Dj-ing it's like running


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
Today I started to run again and I feel great. On my way back home it just came to me: DJ-ing it's like running.
What do I mean by that?

1— ONE HAS TO DO IT BY HIMSELF. There is so much you can get from 2nd hand experience.
When you start as a DJ you have no experience ( or little xp) with girls. You find a site like this or surf the web and spend countless hours making sure you’ve read it all, unconsciously hoping you’ll find the perfect technique, the magic pill that will make you great, so you won’t need to ever fail or get rejected.
When you are a newbie( and you've never did it before) you see all this people running and they tell you how great it is. So you decide you want to run. First, you surf the web for info and try to have all the knowledge possible so that when you’ll run it will be perfect from the start.

2nd hand experience( what other people say, what you read, etc) is good. It helps you be mentally prepared and it gives you knowledge. But it’s NOT enough. It won’t make you better, just aware. Why? Because till you go out and run you won’t know how it FEELS.
Because only you can find what works for you. You must find the ins and outs of all this s***.
Others may have the best intentions, no doubt. But they share with you what they have find themselves. Each one of us is a unique individual. 2nd hand xp is good since it helps you not to make the same mistakes as others and it gives you a perspective. But it’s not enough. You must DO. You must APPLY. Balance is key. You must ACT on your own in order to improve, since you have to be a doer, not a watcher ( There are enough watchers , maybe 90% of people. They don’t need one more) .

2--- The focus is on YOU.
When you decide to run, you are on your own. Others may encourage you and motivate you, but YOU RUN. Only you can make a change. Nobody will make you run ( pushing you from the back). IT’s your call. Other runners that are on the other side ( there are the ones that do it and the others- always) will say it’s great. You know why? Because it is. There will never be a destination that will make you happy forever or a time when you’ll reack the end and be the best. It’s your fuc**** Ego . The ego wants evidence to validate your reality and won’t stop demanding it. You must be egoless. That whay you are happy for NOW and not think “ I’ll be happy WHEN I get ___________( what you want” . You know why? Cause even when you get exactly what you want, your happiness won’t last. It’s not about the destination, but about the journey. The journey in life is ment to be enjoyed.

The focus is on you. There will always be some better and some worse than you. You are not the best and never will be. Don’t compare yourself to others. Only compare yourself with … well… yourself. That’s your ego saying you are not good enough and others are better. The ego is in it’s nature false. It created for you a confort zone in witch you feel secure. It shields you from the unknows and it loosens your instincts. You should act through your own intentions . Do what you want and think that will give you the best benefit ( I mean that in a positive way)

3--- Consistency
Taking right action once and twice is great cause you started, but it isn’t enough and it won’t make a change. I’ll say that again Doing what’s right once won’t mean anything. Yes, others will never do that first step. So what? Don’t get caught up in this trap: Don’t feel content just because you moved your @SS and did the right thing that 1 time. It’s easy to believe that it’s enough, but it isn’t.
The key?
You must have CONSISTENCY. Taking consistent action will make you chance. Hel* it will transform even an newbie into a master.
If you run 1 or 2 times it won’t mean that your stamina or endurance will increase. Neah… you will start to get momentum and tou’ll see a difference, but it won’t be a change. Momentum is all. You see, once you are able to see tha “other side” you will keep doing that cause it’s much better and it’s easyer since you have momentum. The forst step is the hardest one. Getting to a lvl is hard, but once you are there, it’s simple.
Let’s say…. You run for 4 months and you see the improvement since you’ve taken CONSISTENT ACTION. If after all that you stop ( for too long) you MOMENTUM will decrease, you’ll loose what you’ve gained. IF you do nothing and you start after 3 months you won’t be at the same lvl as before. You haven’t been consistent. It’s a truth andthis is how we work. ( and I am not talking only about running).
Let’s say you stay in bed for toooooo long( I mean long… years )and you are not moving ( for whatever reason--- don’t care). After all that time, when you will try to walk again either you won’t be able too, or you will have some problems with it.
When you go into summer holiday and after 3 months ( in this time you did nothing for school) you will barely remember something.
It’s about consistency. The really good guys with women and doing this regularly. A person who had great social skills communicates constantly( it becomes a habit)

4---One of the newbie’s traps

A newbie will see a DJ . Oh… how a great man.. He is able to do all this stuff and get all the girls he wants. I’ll try to do what he does so I’ll get the same results. Poor noob… What he sees is his greatness. But what is unseen is all the HARD WORK that got him there. All the rejections, all his errors and failures… HE took his own path.
IT’s your own journey. Imitation, as Pook said, is suicide. By imitating someone you don’t come off as being true to yourself and authentic and that is noticed. You have to you own path in order to become like that DJ.

Dj and life

So yes… DJ-ing it’s like running. Noone can do it for you. You must focus on yourself, but not become self- conscious, only aware and conscious. You shall read and have a perspective on things, but don’t be caught up in it. Go out there. Do. Take action and learn what works for YOU. Learn the ins and outs of being a DJ. Try to be egoless and enjoy the NOW. Do what you can to grow everyday and improve yourself, but don’t expect to reach a point when your work is all done cause it will never come. Understand that it’s not the destination, but the journey that it’s important. You shall enjoy your life cause you live it once and it’s YOURS. Since you will be better , don’t have that destructive pride and don’t consider it a big deal ( “it’s just another cool thing I can do”--- tht’s all) . There will be haters because people aren’t jealous of a nobody. BE indifferent to all that sh** they will through at you ( but find a balance since it’s not always good to permit it) because they do it only to take value and fill they’re sense of being important. This kind on people are watchers, you are a doers. Be consistent in ACTIONG trough your own intentions and don’t feel like you have to do all that to prove yourself to someone . You do it for yourself, because you wanna be great ( not because your EGO demands it) and make a pleasure from doing what you do. Understand that you don’t get to live the same moment twice and take opportunities and risks if you think it’s better for the lonf run ( future). Pass the “pain “ of the moment for the long term happiness. Become the one you wanna be, BECOME yourself, the one that YOU LOVE. I can’t stress this enough cause is was one of my mistakes: Don’t ever think you will reach a point when you can rest and stop and have everything ( that’s just your EGO) . It’s about the JOURNEY. The RIDE is meant to be enjoyed. Even if you’ll have exactly what you want you will still not have a long term happiness. Eventhough society wants you as a consumer and in time makes you have this big ego--- do it for yourself and not because you are conditioned or you want to prove yourself to someone. Never settle for less that you WANT.
Yea , there will be hard times ahead. D@mn you will sometimes fail more than you succeed. Keep going .Life ain’t always beautiful, but it’s a beautiful RIDE.



Don Juan
Apr 9, 2011
Reaction score
I remember when you were posting lots of questions. I'm glad to see that your doing well and improving bro. Nice post man.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks man.
Yea, I'm trying. It's a life-long journey, but a awesome one. I'd better get used to it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
After a while you start to realize that you're not trying to beat the other runners, but that little voice in your head that wants you to quit.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2011
Reaction score
yea... it's not about winning or loosing. You can never loose while you still try.
You run too?


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Pozitron said:
yea... it's not about winning or loosing. You can never loose while you still try.
You run too?
I was quoting what I remembered of this quote: "It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn the the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants you to quit."

I dont run, but I kinda wish I did. I might start doing it; I want to be in a good overall shape.