
Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2005
Reaction score
taken off the site... I nearly choked laughing so hard, tears in my eyes, abs ripping..

Statements That Imply Your Higher Value

March 29, 2010 by Chateau

“You’re very brave to come over to talk with me.”

“Your flirting is charming.”

“As we’re sitting here talking I can tell you seem really happy.”

“Wow! Don’t get too excited.” [Note: Not to be used sarcastically. That would be signaling lower value.]

“Hmm. Your hands are shaking.” [Doesn't matter if they're not shaking. Use as part of palm reading routine.]

“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” [Say after returning much later from talking with friends.]

“Your answers tell me that you are drawn to men who break your heart.” [Use as part of love test routine.]

“You have a… different… sense of humor/sense of style/way of looking at the world.”

“You have a quirky personality. I have a friend — he’s been single a while; I guess he’s picky — who would totally get you.”

“You’re not like most women. You seem like you want to know about me more than you want to talk about yourself.”

“Your eyes are dancing.”

“I have a confession to make. I forgot your name.” [You should say this to every girl at some point during the initial meet, regardless whether you remember her name. I have yet to experience a bad reaction from a girl when I said this.]

“A lot of girls in this city come on too strong with men. I’m glad you can talk with me without getting weird.”

“This is a pleasant surprise. You’re winning me over.”

Saying any of these things to a girl during the course of a pickup will artfully communicate your higher status relative to hers, which will in turn prepare her body for copulation.

PS: Try to use the word “girls” for women, and “men” for men, in your daily conversation.



next time you want a urinal to accept your superiority and your piss too, try these lines on it:

“You’re very brave to come over and let me pee in you.”

“Your flushing is charming.”

“As I’m standing here peeing I can tell you seem really happy.”

“Wow! Don’t get too excited.” [Note: Not to be used sarcastically. That would be signaling lower value to teh urinal.]

“Hmm. Your urinal cake is shaking.” [Doesn't matter if it's not shaking. Use as part of urinal cake reading routine.]

“Hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” [Say after returning much later from talking with friends.]

“Your answers tell me that you are drawn to men who pee on you.” [Use as part of love test routine.]

“You have a… different… sense of humor/sense of style/way of looking at the world.”

“You have a quirky personality. I have a friend — he’s been single a while; I guess he’s picky — who would totally pee in you.”

“You’re not like most urinals. You seem like you want to know about me more than you want to talk about yourself.”

“Your urinal cake is dancing. or it could just be my pee splish-splashin.”

“I have a confession to make. I forgot your name.” [You should say this to every urinal at some point during the initial pee, regardless whether you remember her name. I have yet to experience a bad reaction from a urinal when I said this.] lozlzlzl!

“A lot of urinals in this city come on too strong with men. I’m glad you can let me pee without getting weird.” omg rotfl!!!

“This is a pleasant surprise. You’re winning me over.”


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
lmao bro, youre 26 and youre telling us how to dhv a urinal.

U honestly dnt why ther arent any comments