Dating site pickup advice - I need help on this facebook chat


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
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I met this HB8 on a dating site and we have a lot in common. I closed my account (and secretly switched to another site), but I see that she is still online talking to guys even after I added her to facebook.

Here is our texting conversation. Let me know what you guys think I should do next to spike her interest.

Hi, thanks for the add to facebook! It was nice talking to you earlier on PlentyOfFish. I see we went to the same high school and have some mutual friends.

Your Florida pics are great btw! I didn't post pics from my last trip but took a ton of pics, lol. I am planning on going back in May

Have a good day at work tomorrow. Chat soon.

You're welcome! I was in grade 10 then.... interesting. We definitely have a lot more mutual friends. Anyways have to keep this short and get ready for work.

Have a good day at work. My day is just starting. I work shift work and am 1230-830pm today.

That's not too bad ... Is it always that time on Monday's or does it changed ??

It always changes. Next week I'm 1130am-730pm. It's a stepping stone to a 9-5 position with the company though. Right now im on the phones all day with clients. Monday is always the busiest day of the week here.

So what type of work do you do? Is that your sister in your profile pic?

That's not too bad then , as long as you enjoy it . Yes that's my sister in my profile pic. I basically buy equipment and materials for my company and do cost control.

That sounds exciting. So what do you usually do when you aren't working or traveling?
Is Florida your favorite place to travel? What are your 5 favorite rides? I want to do SeaWorld next time I am there. I'm impressed you saw a Rays baseball game too. Hope you had a good day at work.

What do I do when i'm not working? hmm... well to be honest. Lately not a lot. Hang out with a friend... or my family. Go to movies. I'm not big on clubs anymore. Yes Florida is probably one of my fav places. Probably because it feels like my second home.

The first time we went me and my BFF meet some guys at a bar in downtown Disney. Anyways we hung out with them a lot and we wanted something different to do so they took us to a Rays game. I have to admit, I'm not a baseball fan, but it was for the experience.

I try to stay as busy as possible but I don't have the most exciting life, lol. Right now I'm doing a course for work to help my career. The exam is in early May and I haven't done much study yet but am sure I will do fine.

Other than that I play indoor soccer and hockey with the guys from work. I try to stay healthy by going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week but have been kind of lazy lately.

I have a fairly small group of close friends. Once or twice a month I will go to my friends house for a few drinks. Him and his wife rent and usually have small parties. I'm not into clubs anymore either.

I'm also in the market for a house or condo to move out of my parents. I'd definitely like to get a place of my own soon.

Downtown Disney was a lot of fun! I went with my ex-gf and ate at House of Blues that night. I'd like to do the hot air balloon ride next time I am there though.

Im a baseball fan. It can definitely be boring to watch on tv sometimes but is much better in person. Sorry for the length of that message, lol.


So would you like to meet up for a drink some night next week? I'm good anytime after 8pm either Mon/Tues/Wed. How about that local Italian Place? Just an idea, lol


I'll have to get back to you on that. Definitely can't Tuesday or Wednesday .

I should get some sleep I'm dropping

So, almighty DJ's, how do I procede with this HB8. I am currently dating a 6 but definitely want to upgrade to this chick. Since she is still adding guys to her facebook from that dating website, and because of her not texting me for 2 days I can sense a little bit of low interest. She is obviously keeping her options by being on that dating site and adding a new guys almost everyday.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Damn. Too much talking. Should have set up a date, and talk all of that on your first date. Etc.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 29, 2011
Reaction score
I try to stay as busy as possible but I don't have the most exciting life, lol. Right now I'm doing a course for work to help my career. The exam is in early May and I haven't done much study yet but am sure I will do fine.

Other than that I play indoor soccer and hockey with the guys from work. I try to stay healthy by going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week but have been kind of lazy lately.

I have a fairly small group of close friends. Once or twice a month I will go to my friends house for a few drinks. Him and his wife rent and usually have small parties. I'm not into clubs anymore either.

I'm also in the market for a house or condo to move out of my parents. I'd definitely like to get a place of my own soon.

Downtown Disney was a lot of fun! I went with my ex-gf and ate at House of Blues that night. I'd like to do the hot air balloon ride next time I am there though.

Im a baseball fan. It can definitely be boring to watch on tv sometimes but is much better in person. Sorry for the length of that message, lol.
Ask yourself: Self, does the above sound like someone I would want to date?

You sound almost sad, pathetic even. Certainly not exciting. Is this really you? Why are you writing like this?

You are selling yourself short, and for some reason minimizing yourself and being very submissive to her. WHY?

You don't have to be a braggo jerk, but do show some confidence and that you are fun and exciting. That everything you do is exciting because you do it.

Delete: "have been kind of lazy lately" "I haven't done much study yet" "Sorry for the length of that message, lol." Etc.

I see it all the time on this forum, people explain how lame they are, and then top it off by adding LOL to their explanation. It's so amazingly weak.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Central Time Zone
Johnnyventana said:
Ask yourself: Self, does the above sound like someone I would want to date?

You sound almost sad, pathetic even. Certainly not exciting. Is this really you? Why are you writing like this?

You are selling yourself short, and for some reason minimizing yourself and being very submissive to her. WHY?

You don't have to be a braggo jerk, but do show some confidence and that you are fun and exciting. That everything you do is exciting because you do it.

Delete: "have been kind of lazy lately" "I haven't done much study yet" "Sorry for the length of that message, lol." Etc.

I see it all the time on this forum, people explain how lame they are, and then top it off by adding LOL to their explanation. It's so amazingly weak.
That's your answer.

Let me add, women aren't going to delete their plentyoffish just because you add them to Facebook. If anything, Facebook will kill you're game unless your profile is ultra sound. If they detect one little thing about your profile and deem you to be: inferior, unattractive, lower social status, not popular enough, etc, etc.. you're toast.

She didn't seem very interested, anyways. Especially the last message when she devoted an entire paragraph telling you how her and her friend met some dudes at a bar. Remember, the date is the time to sell yourself, not showing you're entire hand on Facebook.

You seem new to online dating. Get comfortable and get acquainted with one of the many POF threads around here before you dive any deeper.