DJ Ten Commandments


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2000
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Now, instead of a void, we have a bank of knowledge. In order for a long essay to be worth writing, somebody first has to discover something new that hasn't been covered. If you think that's going to keep happening every month, or even every year, then you might be overestimating the complexity of the whole dating game.
This sounds like Duell's quote of

"The advancement of the arts, from year to year, taxes our credulity, and seems to presage the arrival of that period when human improvement must end."

or that 19th century patent commissioner:

"Everything that can be invented has been invented."

Everything has been said! All answers given! All questions answered! Shut down the forum! All mysteries have been solved!

I don't even think we've scratched the surface.

Dealing with women and life is the largest discussion of Time and our own lives. After all, how you look upon women defines your life. Such a subject isn't taken lightly.

The discussion isn't confined here. You have the whole of poetry speaking of this subject, the entire volume of Shakespeare, a wide constellation of plays, libraries of philosophy rantings, multiple histories and cultures, assorted religions, and that isn't even the beginning. You have the experience of every person here, most importantly, yourself to draw off ideas. You have the real world, filled with (we hope) real women, to draw up more observations. You have colleges of biology devoted to our cause, that rare club of 'great men' and their biographies and actions, and the unknown 'real' men such as the firefighters, the policemen, the truckers, those that keep civilization working. You have the nightclub and the church, the school and the party. You have all these things. Yet, we're still not close to scratching the surface.

The mystery of women is the mystery of nature. Civilizations, religions, laws, are all built around the conclusions (or even non-conclusions). How could there be there is nothing more to add?

As for the forum, what is occuring has occured before. The subject of this place is women and your thoughts on women. Some people have wacky ideas, or good ideas. What is occuring now seems to be people talking to each other instead of talking about the subject.

"OMG I hate Yggrasilx!!111"

"Punk! Moderators, ban him!"

"Non! Moderators, ban HIM!"

Instead of a focus on information, it has shifted into a focus on personality. But in the end, we are all 1s and 0s on these electronic pages. You didn't come to this site to do verbal duels, you came to share and gain information!

If there is a DJ Bible, one could think of a DJ Ten Commandments to help us all be productive as possible. It might even read as:

1) Focus on the information, ignore the personalities.

2) Don't try to become the smartest person in the room. No one cares.

3) If you don't have anything to say, don't say it.

4) If a subject has been posted in a thread, post in the existing thread, do NOT make a new thread.

5) When you post, try actually saying something that gives information or requests information.

6) Do not POST LIKE THIS or LiKE tHIs or like this!

7) There are always new observations and discoveries to make on women and life.

8) Detailing new context unleashes more change than new content.

9) If you have a question or a post idea, read the bible or use the SEARCH feature first.

10) Don Juans shall not tear down their brothers! (That is what women do. Women tear down fellow women over nothing. We're not gossiping women, are we?)

High Voltage

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Originally posted by Pook

Dealing with women and life is the largest discussion of Time and our own lives. After all, how you look upon women defines your life. Such a subject isn't taken lightly.

The mystery of women is the mystery of nature. Civilizations, religions, laws, are all built around the conclusions (or even non-conclusions).

While the commandments you put forth are excellent, I sure hope that no one defines their life by how they look upon women. What a waste of life.

There are by far more important discussions than how to deal with women. Dealing with women is trivial and discussions about them should not extend beyond a detached discussion for our general amusement. Anything more would be giving them more credit than they're due.

I think it best to treat women as a mild distraction for our personal pleasure. Something fun whose success with (or lack thereof) should not impact our lives in the least.

- HV

So pimp its scary

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2003
Reaction score
In the C-A-N-A-D-A-Eh!
The discussion isn't confined here. You have the whole of poetry speaking of this subject, the entire volume of Shakespeare, a wide constellation of plays, libraries of philosophy rantings, multiple histories and cultures, assorted religions, and that isn't even the beginning. You have the experience of every person here, most importantly, yourself to draw off ideas. You have the real world, filled with (we hope) real women, to draw up more observations. You have colleges of biology devoted to our cause, that rare club of 'great men' and their biographies and actions, and the unknown 'real' men such as the firefighters, the policemen, the truckers, those that keep civilization working. You have the nightclub and the church, the school and the party. You have all these things. Yet, we're still not close to scratching the surface.
Really though, for the most part, all that the people here wish to discuss is either to get more tang or to learn how to pull a girlfriend. There is very little emphasis on actually maintaining that girlfriend... In the same sense that, in the movie 'Hitch' (spoilers ahead, not that I watched this in the sense of how "DJ" of a movie it is, but just as a movie), the date doctor tells the people that he feel qualify for his attention what to do and what not to do to get them through three dates with a woman, after that they are on their own. What he learns through the movie is not that he is improving on the other peoples actions, but rather just giving them the confidence to simply approach the woman romantically.

What I mean is that the more you 'learn' about women the less you know. All different insights into their personality are ultimately useless because you are attempting to create logic out of an inherintly illogical (not irrational) being. Any person that has even the slightest ability to read body language, and the urge to do so (usually man's inherent sex drive) is more than adequately equipped to pull the ladies.

Of course, there are always going to be different approaches, 'techniques', and other insights into women but in the end all we are doing is very much like what Hitch does in the movie. Just giving men the confidence that they can handle a woman for the first three dates, and then they (for the most part, with the arrival of the LTR forum) are on their own.

There are by far more important discussions than how to deal with women. Dealing with women is trivial and discussions about them should not extend beyond a detached discussion for our general amusement. Anything more would be giving them more credit than they're due.
I disagree with that, because a discussion among peers of field reports, and of certain tactics allow people to model the good from each other and to help all of us to expand based on the experiences of others.

Especially for the case of the complete AFC, of which there are many, on this site and everywhere. These are the guys who have lacked any ability in the area of women for likely the better part of their lives. Any discussion about women between an AFC and, for lack of a better term, a DJ is often going to be more than a detached conversation. For the AFC, because he is learning as much as he can. For the DJ because if it were not for his concern and want to help (among other reasons), then he would simply keep his secrets for himself.

Anyway, I'm saying that all success with women boils down to being able to read body language, knowing how to make them respond to yourself, and the desire to do so. Anything more than that are simply the attitudes that are required to be successful in the area that you would like to conquer, whether it be the one woman for life, or ALL the women in the club.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
SE England/ York
Originally posted by Pook

7) There are always new observations and discoveries to make on women and life.
Yes and no.

Yeah, life is one hell of a trip, but APPARENTLY this site is only for the discussion of the 'Secrets of Meeting, Dating and Attracting Women!'.

...And whilst I know that girls are a lot of fun, and there will always be new observations and discoveries to make, this isn't the place to make them.

Why? Well, the things you suggest require EXPERIENCE! Yes, there is more to discover about girls and more to see and taste than you'll ever manage to grasp, but really, attraction only goes so far. At least in the slightly nerdy speculatory sense on this board anyhow.

That said: Talking about life! Ah! Therein lies the rub! I'm up for chilled discussion of subjects other than girls once in a while, perhaps steering away from anime and star wars. Meh, but now I'm suggesting a whole re-ajusting of the site's layout and purpose, and really- would it be worth it?


Feb 16, 2005
Reaction score
AMEN......Pook I dont understand why this board is filled with so many flame-wars, etc., but it is really turning into a place where people can just come to escape the real world...instead of a place where people can come to learn how the real world works, and escape loneliness and lack of success.

Just about every thread I made on this board, turned into a flame war, because THEY didnt think that I was practising what I preached. Who are they to say that? Or judge that? There are no real discussions, just flamers, afc questions, and these ever so funny boot camps, when I think that the focus should be on success and making money than on how many women to approach......hahahaha


Mr. Mystery II

Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by High Voltage
While the commandments you put forth are excellent, I sure hope that no one defines their life by how they look upon women. What a waste of life.

There are by far more important discussions than how to deal with women. Dealing with women is trivial and discussions about them should not extend beyond a detached discussion for our general amusement. Anything more would be giving them more credit than they're due.

I think it best to treat women as a mild distraction for our personal pleasure. Something fun whose success with (or lack thereof) should not impact our lives in the least.

- HV
Your taking that statement out of context, as fun as it is to challenge the bully, you usually get your a$$ kicked...

Mr. Mystery


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
What happened to that Pook e-book that was going to come out?

Cesare Cardinali

Master Don Juan
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
interesting post Pook I would have titled it "Posting on Sosuave for Dummies".


Cesare Cardinali


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Pook
2) Don't try to become the smartest person in the room. No one cares.
Do I even need to point out the irony here?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
I agree...this just made me realize something, I need to go out and discover things. Anyways man, like always good post.

And when's the e-book coming out?


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Excellent post, discovering new thing on my own... tough, but worth a shot.


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score

Mr. Mystery II

Senior Don Juan
Oct 5, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by drZaius09
What a lemming.

I'm the lemming?!

Everyone and their mother (including you apparently) hates on Pook, if only to rebel and get some attention. Posters like you remind me of the group of 20 or so gothic non-conformists all dressing in all black and wearing the same makeup.

Try again.

Mr. Mystery


Master Don Juan
Mar 24, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Mr. Mystery II
I'm the lemming?!
Yeah, that's right, you're the lemming.

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
why don't we just leave this thread as the only one and lock all the other ones cause thats what this forum has become


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
I never read this till now. I just want to say its GREAT. This is what Djing is.

Ninja out