No one probably reads these threads, but I'll post my week one progress, anyway. English isn't my native language, and I learnt it mostly from movies and stupid school teachers, so I'll probably make some minor spelling mistakes, so deal with it.
I had a small journal with me, where I wrote down all my progress witch also contained some great quotes.
Day 1
It started wonderfull. I woke up, read all the material and got a great boost. I walked outside my apartment, chated with one of my neighbours and went off. I bought myself a small journal, to write down my progress. And then I went around looking people in the eyes. It was fun, but I still couldn't say hello to anyone. But I had a lot of fun doing the eye contact thing. Sometimes I even laughed when I 'won' someone in the game of eye contact. Damn, It was fun.

But only a single hello.
Day 2
It was good. I tried to make eye contact with people, but I still wasn't able to say hello to anyone. Then after some walking around, I greeted one stranger, and felt a little bit better.
Day 3
I went jogging in the morning. And it was easy as hell to greet people in the morning. I live in the centre of the city, and it's very hard to find someone in a quiet enough place to greet them. So the morning was perfect. I got 7 good morning's and felt a little better. Then I went out again and greeted 3 strangers with a hello. 10 hello's today
Day 4
On my way to the gym, I greeted 7 people. A lot of them didn't greet me back, but that's ok. I also had a small conversation with one of the people. Then on my way back, I said hello to 2 strangers. So I had 9 hello's today.
Day 5
Oh, boy did today suck. I used this one new eye cream, that I bough. And the results were horrible. It was a windy day. And my eyes started to cry. So there I was crying on the street. A shameful 0 hello's. And when I got home, I was depressed. But after a few hour I went out ,for a short period of time, and got atleast a single hello. One hi today.
Day 6
I wanted revange for my yesterday. And I got it! 20 hello's today. I was unstoppable. So that makes only 8 hi's left, and I couldn't wait.
Day 7
In face, it's today. i got my 8 last hello's and now am home and I'm reading the material for the second week. The hardest part this week, was selecting the people you want to greet.
Guess It worked out. My next post is going to be in the next week. I hope.