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Dating is rigged against men (just the way it is)


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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I don't exactly think a death rate of less than a tenth of a percent is risking life and limb. Thats a 99.9% chance a woman wont die.
OK. Put it another way. Sh!t a melon out of your @sshole, nurture it for 25 years, and give us a field report.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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Not in 1st world countries for the past 50 years. This is a Boomer answer lol.
I know plenty of women who have had problems with reproduction. This is a naïve, I do a meaningless inconsequential job answer.

Millard Fillmore

Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2023
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Nightclubs definitely take advantage of this concept though and the OP is not wrong. Just about every big nightclub venue will have an instagram account as an advertising tool. They very often will take pictures of a variety of attractive women, those that are customers and those working there, to help lure in men. Men show up hoping they can meet a hottie but by being there they are paying the cover charge and for food and beverage. Another trend I've noticed a lot is many nightclub venues will hire attractive women as bartenders and servers but for their uniform they are in lingerie, etc. Again, this is just to attract men to the establishment to make money.

With all of this out of the way, the male to female ratio at any bar or club is definitely not 1:1 lol. I don't have exact numbers obviously, but from the start the numbers are not in a man's favor. Nightclubs really aren't a great place to meet women due to a variety of factors, this just happens to be one of them.
Maybe so. Nightclubs exist to make money, not to get you laid. Nobody forces anybody to spend their time and money there. Women are everywhere. Nothing is "rigged," it just is the way it is because different entities have different objectives.

The problem isn't them, it's the man for being thirsty and believing the advertising. They put women in beer commercials, too. Nobody ever went broke promising p*ssy.

I know the OP said it wasn't a rant so not flaming him. I guess my point is it's not a fix. If clubs could, they'd fill the place with women. It's just the law of the jungle, men will flock to chicks. Like when you see a cute girl at a table with multiple guys. Or dudes liking female social posts en masse.

For my part, I just ignore the noise and soldier on. I'm my own man and don't get sucked into groups or crowds much, even in social settings.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2022
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Men should work 90% on self improvement and 10% on execution not the other way around.

Self improvement is also about improving your location, your pvssy starved english guy 6 becomes a decent 7 in poland and gets both quantity and quality.

Also women are programmed to like winners as much as we're programmed to like youth and beauty.
Our position in the macroeconomic hierarchy is like viagra to them when it's high enough, generally and relatively.

Whoever says that its a number game got it backward, 90% execution while still in a crappy base wont help.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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So why do men keep attending? Why do men keep creating profiles on online dating sites?

If I felt the game was rigged, I'd pick up my ball and go somewhere else.
Because they don't know of any other way. And for many there isn't another way.

Peace and Quiet

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And you will be able to relax and to live your life in peace and quiet.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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OK. Put it another way. Sh!t a melon out of your @sshole, nurture it for 25 years, and give us a field report.
Yah, because we live in 1723 and contraception doesn't exist. What is your point exactly?


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
Yah, because we live in 1723 and contraception doesn't exist. What is your point exactly?
Sh!t tests and hypergamy arise as a result of women wanting to procreate, not from casual dating. Contraception has little or nothing to do with it. Blimey, there are still some real fckn dumb@sses on here.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
Sh!t tests and hypergamy arise as a result of women wanting to procreate, not from casual dating. Contraception has little or nothing to do with it. Blimey, there are still some real fckn dumb@sses on here.
A kind request: stay away from this board when you're on your period.