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Date lost interest in me after meeting in person


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
disagree, sounds like she is insecure and is trying to demonstrate how desirable she is
Two things can be right. however, in my experience, women who start to talk about other men(especially women whom you just first met i.e. on a date), and get into details about said other men without you asking usually is a sign of low interest and not that she is desirable. But a clear sign of disrespect sometimes it may be a shyt test regardless it shows poor social etiquette.

I see your POV and not saying you're wrong once again depending on the situation you may be right but most women know if they are dealing with a guy, especially a guy they want that shyt isn't going to fly.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
While we can’t vet the identity of posters I do find it strange why a woman with (alleged) supermodel looks married to an (alleged) Tom Brady clone and living an (alleged) Lauren Sanchez lifestyle would choose to post on a seduction forum.

I think we would learn more from a much more average woman even if the poster is genuine. Women with elite looks operate in a completely different universe and have rarely had to work hard for a relationship or to attract a member of the opposite s*x.
Lol you really believe an average woman would give you a different view on relationships? Or attraction? If you've been around enough women you know that's NOT how it works. There are many reasons why I would love to fvck an average woman. Can be something about her that I like that might not be conventionally attractive to YOU.

At the end of the day a woman is just a person , a human being. Today she is average and tomorrow she's top-tier ,just like us men go through life at times.

I believe you meant an unattractive or less than attractive woman. What if I tell you that as long as men love p00sy that even these women get plenty of attention if they want.

I don't understand why it's so hard to imagine a good looking and successfull woman being here. We can't identify you neither but I HOPE you can say you are attractive as well to the opposite sex or at least you're working on it like crazy. Being attractive is part of life...and yet there's way more to life than just that.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
@The Duke @pipeman84

This response here proves everything I and others have been saying about this individual. I honestly get really creeped out reading this, this is NOT normal. When I read this, I honestly imagine someone frantically typing away on their keyboard while experiencing distress and confusion, almost as if this individual's entire existence is at stake lol.

The limitless rotation of these insane stories is crazy enough, such as how her father was friends with a senator lol. In addition to all of this, there is the endless repetition about being a beautiful woman who gets so much attention from men that she has to reject them left and right. This person even went out of his/her way to put up a profile picture of a modeling photo with the word "Proof" stamped over it lol, as if it verifies anything. This nonsense itself offers absolutely NOTHING to the forum at all and @Manure Spherian is totally on the mark with his points he made earlier. What's even crazier is that this freak has been posting using this persona on here for almost an entire decade.

I could continue to say more on here, but I really don't need to, this person should be banned from this forum and should honestly be seeking professional help.
You sound mad bro..

Why are you so concerned about her? And tbh it really depends on your view on life and your experiences whether you even contemplate whether she is real or not.

All this also comes across as extremely close minded and as they would say in my native language;" world- strange". Seems like you don't have any idea about women. Kinda odd on a forum for men by men dedicated to getting women .

Instead of spending energy on all of this you it should be smarter to view her presence as your opportunity to become a better man very soon.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
Hi, I recently went on a date with the a girl I met off a dating app.

We texted for about 3 days before the date and it was honestly the best connection I’ve felt over text, the banter was flowing and we matched each others humour (something I’ve not experienced before).

Fast forward to the date (which was a walk among nature) and the vibe felt completely different. Maybe I was a bit nervous and she said she was ill, but her interest was much less than it was on text I.e. I was asking her all the questions, she barely smiled or asked me any questions. The banter was also massively missing.

After the date she said it went okay but the vibes in person didn’t match the vibe on text.

This has dented my confidence quite a bit as she was extremely attractive, and I’m struggling to understand what I did wrong. Was she not as attracted to me as she thought? Maybe I wasn’t being playful although I did try to crack a few jokes and she never did like on text.

I just would like to know how I can learn from this and not take it personally, because it felt personal the way she lost interest when she saw me. Especially as a similar thing happened (but not as good a connection on text) a month ago.

Ive worked massively on my appearance and confidence in the past couple of years and are starting to get dates with much more attractive girls than I’m used to. Perhaps my old insecurities and lack of confidence are holding me back thinking I don’t deserve a girl like this or something. But the fact I couldn’t match the vibes on text got me wondering as to whether it’s a confidence issue.

thanks a lot.
This happens from time to time. I remember talking to a girl for a month than meeting her in person and it just felt flat so i didnt want to go out with her again. I rejected her because i didnt find her interesting but i am sure it was also a little flat because she wasnt feeling as excited either


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
Reaction score
When you have love and feelings for a woman, you tend to push her away.

Conversely, when you don’t care, she becomes attracted to you.

That’s why many people ask themselves, “Why do I always attract women I don’t like?”

Basically: Frame!

When you like someone and feel that burning desire to give them your life and make them feel good, you lose the frame. On the other hand, when someone is indifferent to you and you treat them as a friend, joking with them, you maintain the frame.

So, "oneitis" refers to people for whom we feel a strong attachment inside, but they cause us to lose our frame. That’s why you attract the girl you can joke with, because you have no romantic feelings for her, and you maintain the frame. This happened so many times in my life I've lost the count.
The day I've met again my oneitis, 10 years after, I had no more feelings for them, and I started to be funny and treath em like friends. Those women then got feelings for me.

This also explains why girls often lose interest once you show them that you love them like a mother.


Feel free to ask if you'd like any further adjustments or clarifications!