Determined, yet threatened.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2006
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The "Last Serious Relationship" Ex-BF Problem

I dated this girl, we'll call her Sarah, she was with a guy who we'll call Jason before she was with me. Sarah and I dated for about 3 months then she broke up with me. She said "I don't deserve you" which I still don't understand. She also admitted that she still had feelings for Jason. Now, 3 months after we broke up, we are acting like a couple again, kissing, holding hands etc. etc. Basically, I think this Jason guy still has a HUGE hold on her. I really like this girl, I want her. And I always want to dominate this guy, just completely hands down win Sarah over. But I need help, she says she was in love with him, they were dam close too. It's almost intimidating. I need to one-up this guy, I gotta be better. Plus I've known Sarah for years and always liked her and if I'm gonna date her again, she'd better be all mine.

Thanks for any help ya'll.



Don Juan
Dec 14, 2006
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Ok, the major way to enter a woman's emotions and have her attached to you is to have REALLY GOOD SEX with her. (the whole works). You should comfort her in the relationship, but not too much, ie. dont be needy/clingy, dont be a emotional tampon. (otherwise you can just call yourself an AFC again).

she has to want you, but also have the feeling that she can lose you if she doesnt act quick. Or else you will be rebound material.

try talking to her about her ex. persuade her to talk about the negative aspects about him. then tell her how you are DIFFERENT, and will treat her much better.

her: he doesnt talk that much to me
solution: promise to talk to her more

her: he doesnt want to go out with me too often
solution: promise to take her to special "fun" action dates (apply C+F)

if she feels security and comfort in your presence, she will go for you. so somehow let her know, how you can protect her and such.

im just letting you, all this work might lead to a LTR.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2006
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So is feeling intimidated just something I need to forget about. This other guy was older than me, but I know if I do stuff right, that's all he'll ever have on me. Good attitude right? He's a complete douche by the way, basically an emotional biotch. So I don't know how the hell he got such a hold on her... Eh.

True Wolf

Don Juan
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
If you think you need to one up him, then you have a problem. If you KNOW you already do, and she just needs to wake the hell up and see it, then there's no problem. Confidence is key. And feel free to plant little bashes on "Jason". It will show her that you don't aprove of him, and if girls seem to think that they need to the approval of others with their clothes, shoes, cell phones, cars, jobs ect. why would it be any different with their man? Oh, and does she know you want to date her again?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
She dumped you.

Get her out of your life.

Forget her.

For crying out loud, this is the kind of reason guys find themselves unable to attract women.

Stop acting like she's anything special or worth persueing - she dumped you and is an idiot who should be banished from your life as far as you're concerned.

The Muscly Jerk