Dear Momma

Apr 3, 2003
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msn article

Dear Mama,
I flat out hate dating. I mean, I want to have a relationship and all, but I just can't figure out what to do to make myself into a fun date. I want the guy to like me, but instead, I end up feeling like a wimp.
— Wendy, Pittsburgh, Penn.

Dear Sister Goddess Wendy,
What can I do to turn you into the greedy, selfish, gluttonous little Goddess you were born to be? Just exactly as you were when you were 3-years-old. Way back then, you knew what you wanted, and you asked for it. Men love women who go for what they want. They hate to be mind readers. If you depend on him to pick the right place and make you the right offer, you may have fun, but then again, you might be in for hours of torture. For some men, a great first date might be hot dogs and beer at a ballgame. Eleven innings later, you are ready to kill him.

If I can seduce you into using each and every man you date for your pleasure, then I can guarantee you your good time and his good time. You will enjoy being with a man who pays attention to your desires, and he will have the all-too rare experience of being with a woman who knows what she wants and asks for it. Why do men like this? It means that they are not stumbling blindly in the dark — they're actually adding to our happiness.

So, before he calls, think about where you might like to be taken for coffee, drinks or dinner. Would you like to be picked up? Or do you want to meet him? Do you want to choose the restaurant yourself, or do you want him to provide you with a few choices? Part of the fun of being together is in exploring your desires and how much attention he pays to gratifying them.

And the best way to show him a good time is by using him for your own pleasure. Imagine that, the way to be the most fun on a date is to allow him to give you what you want. It's a beautiful thing to be a woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2002
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
What can I do to turn you into the greedy, selfish, gluttonous little Goddess you were born to be?
OK, guys DO like women who know what they want (still haven't met one myself *ahem*) but we don't like greedy, selfish, gluttonous women. We also like to plan out dates ourselves sometimes and not every guy wants to go to a ballgame for a first date :rolleyes: Its too bad more women don't have faith in guys' abilities to plan a fun date.

Very misguided advice, its kinda scary that this is featured on msn...


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
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sydney australia
jeez who on earth wrote that **** ?


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2003
Reaction score
Wine Country, Ca
JEEEZE! That's freaking scary! I've never treated a guy like that! What a b!tch!

DJ Jr.

Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by FlyGuy
OK, guys DO like women who know what they want (still haven't met one myself *ahem*) but we don't like greedy, selfish, gluttonous women. We also like to plan out dates ourselves sometimes and not every guy wants to go to a ballgame for a first date :rolleyes: Its too bad more women don't have faith in guys' abilities to plan a fun date.

Very misguided advice, its kinda scary that this is featured on msn...
You know thats not neccesarily true...just as a guy can't take advice from a woman because women dont really know what they want the same applies.

We dont really know what we want.

Of course we dont want the greedy gluttenous girl but we might particularly enjoy the challenge of keeping the greedy gluttenous one in check.