Do any of you guys ever feel you need more in life?


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Well I'm going to college and there's a ton of girls and I've approached a few of them. But sometimes I just feel I need more! Like something is missing in my life. Like I need more than a woman to sastify me and I just need something more. I strive for a greater feeling, than I have now. Today I sit here about to go to college and I'm thinking "Well, sure college and girls are okay, but I need something more". Almost like I'm just not pumped for college. And overall, I need a greater feeling, I need something more than woman to sastify me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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ElStud said:
Well I'm going to college and there's a ton of girls and I've approached a few of them. But sometimes I just feel I need more! Like something is missing in my life. Like I need more than a woman to sastify me and I just need something more. I strive for a greater feeling, than I have now. Today I sit here about to go to college and I'm thinking "Well, sure college and girls are okay, but I need something more". Almost like I'm just not pumped for college. And overall, I need a greater feeling, I need something more than woman to sastify me.
Do you believe in God?
May 23, 2006
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I've been looking at your latest threads on here, particular the one that you feel that getting laid is not a big deal with you. I think you are entering a spiritual phase in your life, where you are realizing that the world is not going to offer anything to satisfy you, including getting laid. When I was your age, I felt a hunger for the things of God, as you are experiencing now and started reading the bible, praying, and learning more about Jesus.

Particularly as a yonge guy starting out in life and looking for direction and purpose and meaning in life, you are at a unique phase. Jesus will satisfy you, He is the bread of life, if you eat the bread you will never hunger again. He is the water of life, if you thirst and drink of Him, you will never thirst again. That's in the book of John. Water and bread are available to eat for you in Jesus. Eat, drink and be satisfied.

Jesus said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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ElStud said:
Well I'm going to college and there's a ton of girls and I've approached a few of them. But sometimes I just feel I need more! Like something is missing in my life. Like I need more than a woman to sastify me and I just need something more. I strive for a greater feeling, than I have now. Today I sit here about to go to college and I'm thinking "Well, sure college and girls are okay, but I need something more". Almost like I'm just not pumped for college. And overall, I need a greater feeling, I need something more than woman to sastify me.
Oh brother. The Jesus freak vultures see their prey and are striking while you're still young, dumb (figuratively speaking), and foolish. They're like the borg - assilimate all, resistance is futile, etc. Once they get you, its hard as heck to break away. Greater minds than mine are still bound.

Yes you need something more than a woman. You need a life for yourself, goals including career, hobbies, genuine friends, social interaction, an exercise/wellness plan. Also, check your diet and make sure you're taking multivitamins. Are you getting enough sleep? If all of that doesn't work, go see a shrink to get your emotional psyche back in balance.

I can assure you I'm probably a heck of a lot happier than any Jesus freak who tries to prey upon you.
May 23, 2006
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azanon said:
Once they get you, its hard as heck to break away. Greater minds than mine are still bound.
Depends on perspective. If you have a carnal or reprobate mind then you'd probably see things that way. It takes a spiritual mind to discern spiritual things. That's why people can not understand ElStud's recent threads or posts as he's seeing women from a spiritual perspective rather than a carnal perspective of just getting laid and is on the right track.

azanon said:
Yes you need something more than a woman. You need a life for yourself, goals including career, hobbies, genuine friends, social interaction, an exercise/wellness plan.
Then what? First of all, life doesn't necessarily work out in some ideal sort of state that you are portraying. If they don't, then what? Second of all, even if you have all of that, then what exactly is next? What is the purpose? Why are you here? Then what?

amazon said:
I can assure you I'm probably a heck of a lot happier than any Jesus freak who tries to prey upon you.
There are lots of good looking woman "Jesus freaks" that will like you. Try and find a bible beliving church and try to talk with some of them. Maybe someone there will also like you and take an interest in your conversion and you'll have a nice connection. As you said in another thread, there is more to women than just getting laid, and there is more to life than just living for yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
you're not even in college yet and your game needs improvement, how are you gonna be dismissive of things you know nothing about

if when you've reached your potential, achieved your goals, and still lack self fulfillment, then you have a legitimate life issue to think about.

right now you're just letting your brain fvck with you

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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azanon said:
Yes you need something more than a woman. You need a life for yourself, goals including career, hobbies, genuine friends, social interaction, an exercise/wellness plan.
Yea . You need those listed above .

I would recommand you to stop all the PICKUP things and focus on your own life not womens .

Firstly , you should get some real friends and a social life .
These are IMO main factors of happiness of a teenagers life .

You need something going on for you all the time .

Study , workout , go out , study , go out , do something else , hobby , hobby , another hobby .

I had this emptiness before too . But i filled my life with so many things and now im very happy .
You're focusing on women , on approach and all that stuff .

Instead of approaching girls to get numbers and never call them , better approach guys , befriend them and have fun .

A girl wont fill your emptiness .

Just as azanon said ,

Set goals for yourself
Work hard to accomplish these goals

Focus on making yourself more attractive even for men (no homo :box:). If you're attractive for men , youll be for women too . If your friends find you FUN , women will find you FUN too .

Focus on making a social life . Focus on being THE GUY that everyone wants to be around . The guy that have a lot of friends .

Fill your life with hobbies , doing works etc.

Do something you like to do and that you enjoy it .

And i must say again , WORK ON YOURSELF .Make it more valuable .

I think this is going to fill your life with happiness .
If not , maybe you should turn to religion .

My 2 cents


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Luke Skywalker said:
That's why people can not understand ElStud's recent threads or posts as he's seeing women from a spiritual perspective rather than a carnal perspective of just getting laid and is on the right track...

there is more to life than just living for yourself.
I believe this with all my heart.

I am a Christian and I'm proud of it. It's the religion that tells you to love your fellow man, not treat others like sh!t and live a good honest life.

This also puts you in the perfect perspective for girls. Rather than obsessing about getting laid, you're a lot more cool about the whole thing. Because you know there's something more. And at that point the rest of your life starts to fall into place.

Most people here are going to disagree with me, but I believe there's more to life than getting in a woman's pants and making yourself happy at all cost. If everybody lived like that this world would be a sad place.

Now, there are inaccuracies in the Old Testament of the Bible. Like Genesis being literal (which its not). No sh!t. But most is accurate, especially the New Testament. My advice would be to read the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, and then see what you think.

And one thing's for sure- the existence of God makes a hll of a lot more sense than a magic lightning bolt that struck the "soup of life" and created life on Earth, which somehow split up into all the species of plants and animals through "evolution."


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
ElStud said:
Well I'm going to college and there's a ton of girls and I've approached a few of them. But sometimes I just feel I need more! Like something is missing in my life. Like I need more than a woman to sastify me and I just need something more. I strive for a greater feeling, than I have now. Today I sit here about to go to college and I'm thinking "Well, sure college and girls are okay, but I need something more". Almost like I'm just not pumped for college. And overall, I need a greater feeling, I need something more than woman to sastify me.
OMG dude seriously ive been feeling the exact same way. Its like a hottie could smile at you but you wont FEEL like doing anything. Like theres no motivation and something more is missing. i know! im going through it now.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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azanon said:
I can assure you I'm probably a heck of a lot happier than any Jesus freak who tries to prey upon you.
Cut the "Jesus freak" bullsh!t. And yeah, I kind of doubt you are happier.

Well, maybe you are happier. Maybe you're happier now. Because it's fun not to have to worry about morals and old fashioned things like that. Sleep around, do drugs, do whatever the heck you want to...because there's nothing to stop you. Who cares about other people? The important thing is to sleep with as many women as possible, until your clock runs out.

That kind of happiness is pretty short-lived, man. Maybe one day youll realize that.


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2008
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Simply need direction in your life.

What is your mission on this earth? What are you going to do with this life?

People can give you their answers - God, goals, whatever. But this is a vital question for you to answer. Sure, God and religion work for some people....but certainly, there are millions of people on this planet who find direction and happiness without religion and more likely, without a Christian religion.

Perhaps you aren't mature enough to find that thing that will bring meaning to your life....but you'll get there. Expose yourself to as many different things life has to offer....and perhaps you'll get an idea. But keep at it.

I like the posts from Victory Unlimited and Interceptor that address some of these quandries. They don't have the answers you are looking for....but they are really good posts to guide you.

good luck, searcher.


Don Juan
Apr 2, 2006
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Darth said:
Do you believe in God?
Im about to start back college also. I often hook up wth many girls but i do sometimes feel like i am missing something. Having God in my life makes life a lot easier whether your Buddha, Jewish or christian doesn't matter having faith makes you feel better about everything.

just think when your feeling down how lucky you are. you have family friends and are an awesome person. I thank God every day how luck i am. Your attending college! do you know how many people would give anything to be in your shoes.

It sounds like you might be a nesting creature which is fine maybe you need a realtionship or some type of dependency but man let me tell you this. Life is ****ing amazing you are young so go out there and enjoy!


Don Juan
Aug 19, 2008
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The law of attraction is a much greater religion.....

I don`t need more in life. And the things who is missing I will get in the future.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2005
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i feel you man, when ever im feeling down and for no apparent reason try simple meditation...

Get in a comfortable area, A place with no noise, and no visual distractions.. feel your breathing patterns and slow them down, Breath deep, Then out.. Then try to have a moment of NO MIND stop everything running through you head just dont think at all enjoy the cosy couch or the pillow but dont think... usually you will come to a point were you are content or you will come to a point were what really is bothering will over take you WILL of not thinking.. In that case you know what is causing that void.


New Member
Aug 27, 2008
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midwest, USA
ElStud said:
Well I'm going to college and there's a ton of girls and I've approached a few of them. But sometimes I just feel I need more! Like something is missing in my life. Like I need more than a woman to sastify me and I just need something more. I strive for a greater feeling, than I have now. Today I sit here about to go to college and I'm thinking "Well, sure college and girls are okay, but I need something more". Almost like I'm just not pumped for college. And overall, I need a greater feeling, I need something more than woman to sastify me.

I've had similar experiences in my life and even turned to the spiritual for answers. I've found that even in the spiritual side of things there are going to be letdowns, people that share some of your viewpoints, but vehemently opposed to others, other things as well. The thing is though, that I did come away with positive experiences even if there were negative ones. Sometimes you gotta just keep looking and searching. Find out what's right for you, what's not, what fits, and what doesn't. Keep the good stuff, discard the rest.

What are you all about? Who are you? What do you value? These are questions that have helped guide me and they might be of use to you. Another thing to keep in mind is that sometimes the journey and the searching is just as important as the goal, the destination, the thing that gets you pumped.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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find a few close friends that you can just be yourself around.
you guys have to have something in common.

I used to feel really empty inside too.
but i started hanging out with these 2 other asian guys that play counter-strike (i do too). we're basically like brothers now, and we just have fun no matter what.
it's really a weird feeling of being completely comfortable around.
this one was a really hard for me, because when you are another race, it's impossible to feel comfortable around white people. there's just no connection. but i think that only applies to me here. (wait, aren't u black?)
so just find a few n1ggers to deal drugs with on the weekends as a bonding experience.

also, set goals.
mine right now:
3.75+ GPA
be the fastest in the state for breaststroke. (8th right now)
make first chair violin
put on 10 lb of muscle.

these are my big goals, but i set goals for myself and challenge myself everyday. being more social and talking to new people is a big one for me.

but i completely get what you're saying, and I sometimes feel the same way to. like you want to do something extraordinary with your life like: kosuke kitajima, michael phelps, heifetz, milstein.....basically anyone that left a dent in the world that we live in.

just follow something you're passionate about.
like for me, i'm passionate about food.
so someday, i might travel the world and try foods of all the different cultures and try the fanciest food i can find.

oh, and fvck jesus, buhda all the way!


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Sweet guys I'm definitely gonna try most of this advice and see how it works for me. Basically, I just want a feeling of motivation, of inspiration! I don't want to feel like there's no reason to live on tommorow.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
"Ye are all gods"

I notice we are flinging around quotes from the bible and religious buzzwords like "spiritualism", whatever that means, so I thought I'd join in.

Up there's a quote from our very own Jesus Christ, telling everyone that they are gods, yet the Christians believe that there is only one god and one son of god, so if he was alive today, Jesus could not be Christian due to his own perception of religion.

But yes, he said that, and you can look it up, the avid Christians will fling more buzzwords around to try and negate this point of view but at the end of the day, I as a non-religious person (agnostic not atheist), do believe that Jesus existed and that was a very perceptive and intelligent person but I do not believe in all this "spiritual" stuff, what I think he means here is that we all have the power to create, destroy and inspire as our own gods.

Everyone has this power, for good or bad, you seek something more, go and find it and work at it. I create music for my enjoyment and to possibly inspire others, I am the god of the music I wish to create, so may you be the god of whatever you wish to do.

You'll find that religion creates this illusion of freedom but that in reality it conforms to a very narrow minded view of the world, religions will tell you what not to do, what you should believe in, the life you should live. Why let someone else decide these important things for you?

Organised religion will bind you to its perception, it is about losing individuality and limiting beliefs so that you will follow whatever comes out of someone higher up the hierarchies mouth, it has caused more wars than perhaps anything else in this world and its so called moral leaders and followers have been seen to be some of the most immoral people in this world.

So please, be your own person, if you wish to believe in a god then please do, but do not follow the organised construction of religion that the religious sheep on this board will tell you to.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Luke Skywalker said:
Depends on perspective. If you have a carnal or reprobate mind then you'd probably see things that way. It takes a spiritual mind to discern spiritual things. That's why people can not understand ElStud's recent threads or posts as he's seeing women from a spiritual perspective rather than a carnal perspective of just getting laid and is on the right track.
You terribly underestimate me. You think I'm not aware of your exact perspective? It doesn't take great intelligence to be familiar with the tenants of Christianity and to use that knowledge to discern how a Christian would see things. You responded exactly how a studied and practicing Christian would to his post.

There was nothing either intellectual or metaphysical about what you said. You responded as I implied; like the borg. As predictable and mundane as it appeared. I used to roll my eyes, but it is so inadequate to express how it truly feels from my perspective.

Then what? First of all, life doesn't necessarily work out in some ideal sort of state that you are portraying. If they don't, then what? Second of all, even if you have all of that, then what exactly is next? What is the purpose? Why are you here? Then what?
You're struggling with the same issue many people are; which is accepting your mortality.

Are you basically suggesting in the end, I'm simply going to die, and in due time, no one will ever remember anything I did? Do you not think I'm not aware of this? I am completely aware of it. See, the difference between us, is that I can live with this fact, and you cannot. You prefer denial methods by pretending you're a God of sorts and that you're immortal. I see no logic in deciding to be Christian and accepting the bible as truth. I only see psychological coping methods and human manipulation when that happens.

Christians kill me; they think a great argumentative point to make against the atheist is to point out that our version of reality doesn't have a happy ending. How is that an argument for anything? If anything, it should concern YOU that your version of reality says you live forever dancing in streets of gold. Why do YOU not smell a rat? Why do people just completely forget the commonly accepted saying "if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" when it comes to religion? Are people really just that afraid of dying?

There are lots of good looking woman "Jesus freaks" that will like you. Try and find a bible beliving church and try to talk with some of them. Maybe someone there will also like you and take an interest in your conversion and you'll have a nice connection. As you said in another thread, there is more to women than just getting laid, and there is more to life than just living for yourself.
This had nothing to do with the point I was making. I never suggested to not game other Christians.

Sounds like you agree with a large amount of what I originally said anyway; that there's more to life than just women. "Spiritual" health is important even I agree, but there's many ways to be spiritually strong. Of course I mean this strictly in a figurative sense.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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I'm Charming said:
"Ye are all gods"

I notice we are flinging around quotes from the bible and religious buzzwords like "spiritualism", whatever that means, so I thought I'd join in.

Up there's a quote from our very own Jesus Christ, telling everyone that they are gods, yet the Christians believe that there is only one god and one son of god, so if he was alive today, Jesus could not be Christian due to his own perception of religion.

1. Sounds like the Old King James translation you're using there.
2. That's from the Book of John- not thought to be the most accurate source in terms of quotes. In fact the Book of John was written quite a bit later.
3. Jesus often spoke in metaphors, not literally. You're trying to take everything he said at face value. Doesn't work.
4. Thinking you are God is so against the religion it's not funny. There are many counterexamples.

I'm not going to get into theology here, but that is so out of context it's ridiculous, and it's not even from the best source. And to reject a whole religion on that basis is just stupid.

At the end of the day, people can ALWAYS FIND REASONS NOT TO BELIEVE IN GOD if they want to. It's your choice. It always is....

And BTW, I hate it when people go how can you be so arrogant to thing that your religion is correct when there are 3 major religions with many followers?

Okay, one of them is Christianity. Check.

One of them is Judaism. Jews believe in the SAME GOD, and their Bible is actually identical to the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Check.

And one of them is Islam. OK. They still believe in God (called Allah). Check. However, how many different people contributed to the Bible? Dozens. How many people contributed to the Qur'an? One. Muhammed. Who I personally think was full of sh!t.

Anyway, all three major religions agree on one thing- One God who is knowable.