happening in India isn't it? Don't look for advice on this website when dealing with indian women in india.. half of it won't work...

so where are you from? you need 'culture centric advice' and I can try and give you some.


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
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ducaro said:
All of this is happening in India isn't it? Don't look for advice on this website when dealing with indian women in india.. half of it won't work...

so where are you from? you need 'culture centric advice' and I can try and give you some.

how can you can help me over this matter and pull me out of this mental situation...r u from india??

im from delhi


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2007
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nikhil said:
how can you can help me over this matter and pull me out of this mental situation...r u from india??

im from delhi

its simple. Don't make her the priority of your life. New delhi is becoming more and more westernized. women are changing. Create demand for yourself. make her feel you have 'other options' too.

do not let her feel you are have a sloppy backbone and are very needy.

just back off and don't let all of this eat into you. make her feel you are happy wthout her... don't care about her..

in other words read the DJ bible
yes I am from india, but not in India


Jul 17, 2007
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Sorry, there is no other way to put it... You are screwed, my friend. She is going to drag you through some serious **** whatever you choose to do now. We've all been there, so our commiseration and best wishes.

If she is discussing her ex-boyfriend with you (in detail, emotional), she will never be able to see you as a potential boyfriend. Period. You are her ego boost. Her doormat.
I am sorry to be negative, but.... I could be wrong!!!

What you want to do is to take her out to McDonalds or any other fancy, 'date' place in Delhi, and set a fun and carefree mood with jokes and neg hits. Then ask her playfully what she'd say if you were to propose to her. Preface your question as a joke beforehand rather than dismiss it after asking it. If she is really into you, she will jump at the opportunity to let you know how she feels. If she says let's just be friends, bail out of there and never talk to her again.

Good luck man.


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
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Whats happening to men nowadays, you want to propose to a friend you've known for five years? After making sure of the following:

1. She is not sexually interested in you- she wants to remain single, talks about her troubles with EX.
2. You know that she lies on a consistent basis to ppl she claim to be firends...
3. She "jumbles your mind"...

BUT you still want her as a wife, plz tell me you kidding!
Avoid this girl and move on with your life...


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
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Norisman said:
Whats happening to men nowadays, you want to propose to a friend you've known for five years? After making sure of the following:

1. She is not sexually interested in you- she wants to remain single, talks about her troubles with EX.
2. You know that she lies on a consistent basis to ppl she claim to be firends...
3. She "jumbles your mind"...

BUT you still want her as a wife, plz tell me you kidding!
Avoid this girl and move on with your life...
hey man, u have extracted wrong meaning of 'propose' doesn't mean i want to marry her...

here at my also mean getting into a relationship like a gf n bf...


Don Juan
Jun 2, 2007
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Oh My Bad, in my part of the world propose doesn't mean GF, so I'll take that back...
But still, why would you be friends with someone who lies consistently and even try to escalate it to a relationship?


New Member
Jul 27, 2007
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its just as simple as that... i like tired of being a friend of her

so now im preparing myself to express my feelings to her, if she accepts, then no probs but if she denies, then i'll kill the friendship and move on as she is holding me back by constantly being in mind..what u say??

and by the way cn u meet me over yahoo mssngr,my id is binny_192000, im online now