

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2007
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Mods please remove thread, thanks.
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speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
You want an honest opinion? OK, here's goes. It won't be liked, but oh well.

1) A big portion of women who cry rape, haven't been technically raped.
2) Someone who has been raped will probably have real problems.
3) Someone who cries rape but hasn't been raped is likely an attention hor.
4) Based on 2 and 3, you should probably steer clear if the word 'rape' appears.
5) Most women who cry rape and/or sexual abuse likely brought it on themselves and did nothing to stop the activity because, frankly, they wanted the attention.
6) If you were drunk or high, you cannot cry rape. You lose credibility.

That is all. Rape happens, but not always. Real rape is a VERY warped up sort of thing and causes serious mental breakdowns. 100% one-sided rape is not as common as many say it is. But it does happen, unfortunately.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
I walk a wide bearth around women who still consider themselves victims. Not diminishing the horridness of their experience but if they still consider themselves victims after the fact, you could be setting yourself up for troubles similar to :nono: The Rebound Guy...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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This sort of thing is a dealbreaker if a girl and you get together and get comfortable with eachother for a while start to fall in love and then she just springs this out on you with the idea of now I've got my hooks in him its safe to tell him!

Yes its horrible that it happened to her but its not fair to the new guy she is getting involved with to make him party to her traumatic past after he has gotten deeply involved with her and doesn't think of her as a victim of such abuse.

Some guys just can't handle this kind of shock and they really shouldn't have to. Certain things people need to be upfront about and if they can't do that never bring that sh!t up at all.

So in a case like this where a chick drops this kind of delayed emotional bomb on a guy he can feel free to dump her. Its just not something that he should be kept in the dark about only to have the shock of it revealed later.

Moving on to another thing I will say about this...

It would be acceptable for a DJ to stay in a relationship with a rape victim if the rape happened while she was his girlfriend like say she got attacked in a parking lot or something. This was not her fault as no rape is a victim's fault and the DJ could keep her as his girlfriend if he felt he cared about her enough and wanted to be there to support her and listen to her when she needed not try and save her or play therapist but just show her he cared about her and supported her in getting counseling for it or even going after the rapist to try and get him brought to justice if at all possible.

The last thing I have to say about all this though is a DJ should be looking for healthy mature normal women who haven't been abused if he wants to have the best chance at having a productive and happy long term relationship. If he is just looking to get laid he should also go for a healthy normal woman but one who is in her party years but the point of what I'm trying to get across is a healthy normal woman whose not got some kind of incredibly harsh psychological mental health secret such as a rape in her past or something else deep and dark like that is the best candidate and only candidate a DJ should even entertain being with in any capacity as a healthy normal minded woman is less likely to screw you over in some horrifying way.

A rape victim you get involved with could commit suicide and screw you over by you then being attached to her and she's no longer alive because she understandably couldn't deal with the pain.

A rape victim is likely going to suffer from severe depression and post traumatic stress disorder and wake you both up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder having flash backs of the attack.

A rape victim is likely going to have severe trust issues surrounding relationships and sex. It is going to be very difficult for you to establish enough trust to get her to have sex with you and even when you do she might stop you midway through because it reminds her too much of the rape experience in one way or another.

The bottom line is DJ's should set themselves up for success and while there are no guarantees in life getting with a healthy minded normal woman who hasn't got any mental fvck ups, hasn't got some deep dark trauma in her past like rape or anything else is the absolute best candidate for a DJ to go after once again whether he wants to simply get laid or have a serious relationship with.

Please guys stop justifying going after nutjobs and mental fvck ups.

It sounds cold but I'm just trying to send the message that you guys have so many resources here for self betterment you don't need to roll around in the gutter with people who are only going to bring you down.

You don't need to be involved with rape victims, AW's or whatever.

It doesn't make you a hero to do so nor does it make you a good person.

It makes you a fvcking fool and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings to say that but it is the truth.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
mzilla2 said:
F d'A, yes I am trying to determine is she is a survivor, or a victim, through her behaviour and subsequent choices, and not what she claims to me directly. ;)

Edit: 3 years have passed since the event.
You've hit the nail on the head in needing to know whether she's a survivor or not. Unfortunately elapsed time doesn't mean much. What matter is if she's done enough for herself in order to move on and feel comfortable starting new relationships. Qualify man; qualify, qualify, qualify...


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Do you also see correlation in such a history and cluster B traits / behaviours?"

Chicks with these disorders become what they are due to the interaction or lack there of with their mother when they were the age of 2.

So basically what I'm saying is even if they were raped it is not what is responsible for their disorder coming about.

Parental abandonment in some form is.

In anycase whether a rape is real or not an HPD or BPD may lie and say they were to get attention or draw you into a savior role with them so they can syphon off of your personality and energy and then leave you for the next source of narcissistic supply after you fall in love with them and are then deemed no longer useful.

What I'm saying is whether they were raped or not they will exploit it for all the attention and sympathy they can muster.

Cluster B's play the victim better than anyone to get the sympathy of society.


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
Prior rape is a huge deal-breaker. Rape is a hell that some unfortunate women experience. Unsurprisingly, it damages the psyche in a tremendous way. Unfortunately, dating a rape victim exposes you to this damaged psyche, which can make your life extremely trying. Only those with an extreme amount of compassion and tolerance should date rape victims.

A woman who has a bad, or NO, relationship with her father is a woman to avoid. This is an absolute rule.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"Just prior, she also suggested bringing a 3rd, another chick, into the bedroom, perhaps as a retention ploy out of sensing my dissatisfaction with the bedroom end of things."

Haha, all of the extroverted HPD's and some BPD's tell this lie to get you all excited then when you bring it up to them later they suddenly forgot they ever mentioned it and when you persist bringing up the subject they'll say all you care about is sex.

All of this turning things around on you is the crazymaking and projecting that they do.

The projection comes into play with Cluster B's because they tend to act so overly sexual but really do not understand or know that this is how they are acting, they have no insight into their own behavior but some part of their sub conscious is guilty about what they do but since they are not mature enough they cannot face the overwhelming disgust that they have for themselves so project their inner bad qualities onto you ie you just want sex.

In reality though she is the sexual extrovert.

Edit: Glad you didn't take offense to my other posts btw. I wasn't so much singling you out but talking to the whole site as I'm getting really sick of people here trying to justify going for mentally fvcked up women rather than using all the resources at their disposal here to set themselves up for success which is what this site is all about ie men being and becoming successful and men can best do that with a normal healthy minded woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
KontrollerX said:
Please guys stop justifying going after nutjobs and mental fvck ups.

It doesn't make you a hero to do so nor does it make you a good person.

It makes you a fvcking fool and I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings to say that but it is the truth.
True that - so f**king true.

MY observation of relationships " the person with the deepest pathology will lead the relationship in both style and direction. "

Just my 30 years worth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
Shame the OP deleted his posts and wants this topic deleted.

We were having a good informative exchange for all of the lurkers out there.

The topic originally was about asking DJ's here if they've ever been with a rape victim then the OP brought up Cluster B women which lead me to believe a Cluster B woman was leading this man down the typical path of the tall tale of woe is me I've been raped which of course is only a sob story used by the Cluster B to bring a man closer into her spider web and get control of his emotions turning him into the sympathetic capn save a h0.