DJing online is stupid.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah thats right.

1. Chicks who use the internet to find a guy are either slvts or desperate or fcuked in the head or have something else wrong. If she is a good looking cool chick with some value then there is absolutely no need for her to be looking on the internet.

2. Guys who look for chicks on the internet are desperate pvssies. There are a ton of quality chicks right there in real life. Why bother with the types of women described in #1.

3. DJing online is holding you back. While you might be able to sweet talk that chick online, but how do you do in real life? You're a chickensh*t and you use your computer to protect your fragile ego. One thing for certain you're not improving your game.

4. You look desperate. If you were a real ladies man then you'd have no time to be macking online.

Don't tell me its your way of "screening" women. Don't tell me you get laid all the time. Don't tell me it helps your DJ skills.

Bullsh!t! You're screening the bottom feeders. You're screwing unworthy, low quality, fcuked up slvts. And your skills are only useful online.

DJing online is an oxymoron. There is nothing Don Juan about it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have dated a few women from online and I can vouch that they are indeed crazy as hell. Some of the hotter ones like the convenience of "online shopping"

I mean girls are like guys. They are afraid to approach a guy they like in real life, and only have dorks approach them at clubs. So they just peruse the dating sites as if they are buying a pair of new shoes. and find the online equialent of the guys that dont approach them in reality.

My take is , if a girl is soooo wonderful, why hasnt one guy in reality scooped them up already??

and slickster, I agree with your point, by why are you so angry about this? How has other people dating from online affected you?


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
I knew my mother was dating people online(and cheating on my father) but I did nothing for a while...that is untill she deceided she wanted to piss me off.

I got a keylogger and the rest is history.

(For those who cant get it, my mother got thrown out of my house,good riddance).

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
I think online dating CAN be ok as a game backup for dry spells. But I wouldn't expect anything major to come out of it. I have had a couple of ONSs and made out a couple of times, but that's it.

As someone's pointed out, women seem to use online dating like online shopping.

In my experience, women online fall into these categories in the following order:

1. Can't get a man in real life because too ugly/mad/got kids etc

2. Can get a man in real life but has such high standards that she rejects men in real life and goes for the 'shopping list' approach. It's been said that women like this would probably reject Brad Pitt on the grounds of height, hair colour, eye colour etc.

3. Can and do get men in real life but go on line to get attention/see how many men they can get after them/just to have a laugh with girlfriends/out of curiousity/etc

4. Are married/in LTRs but looking to cheat/make their men jealous or work themselves up to dump their man and move on from the comfort of their PC. VERY dangerous.

5. Are moderately attractive (6-7)but are not meeting that many men due to work, location, etc, and are reasonably sane and on the level. This category is in my experience the rarest.

Austin Allegro

Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
London, UK
I have met quite a few online girls - loads in my AFC days, not so many now as I am meeting more in 'real life'. Most of the ones I met conformed to points 2, 3 and 5 in my list above.

I have heard of people having LTRs and even getting married from online dating, but the ones I have seen have tended to look rather AFC.

Basically a DJ doesn't need online dating, at least as a main source of dates.

In my AFC days I went for it because it seemed to me that I never met any single women - truth was I wasn't looking hard enough and hiding behind the assumption 'there are no single women'.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
MrBond007: Had a comment about
your response. You're obviously taking
your "fathers" side of things. If your
mother was cheating, it was probably for
good reason. At your age, you probably
aren't aware of the issues. Did your
father hit her, intimidate her, threaten
her, over control her? Again, you may
not even be aware of these things going
on. I know I didn't have a clue until
many years after my parents divorced.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2003
Reaction score
Apart from my previous comment, and more
to the point, I agree completely with you
Slick. I tried online once - it was a complete
waste of time. It's a good way for the
service providers to make money though! Some of these dating services
actually hire girls (?) to respond to mens
profiles to keep them paying (or start paying) the monthly fee.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
Online chics are for the most part either, not bery attractive; or have a bundle and a half of issues.

I agree, get out into the real world!!! Be social the way its supposed to happen, before we all turn into nothing more but drones and humanity and the nature of what it means to be human, gets lost int he void of 0's and 1's! Binary!...

Come on people, bad enough everyone sits on their ass all day by the pc or watching TV... What is happening so our social structure? people on the street won't look you in the eye, won't say hello!

Only we can put an end to that, and it starts from the individual :)


Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Sorry but I got a different opinion on this. I think dating girls in real life is better, especially cause its more comfortable and it just feel strange to meet a person who you only know from a chat or whateva. But anyways, 2 friends of mine are with girls they met online, who are really hot, had a lotta guys chasing them and well one of them has a really cool personality, the other one is spoiled tho.
I met 2 girls from online so far. One of them has become my friend, and the reason y I met her is that shes online a lot, but not cause shes bad looking or cause shes weired, shes just shy.
I met and dated another girl who I met in a chatroom whos hot but just acted way too strange, so she got nexted.
But anyways I dont wanna tell u ppl to stop macking in real life cause the internet is better lol but I dont really agree, that most chicks online are ugly (maybe a lot who use those dating sites, but there are normal chatrooms too). I think this whole chat-thing is just perfect for girls who also like to talk on the phone all day long.
Some of the do have strange personalities, but actually i gotta say the girls me or ppl I know met online arent much stranger than those in real life.

I dont really like this whole online thing though..

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
I haven't seen so many people upset about meeting people online. If done properly you can meet (in person) some amazing people. I've met doctors, lawyers, teacher and everything under the sun.

In my AFC days I attracted some bazaar women but once I learned what to project, the bazaar women dropped off and more quality women were approaching me. I admit that I still got a couple of bazaar approaches but they were so half baked and was use to getting replies just because they were women (AFCs seem to reply to anyone who shows any interest).

Change your game and you will attract the quality women no matter what medium you use. Your replies will lessen but at least the ones who contact you have their game on. All you must be able to do is show that you have better game.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2002
Reaction score
in regards to the first post, sounds to me like someone's ranting about their failed attempts at the online game... I'm with Francisco d'Anconia here. Online macking is tricky, yes, but if you learn how to rope in the right type of women and have some common sense as to who's email you should immediately delete from your inbox, there's nothing wrong with going online. this has been rehashed so many times here it's getting ridiculous.

some of us have busy careers/lives and don't get to go out clubbing as much as the average early-twentysomethings. I've dated a ton of women using online sources...most of them didn't last more than one date, but only 10% or less turned out to be true wackos. besides, when you're out with one of these women there's nothing stopping you from meeting new prospects at the same time...kill 2 birds with 1 stone. my 2 cents.

b's nuts

Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
If I was up your ass you'd know
one benefit of online dating, that a lot of people probably don't utilize is for travel. Any where you go, for business, vacation, whatever, you can have a date while you are there, and when you are from out of town, and they realize they probably won't see you again, you have pretty good chances at a ONS.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by MrBond007
I knew my mother was dating people online(and cheating on my father) but I did nothing for a while...that is untill she deceided she wanted to piss me off.

I got a keylogger and the rest is history.

(For those who cant get it, my mother got thrown out of my house,good riddance).
yo moms a biatch


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
yes, girls who do online dating do not think they're pretty in the real world - notice that there are more OLDER women on online dating sites because they are over-valued in the market already.


Aug 28, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by NatureGuy
MrBond007: Had a comment about
your response. You're obviously taking
your "fathers" side of things. If your
mother was cheating, it was probably for
good reason. At your age, you probably
aren't aware of the issues. Did your
father hit her, intimidate her, threaten
her, over control her? Again, you may
not even be aware of these things going
on. I know I didn't have a clue until
many years after my parents divorced.
No.I knew everything that was goin in my house and computer because I had a keylogger on my cpu and I am often in my house.

1-My father never ever touched a woman to hurt her.It includes my mother.

2-My mother stole money from my father to meet people she talked to online

3-My mother would say she spent 200$ of my fathers money to buy us food but in the end I still had to by myself some because she only spent 50$ on food and kept the rest for herself.

4-She would write(on the internet) how I died and/or had sex with my sister and that my father left her years ago and hes now gay.

She was a pathetic liar and got what she deserved.

Lastly, do not ever talk to me and use my age as an argument.I am 18 years old, yes.But, I am finishing my degree in Artifial Intelligence at an university.I am gifted, that is.

BTW:If my typing sounds weird for someone in University, know that my first language is french.I learned english for maybe 4 years now and Im working on Japanese for next couple years.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Originally posted by b's nuts
one benefit of online dating, that a lot of people probably don't utilize is for travel. Any where you go, for business, vacation, whatever, you can have a date while you are there, and when you are from out of town, and they realize they probably won't see you again, you have pretty good chances at a ONS.
This is true too. I use to travel a lot for business and I got to the point of having online friends all over the world. They would either offer to show me the town or even put me up for lodging. And yes, there were a couple of ONSs as well as a few FBs that I'd hook up with while I was in town.

Get your game flowing right and the world opens up to you. I visited a friend in Barcelona who was a HB12. She's a well established therapist that wanted wanted me to move to Barcelona to start my practice (with her help of course). I would have jumped at the chance but someone else just as cool here in the states found me online.

Hey, the system works as long as you know how it's put together.