Dealing with a bully: The best way forward?


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
Its just been a month of my freshman year, and I have to admit I didnt have the perfect start. One of the first few people I met turned out the least I get along with. Lately, he's been a pain in the ass.

Now the obvious suggestion would be to ignore him. But its a bit hard to that in my situation, as both of us have classes together. Though most people don't like hanging out with him, some detest him for his arrogance and ego but he does have some fan following. This guy, lets call him David is basically a ****head, a wannabe bully. Recently, there was a mid sem room reallotment, where all of his friends including those whom he considered his closest decided not to share the room with him anymore rather asked me if there was a place in my room for them.

Having seen this David came across owning up a vendetta of jealousy and hatred against me. Usually resorts to name calling, occasional picking. Initially, I ignored him. But lately, he kinda has rallied some support(with those who are just there to have fun, though most don't have anything against me yet some do. BUt I don't give much $hit about them except it gives him a sense of approval.). I do have a decent number of friends, but most don't want to or are afraid to stand up against him for their own reasons. I know that sux. But hey, I dont blame them, its just been a month of college, and nobody wants to make enemies.

Predictably, David and I, have already had a scuffle, when I couldnt take his **** anylonger and gave him few tight ones(took one in return though).
That doesnt seem to have changed much. Later I tried the softer approach of speaking to him, that this has to end, and that there is no point making enemies so early in college. We shook hands, he agreed. But after a few days, it was back to the square one.

So to all fellow DJ's, it would be great if you guys can help me with some solid advice or some of your life experiences in dealing with such mfs.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Predictably, David and I, have already had a scuffle, when I couldnt take his **** anylonger and gave him few tight ones(took one in return though).

It sounds like you hit him a few times, which didn't hurt him, and then he hit you once that did hurt, and that was the end of it. You have to either not resort to physical violence and beat his ass with words, which is the best way, or you have to learn to fight and not lose the fights you start. I have been told that most people who get into fights do not really want to fight, they just want to hurt somebody else without getting hurt themselves. Few people will accept pain and keep coming forward, which is really what fighting is about. If getting hit is not fun for you, then don't fight, solve it with words. But if you choose to fight, then don't quit. Most bullies don't fight back, and you are unfortunately unlucky enough to have one who does, but even if he hurts you, then you have to keep coming and make him be the one who quits.


Don Juan
Apr 22, 2006
Reaction score
^^ The scuffle was quite contrary to what you infer, I didnt get take a beating. Infact, he had a bleeding nose. I got punched in my stomach(he is short), that too not very hard. The fight had to stop as nearly 20 people wre people us apart.


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
Punch him. Again. Do everything you can to win.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
ok, good then. It is strange that he would keep on with you after you have fought back. Most bullies don't want to fight at all. Just keep making him bleed, and he will figure it out.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
If you want to fight, don't start with pushing or shoving.

Maybe some words so he can't say it's a cheap shot, but don't even give let him know what's going to happen. Get within punching distance, if your reach is longer stand out of his reach. If it's shorter and he has a long reach get in close on him so he has less power.

Strike quickly and efficiently, do not miss your first punch as landing this will give you the best advantage physically and mentally. If you want to be really safe about getting it in and hitting an area that will stun him, Give him a punch right to the ear! I know you never heard that before, right after this quickly follow up to the nose.

Tell him "Who the **** did you think you were messing with"

Now at this point you can't lose, you'll look really stupid. Get in close, the closer you are the less power his punches have but since he's shorter protect your chin. Throw in some elbows, and when you see an opening drop in some knees (don't get off-balance), he won't be expecting this.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I'd say talk to the RA dude. Don't think of it as a b*tch move either. Seeing as how you've already fought with the dude and even approached him about it, what else can you do?? Some people are just retarded..... If this David kid talks sh*t 24/7 and acts like a **** to people he probably feels like sh*t about himself for some reason or another.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2009
Reaction score
Why don't you just take the direct route and call him out on his own pitiful **** in front of everyone? He's picking on you because he's insecure about himself and needs to validate himself as a man by giving you ****. Why not just directly address this by telling him how pitiful it is that he has to do that right to his face in front of everyone while they're listening? Then if he wants to fight or escalate keep hammering that he only wants to do so because he's a miserable loser that isn't happy with himself? If he hits you then beat his ****ing ass. He won't pick on you ever again.

Just start thinking alpha male. How should you respond as an alpha male if a beta challenges your ****? You wouldn't take it and you'd put him in his place fast and/or hard. Either with words or with your fists, but for sure in front of everyone. While you're sitting here wondering what to do you're losing your status because you're not dealing with the situation. You should've nipped this **** in the bud when it first started by escalating to a point where he stopped, and doing it right away.